供暖期市民遇到的尴尬- kaidabengye - kaidabengye - 和讯博客
供暖期市民遇到的尴尬 [转贴 2010-05-11 10:48:54]   

原文:The public face of the embarrassment of heating
Zhangjiakou City, 5 months each year heating period, heat per square meter per month charge is 5.91 yuan, if you use an area of 100 meters of the user, the annual heating costs to nearly 3,000. Although the money is to be affordable, but some people are not at home because of year-round, paid people to think that extra spending, the disaffected; do not pay the people may affect the entire district heating. Moreover, there are many of each heating period the contradictions. Sometimes people are home heating hot, but not through the valve regulating the temperature, heat had to open the windows; some two homes, some rooms simply do not need heating, but can not turn off the heating pipes; some poor families reduce costs, only want to give one or two room heating, but they can not be met. Because the central heating can not be charged according to the actual use of the heat, not only caused a great
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

The public face of the embarrassment of heating ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及不锈钢法兰电磁阀,两口两位直动式电磁阀,锻钢加长端闸,ZCF塑料王电磁阀,ZQDF-A通用电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)


张家口市每年有5个月的供暖期,每个月每平米供热收费是5.91元,如果使用面积达到100名米的用户,每年的供暖费就将近3000元。虽说这笔钱是必须负担的,但是有一部分人因常年不在家,交的人觉得是多余支出,心存不满;不交的人又可能影响到整个小区的供暖。 不仅如此,每一个供暖期都有很多的矛盾。有时市民感到家中暖气过烫,但无法通过阀门调节温度,不得不打开窗户散热;有的两口之家,某些房间根本没必要供暖,却又无法关掉暖气管道;有的贫困家庭为减少费用,只希望给一两个房间供暖,却不可能得到满足。因为集中供暖不能按实际使用的热量收费,不仅造成了很大的资源浪费,还导致了供暖企业与用户之间的诸多矛盾。

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