
全铜三角阀和锌合金三角阀的区别: 1、卫浴五金件里的三角阀材质主要有全铜、不锈钢、氧化铝和锌合金等,全铜材质和锌合金的五金配件表面常镀铬,考虑到卫浴环境的潮湿,卫浴五金在出厂时往往要经过多层电镀抵御腐蚀和氧化处理。全铜五金最贵,锌合金五金件价位适中。 2、区分表面镀铬的全铜或铜锌合金三角阀需要掌握一定的方法:一看,三角阀想常用常新,就先看看镀层好不好。一般来说,表面越光亮细腻,镜面效果越明显,镀层工艺处理得越好;二听,听销售人员的介绍,主要是对镀层的介绍,好的三角阀不仅经历了前期的打磨、抛光、除尘,而且还有多达六七层的镀镍和镀铬的电镀工序,镀层越多,质量就越好;三握,可以用握的方法看材质的好坏,有的商家会用铸铁材质冒充全铜或铜锌合金五金,手握五金件两三秒后松开,雾气和痕迹很快消失的基本可以判定是铜质,如果雾气、痕迹久久不散,材质很有可能非铜。 3、过江龙水暖生产的全铜三角阀主体选用红冲锻压工艺, 经精密机械加工制造,浑然天成,坚固耐用。电镀:采用先进的电镀工艺处理,经过酸铜、镍、铬多重镀层,电镀层结合良好、附着细密、色泽均匀,耐腐蚀性{jj0},确保产品表面光泽亮丽,历久恒新。 产品优势: 1)优质全铜本体,不生锈,不产生锈水; 2)制作精细,产品本体采用精炼黄铜材质锻造而成,排除了传统砂铸的生产可能产生气孔而漏水的隐患。 3)符合无铅标准,对人体无伤害,符合环保概念; 4)多层电镀铬,外表光亮如镜,历久如新,xx褪色; 5)流线型设计,款式新颖时尚。

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Triangle valve copper and zinc alloy valves difference triangle: 1, bathroom hardware in the triangular valve material mainly copper, stainless steel, alumina and zinc alloys, copper zinc alloy material and the surface of ordinary chrome hardware accessories, considering the wet bathroom environment, bathroom frequently at the factory to go through a multi-plating to resist corrosion and oxidation. The most expensive copper metal, zinc alloy hardware prices moderate. 2 to distinguish the surface of chrome-plated copper or zinc alloy valve need to have a certain triangle method: a look, often used triangular valve like new, good or bad to look at the coating. In general, the more light delicate surface, mirror effect, the more obvious the better coating Process; 2, listen to sales personnel, and the coating is mainly an introduction not only experienced the good triangle early valve grinding, polishing, dust, but also as many as six and seven of nickel chrome plating process, coating the more quality the better; three grip, can hold good or bad way of viewing the material, some businesses will be posing with cast iron copper or zinc alloy metal, hand hardware 23 seconds after the release, fog and disappear quickly trace the basic copper can be determined is if the fog, lingering traces, probably non-copper material. 3 Martial Law plumbing copper production valve of the main choice of red triangle red Forging process, through precision machinery manufacturing, natural, durable. Plating: The plating process uses advanced processing, through acid copper, nickel, chromium multiple coatings, plating layer with good, dense adhesion, color uniformity, excellent corrosion resistance, to ensure that the product surface gloss bright, even the new constant. Advantages: 1) high-quality copper body, no rust, rust does not produce water; 2) the production of fine, the product of refining brass body forged material, excluding the production of the traditional sand casting porosity and leakage may have hidden dangers. 3) meet the lead-free standards, the human body without injury, consistent with environmental protection; 4) multi-layer plating chrome, looks bright as a mirror, look as new, never fade; 5) Streamline design, fashionable and stylish.

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