Baron Fuente Grand Cru香槟@节日病_葡萄酒那点事_新浪博客





与其说怀念儿童节,不如说怀念儿童节时大黄在公司开的那一瓶香槟,那一瓶纪念逝去年华的Baron Fuente Grand Cru Champagne。

 何谓香槟?简言之,就是产自于香槟地区的起泡酒,the sparkling wine from Champagne!也就是说只有生产于那个传说中叫香槟的地方的起泡酒才能叫香槟,说起来有点绕口,但是却是法国佬对原产地和原产地产品保护的一个手段,道理上类似武夷岩茶只能产于武夷山。因此,大伙经常在超市货架上看到的便宜的“张裕大香槟”在理论上也只能叫“张裕大起泡酒”,哈哈!香槟区,champagne,是法国东北部的一个省(法国的行政区划不同于中国),Troyes(特鲁瓦)、Remis(兰斯)这两个商业中心城市都是位于香槟地区。当然,关于香槟酒跟普通起泡酒的区别,回头小生会另立篇章,跟大伙探讨探讨。


再谈谈儿童节的惊喜---Baron Fuente Grand Cru。Baron家族的酿酒历史可以追溯到17世纪,他们很早就在香槟地区的Charly sur Marne就拥有了葡萄园,不过他们当时酿造的香槟可不叫Baron Fuente。1966年,帅小伙Gabriel Baron跟Dolores Fuente喜结良缘,帅小伙他爹老Baron赠送了一公顷(One hectare)葡萄园给这新婚的小两口添添喜气,而当时这一公顷葡萄园产的香槟酒也取用Baron和Fuente这两个姓组合了新名字。不过,在初期,由于产量较少,Baron Fuente香槟也只出售给当地一些私人客户和xx餐厅。

Gabriel Baron和Dolores Fuente在葡萄园

当然,现在的Baron Fuente无论在葡萄园面积、酿酒设备和技术等方面有了很大的拓展和提高,在法国也是名气不小,并紧跟经济全球化脚步开始开拓国际市场。







The Baron family has a long history in wine making which dates back to the 17th century. The vineyards are situated in Charly Sur Marne in the western Champagne vineyard area. 

Charly-sur-Marne is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardie in northern France. Charly was an old fortified city dating from 9th century Burgundy. The old city lies to the north of the Marne. Across the river are the villages of Nogent-l'Artaud and Pavant. The town of Charly is half-way between La Ferté-sous-Jouarre and Château-Thierry, and half-way between Paris and Rheims.

In 1966 Gabriel Baron married Dolores Fuenté. For this very special occasion Gabriel’s father gave the happy couple one hectare of vineyard and Champagne Baron Fuenté was born, which was named as such to commemorate their marriage. In the early beginning the first bottles were marketed directly to private customers and local restaurants.

The following years Baron Fuenté invested heavily in their quality, production and volume. Nowadays Baron Fuenté owns 35 hectares of vineyards and is still devoted to continuous improvement of various aspects of its business:  viticulture which respects the environment and nature, climate controlled storage and temperature controlled vats. Moreover it has managed to become an efficient and flexible organization which is a key asset in the international market.




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