A subway station transfer passengers asked to solve congestion ...

Subway Ride

Why do channels of complaints, is the design flaws, mismanagement and human factors or passengers? The Transfer Center, is there any possibility of improvement, passengers when they could熬到head? To this end, respectively, reporters interviewed the three Transfer Center station, Shanghai Metro Operation Company and Head of the Department of Transport Management of Tongji University, Professor Xu Ruihua.

People’s Square Station “retrograde”

wait for the end of a comprehensive open

head: It is not deliberately give us trouble < p="">

front-line work in the subway operating company Ma Jue station to go to work every day are most concerned about, or retrograde passengers. This is her work over the past few years the biggest heart.

radio station almost from the beginning to the last train operators left the station more than a dozen hours without stop, light boxes on the channel on the most eye-catching place. Ride at the junction with at least two staff members of persuasion, but they copy shortcut for those determined in terms of passengers, it is futile.

“I also saw online postings in the discussion of the issue of the length of channel. We deliberately did not need to give you trouble, but also for everyone’s safety. “Talking about the work of red tape, Ma station in addition to more worried helpless. Station Attendant Office sent guidance, operating companies also asked the cadres propaganda, but can only advocate, not punishment. Encountered unreasonable passengers not yet had time to extend a hand to stop, swearing劈头盖脑came. Passengers encountered bad temper, is not hard fist thing.

operating companies: the end of the year there is hope

the subject is identified, and the doing so. Shanghai Metro Operation Company, Yin Wei, the executive director of the Office believed that the settlement of the People’s Square transfer “retrograde” the core or “quality” word.

Of course, the root causes of retrograde, or site design issues. People’s Square and Ride is a historical problem. Line No. 1 at the construction funds are limited, only enough to build a station, does not take into account there may be other routes of access. In the 2nd line access after a long time pursued a two-way transfer. But to cope with daily 3-40 of the transfer traffic, and the situation is very serious. In order to alleviate the pressure and chose to take a one-way transfer, long channel from the site on the 1st line on the 2nd line to the downhill, because of the effort to passengers, and ultimately chose to take a clockwise direction. End of the year, the People’s Square transfer hall under construction in the Triangle area will be open, then all problems solved.

Professor: a one-way transfer under current conditions is the best solution

lagging behind in the original design, the specialized research passenger transport Head of the Department of Transport Management of Tongji University, Professor Xu Ruihua believe that a one-way transfer is already under current conditions to resolve 1,2 Line transfer passengers the best way to large.

“tunnel is a fatal defect of passengers need to go a long way to achieve change and the need to accurately estimate the channel sizes, from the network structure point of view, do not advocate the use of. “At first, there is no thoughtful design issues behind the design of several stations have been improved.

Zhongshan Park Station “congestion” to wait for three minutes, the problem is solved

station: congenitally deficient, to rely on later to make up

“design defects” coupled with “human factors”, so that the work of Qin Hua station is not good to do.

Zhongshan Park Station jams, the direct reason for this is that the design of the underestimation of the traffic, now take the stairs can accommodate four or five people in parallel, it has been extended. The end of last year on the 3rd line of the north extension of the 10 stations and make it easier for passengers, has had the staff to maintain order. Most let him or headache during the peak period of two cars pitted at the same time, that scene could be “Cyclones times” to describe.

In order to alleviate the jams, regulators have also not use their brains less. Good morning, 34-way line on the 2nd line for many people, a dedicated staircase upstairs downstairs passengers will be “spared.” But if on the 2nd line is about to stop, to prevent hedge incident, staff will immediately cordon blocked up passengers downstairs. This project is a benefit, but often down passengers abuses. “In fact, car stop, passengers can not see it upstairs. They thought we were unreasonable, if this time may also allow them to go would be more blocking. “While in the elevator lobby of each of the 4 additional industrial ventilation fan to cool down, but so many passengers at the same time carbon dioxide emissions, is simply a drop in the bucket.

the so-called human factor, it is “crowded” after a panic. Qin station as a “rush” of passengers who had an account balance, if we can wait three minutes, even worse one train for the trip would not have significant impact, but tensions have eased access to important.

operating companies: We just want to “property”

2,3,4 line of Zhongshan Park Station is a new problem. Three-lane change caused by human flow is reality, is currently being studied solutions. Operating companies like the “property” can only be responsible for day-to-day operations, pre-design there is nothing we can now only think of ways to improve.

Professor: 2 hours, however the peak

Zhongshan Park is used to change the concept of up and down style. Change in the design of channels, they often need an integrated geographical conditions, line and direction of three factors. In all three areas identified under the conditions, according to the size of traffic to determine access to and size, but do when planning the size of traffic is generally impossible for the Special accurate predictions. Original design should have been a reasonable calculation, but because plans can not keep up with changes, so from an objective point of view, the current standard of China’s construction of the stations, or low.

but the peak day 23 hours, however, for the high cost of underground construction, the need for a comprehensive account of the cost issue, the station made too much time in more types of waste of resources. Therefore, in the case of small stations in order to resolve the congestion problem, or whether they need through the operating companies to optimize transport organization,岔开vehicle stop time to adjust.

Shanghai Railway Station “mess” from the birth of the old problem of里带out

station: a problem, explained the 7 years

“I am not too hard, we are at the frontline of the attendants at least a day to cope with hundreds of passengers on the outbound transfer of inquiry! “9:00 p.m. End station just visited Zhang Yao Jie transfer station heard the problem and immediately began to service their鸣冤.

1,3 Line Railway Station in the need for outbound interchange. This fact, the station on the 6th day of exports of staff to spend more than half the working hours in front of hundreds of people to explain, but has been going on for 7 years. The vast majority of cases in which it is the passengers alighted from the vehicle and found themselves in the need to introduce further outbound after booking I do not know what to find advice or complaints have been deceived attendants.

“In fact, we have done very marked apparent. Some passengers take it for granted that change is a vote of Qualcomm did not look carefully. “Zhang Yao Jie encounter in their work the most extreme circumstances that passengers directly from the gates I jumped out, and then jumped into another line of gates, the realization of the artificial” a vote of Qualcomm. ” No enforcement power of the staff would like to put an end to this dangerous behavior, often despite their good intentions, because they can not be physical contact with passengers.

since assumed the role of social access, the installation of the underground passage, even with advanced air-conditioning system, or no way to completely clear channel’s stench. Some people stay a long time, and even sleep in the direct channel where. Went to the management staff had left foreleg, was forced people溜回place on the rear foot. Difficult “guerrilla warfare” is also often feel unable to staff.

operating companies: a “natural barrier” insurmountable

If we say that the People’s Square Station transfer solved by the end, Zhongshan Park Station is working, the transfer station channel is thorough “no hope” of. 1,3 line of separation between the North and the South Railway Station Square, the Shanghai Railway Station, so cross the track in the middle, so the MTR change channels at the same time assume the role of social access. Objectively speaking, people need to use this channel. Site attendants also have the right to prohibit the use of this channel, which is currently operating companies face a major problem.

Professor: Subway Ride, will always have regrets

Shanghai Station outbound transfer the problem difficult to resolve. The design of rail transit network should stand point of view, this is the crux of the Shanghai Station. Subway transport in Paris and other developed areas, more common is the “door-to-door” type of change, but such a transfer or has its limitations. Only one direction that is easy to achieve. Another direction of change, or whether they need to resolve, through up and down stairs. Therefore, even if Shanghai is now appears to be the best, “Century Boulevard Station” Xujiahui Station or transfer, such as a few lines opened after all, will still be unsatisfactory place. Because the subway is always change and could only meet the needs of most people.

地铁站转机乘客要求解决的挤塞情况?忍!等等!变了! 地铁换乘







“我也看到网上张贴在讨论这个问题的时间长短通道。我们故意没有必要给你麻烦,而且还为每个人的安全。 ”谈工作的繁文缛节,马站除了更担心束手无策。车站办公室发出的指导下,运营公司还要求干部的宣传,但只能倡导,而不是惩罚。遇到不合理的乘客没有时间伸出援助之手停止,宣誓劈头盖脑来了。乘客遇到坏脾气,不难拳头的事情。



当然,根源逆行,或网站设计的问题。人民广场换乘是一个历史问题。 1号线的建设资金是有限的,不仅可以建立一个站,没有考虑到可能有其他途径获得。在第二线接入后很长一段时间实行双向传输。但是,以应付每日3-40转让交通,形势非常严重。为了减轻压力和选择采取一种单向转移,长期频道从该网站上的{dy}行的第二线,下坡,由于乘客的努力,并最终选择了以顺时针方向。今年年底,人民广场转让大厅正在建设中的三角地区将开放,那么所有问题的解决。



“隧道是一种致命的缺陷的乘客需要很长的路去实现的变化和需要准确地估计通道大小,从网络结构的角度来看,不提倡使用。 ”起初,没有深思熟虑的设计问题的设计,后面几个车站已得到改善。



“设计缺陷” ,加上与“人的因素” ,使工作秦乎啊站是不好的事情。

中山公园站拥堵,直接原因是,设计中的低估了交通,现在就在楼梯可容纳四,五人并行,它已延长。去年年底的第三线北延伸, 10站,方便乘客,有工作人员维持秩序。最让他或xx高峰时期的两部赛车进站在同一时间,这场景可能是“旋风时代”来形容。

为了缓解拥堵,监管机构还没有使用他们的大脑较少。早上好, 34条路线上的第二线对于很多人来说,一个专门的楼梯上楼下楼的乘客将“不遗余力” 。但是,如果在第二线即将停止,以防止对冲事件中,工作人员将立即封锁阻止乘客楼下。这个项目是一个好处,但往往落乘客的行为。他说: “事实上,汽车停,乘客无法看到它上楼。他们以为我们是不合理的,如果这个时候还可以让他们将更多的阻碍。 ”虽然在电梯口的每个额外的4到工业通风机冷静下来,但如此多的乘客,同时二氧化碳的排放量,只是杯水车薪。




教授: 2小时,但高峰





“我不是太硬,我们在前线的人员至少有{yt},以应付数百名乘客外转移的调查! “下午9时00分端站刚刚访问张尧其厄转运站听到这个问题,并立即开始提供服务的鸣冤。


“事实上,我们已经做了非常显着明显。一些乘客认为理所当然的变化是一个xx的高通并没有仔细研究。 ”张尧其谔在其工作中遇到的最极端的情况下,乘客直接从盖茨本人跳出来,然后跳进另一行盖茨,实现人工“通票。 ”没有执法权力的工作人员要制止这种危险行为,而且常常不顾自己的良好意愿,因为它们不能被身体接触乘客。

承担起的作用,社会访问,安装了地下通道,即使有先进的空调系统,或没有办法xxClear Channel的臭味。有些人停留了很长时间,甚至在睡眠的直接渠道。到管理人员已离开前肢,被迫人民溜回上发生后脚。艰难“游击战”也常常感到无法工作人员。


如果我们说,人民广场站转让解决年底,中山公园站的工作,转运站渠道是彻底的“没有希望”的。 1,3之间的隔离线和北方铁路南站广场,铁路上海站,所以两岸的轨道在中间,所以地铁改变渠道的同时承担社会中的作用获得。客观地讲,人们需要利用这一渠道。网站管理员也有权禁止使用这一通道,这是目前企业面临的一个重大问题。


上海站外转移的问题难以解决。设计中的轨道交通线网应该站在的角度来看,这是症结所在上海站。在巴黎的地铁运输和其他发达地区,更常见的是“门到门”式的变化,但这种转让或有其局限性。只适用于一个方向,很容易实现。另一个方向的变化,还是需要解决,通过上下楼梯。因此,即使是现在看来上海是{zh0}的, “世纪大道站”徐家汇站或转让,如几行开放毕竟,将仍然不能令人满意的地方。由于地铁是随时更改,只能满足大多数人。

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