3人相约集体xx2人身亡- yihuanbengfa - yihuanbengfa - 和讯博客
3人相约集体xx 2人身亡 [转贴 2010-05-11 13:19:44]   

原文:3 similar mass suicide 2 killed
May 4, at 10 am, Taizhou City District Jia-zhi big turntable center lawn garden, sat three young men. Circular Drive on traffic noise, no one noticed, the air filled with the breath of death. It is together that they often talk of the place. However, this time, Li Xin brought from home a bag of special things, three similar dose, with no hesitation. Plastic bottle of water is received from the public toilets near to the water. Spread in the body in pain, drug attack. A Friends of the pain intolerable, called the 120 emergency phone. 23:16, first aid doctors rushed to the scene, two people have been in a coma, stood around a large plastic bag, which is a white crystalline material, about 500 grams of plastic bags labeled "sodium nitrite" (sodium nitrite is a food additive, mainly for preserving meat foods. in food by adding a small amount of sodium nitrite as a preservative and add color agent, not only preservation, but also to the brightly-colored flesh. But sodium nitrite is a potential carcinogenic substances, excessive or long-term consumption of the human body will cause harm or even cause cancer.) "This clearly is to commit suicide ah." Taizhou Chinese medicine hospital admissions, said Dr Yao Huifang, Chen, dilated pupils, heart had stopped, Xin Li was sent to hospital is invalid, died early the next day. A Friends of the only medication the least out of danger. A Friends of the Taizhou Municipal Hospital, then transferred to treatment. The next day the body better, I heard that hospital charges to pay 3,000 yuan, his family for his handling of the discharge procedures.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

3 similar mass suicide 2 killed ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及活塞式缓闭止回阀,水封截止阀,铜角式截止阀,橡胶瓣止回阀,静音止回阀,欢迎您的选购。)


3人相约集体xx 2人身亡
5月4日晚10点多,台州市椒江区葭?大转盘中心花园的草坪上,坐着3个年轻人。 环形车道上车流喧闹,没有人觉察,空气中弥漫着死亡的气息。 这是他们常聚在一起谈心的地方。不过,这一次,李鑫从家里带来了一袋特别的东西,三人相约服下,没有一点犹豫。 水是用塑料瓶从附近公厕接来的自来水。 痛苦在躯体中蔓延,药性发作了。阿友疼痛难耐,拨通了120急救电话。 晚上11点16分,急救医生赶到现场,2人已经昏迷了,身边放着一个大塑料袋,里面是白色结晶物,约500克,塑料袋上标着“亚硝酸钠”(亚硝酸钠是一种食品添加剂,主要用于腌制肉食类食品。在食品中加入少量亚硝酸钠作为防腐剂和增色剂,不但能防腐,还能使肉的色泽鲜艳。但亚硝酸钠是一种潜在的致癌物质,过量或长期食用对人的身体会造成危害,甚至会致癌。) “这分明就是寻死啊。”台州市中医院接诊医生姚惠芳说,陈建瞳孔散大,心跳已停止,李鑫被送医院抢救无效,次日凌晨死亡。只有服药最少的阿友脱离了生命危险。 阿友随后被转到台州市立医院救治。第二天身体好转,听说要交3000元住院费,家人为他办理了出院手续。

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