新一代防尘透气阀问世- qidongfamen - qidongfamen - 和讯博客
新一代防尘透气阀问世 [转贴 2010-05-11 15:13:51]   

近日,记者从深圳市维西科技有限公司获悉,维西科技公司与高校合作,选用国际xxxx的原材料研发生产出国内新一代防尘透气阀,质量达到国外同类产品水平,但售价仅是国外同类产品的一半。 据介绍,维西科技公司研制的防水防尘透气阀,采用高分子材料ePTFE微孔膨体聚四氟乙烯薄膜,这是一种能呼吸、透气的过滤薄膜??它允许气体透过,而同时对水、油、灰尘及其他污染物提供可靠的长期阻拦。对于暴露在室外环境中的设备和产品,防水防尘透气阀可以提供有效的防尘、防水屏障,在极端环境下使用寿命长且无故障免维护,能让设备有着更好的散热功效。 该产品质量现达到国外同类产品的标准,且价格只有国外同类产品的一半。目前,维西科技的防水防尘透气阀已批量生产,装配设计等相关专利正在申请中。

“ Advent of a new generation of dust ventilation valve”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

Recently, reporters from Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Weixi learned Weixi technology co-operation between universities and companies, selected international brands of domestic raw materials research and development to produce a new generation of dust ventilation valve, quality reaches the level of similar foreign products, but the price is half of similar products abroad. According to reports, Weixi Technologies developed waterproof breathable dust valve, using microporous expanded polytetrafluoroethylene ePTFE polymer film, which is a able to breath, breathable membrane filter - it allows the gas through, but Meanwhile, water, oil, dust and other contaminants to provide a reliable long-term block. Exposed to outdoor environment for the equipment and products, waterproof breathable dust valve can provide effective protection against dust, water barriers, long service life in extreme environments and trouble-free maintenance, allowing equipment with better cooling effect. The product quality is to achieve the standards of similar foreign products, and the price is only half of similar products abroad. Currently, breathable waterproof and dustproof Weixi valve technology has been mass production, assembly design and other related patents pending.

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