
(Sports Network Chutian Metropolis Daily) (Wei Peng's) gas tank valve off before going to sleep forgot, middle of the night for coal fires. Yesterday, a man in their own restaurants, was badly burnt. Lee is Fancheng a restaurant owner, lives in the restaurant every night. Lee's family said last night, Lee finished last after a business deal to go to bed. Early morning hours, he got up the coal stove fire. Just lit stoves, only to hear "Puchi" sound, sparks were flying, the sheets near the ignition. Lee worried that the fire will burn gas cylinders explode, they put a gas tank pipe cut, trying to turn a gas tank away. Unexpectedly, the fire suddenly intensified, he burns. The hospital, Lee's burn area of 50%. The fire was extinguished the fire officers and men to identify, Lee forgotten before going to sleep off a gas tank valve, cut the hose, the leakage of gas led to more fires. Firefighters to remind, if found gas leak, the ventilation window in time, if there are lights and other electrical appliances to open at this time, do not turn the switch off, keep the original state; if phone (including landlines, cell phone) rings, do not answer, to avoid switching power supply, answer the phone, resulting in an instant spark lead to accidents. If on fire, shall immediately surrounding the transfer of fuel and ready a larger cloth, water wet, the cylinder mouth shut, and then close the valve.
原文来自: http://www.nytimes.com/1981/12/26/opinion/escape-valve.html



荆楚网消息 (楚天都市报) (记者魏鹏)睡觉前忘 关煤气罐阀门,半夜换煤引发火灾。昨日,一名男子在自家餐馆中,被严重xx。  李某是樊城区一家餐馆老板,每晚都住在餐馆内。李某的亲属称,前晚,李某 做完{zh1}一笔生意后上床睡觉。清晨时分,他起床为煤炉生火   刚刚点燃煤炉,只听见“扑哧”一声,火花四溅,将 附近的床单引燃。李某担心火会烧到煤气罐,引发爆炸,便将煤气罐的管子剪断,想把煤气罐转走。岂料,火势突然加剧,将他xx。   经医院检查,李某的xx面积达50%。   消防官兵将火扑灭后查明,李某睡觉前忘 关煤气罐阀门,剪断软管后,泄漏的煤气引发了更大的火灾。  消防人员提醒,如发现燃气泄漏,应及时开窗通风,若此时有 电灯等电器开启,千万不要关闭开关,保持原状态;若有电话(包括座机、手机)响起,也不要接听,以免开关电源、接听电话时,产生瞬间火花导致意外事故发生。若已经起火,应立即将周围的可燃物转移,并 准备一块面积较大的布,用水打湿,将 气瓶口封住,再关闭阀门。


  • 郑重声明:资讯 【男子忘关煤气阀门引火灾扑火方式不当严重xx-中国止回阀-搜狐博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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