上海香海化妆品公司被责令改革« oursolo.net



与市质监局昨天公布了项目监督抽查结果表明,城市的生产和洗发液(膏)等5类综合素质洗涤用品的销售情况良好,该合格率样本超过九成。在产品,二零七种的211种抽查合格,4种失败,但总的抽样合格率为百分之98.1。其中餐具洗涤剂的30种产品,一方面通过测试的合格29种样品合格率为96.7%。一个因过量甲醛种产品是不合格的。 26种牙膏产品进行测试被认为是合格的有24种产品,抽样合格率为92.3%。两种产品的失败,失败的项目是产品包装上没有标记为“味道实物”所有合资格的检测。六三种卫浴产品,经过测试,合格62,产品抽样合格百分之率98.4种。 1标签不合格产品。七十四种洗发水(霜),18种染发剂产品的检验,全部合格,抽样合格率为100%。

Heung Hoi Shanghai cosmetics companies have been ordered to reform

“Daily Economic News” yesterday from the Shanghai Quality and Technical Supervision was informed that, in the fourth quarter of 2007 hand tableware detergents for Quality Supervision and spot checks, the Shanghai Heung Hoi Cosmetics Sales Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer: Qingpu Haifa synthetic detergent plant ) has been ordered to reform, the main reason for its production of Heung Hoi clean detergent effects of formaldehyde were detected excessive, and not mark the main active ingredient.

It is understood that this project supervision and inspection of products, including shampoo (cream), hair dyes, bath agent, toothpaste and hand wash detergents 5 tableware products, from production, circulation and a total of 211 samples species of shampoo (paste) 74 species, 18 kinds of hair dye, 63 kinds of bath agent, 26 kinds of toothpaste, hand wash dishes with 30 kinds of detergent. Inspection items include tags, appearance, odor, heavy metals, arsenic, microorganisms, such as various types of physical and chemical indicators of hygiene products.

and the city of Quality Supervision Bureau yesterday released the results of project supervision and spot checks show that the city’s manufacturing and sales of shampoo solution (paste), etc. Category 5 overall quality washing supplies in good condition, the passing rate of the sample are more than九成. In spot checks of the 211 kinds of products, 207 kinds of qualified, four kinds of failure, the overall sampling rate of 98.1 percent qualified. Of which 30 kinds of hand dishwashing detergent products have qualified by testing 29 kinds of the sample pass rate of 96.7%. One kinds of products because of excessive formaldehyde was unqualified. 26 kinds of toothpaste products tested were judged to be qualified have 24 kinds of products, the sample pass rate of 92.3%. Two kinds of products that failed, failed projects are the product packaging is not marked “flavor” in kind all eligible Detect. 63 kinds of bath products, after testing 62 kinds of qualified, product sampling rate of 98.4 percent qualified. 1 tag unqualified products. 74 kinds of shampoo (cream), 18 kinds of hair dye products, by the inspection of all qualified, qualified sampling rate was {bfb}. (07-11-28)

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