上去无解啊The problem appears to be usolvable.
我们可以用电脑模拟计算Maybe we could ru some computer simulatios.
变量太多 运行时间会很长There are too may variables. It would take forever.
我们肯定漏掉了什么We've got to be missig somethig.
重来一遍Let's start agai.
电影这里是七点二十上映 这里是七点四十The movie is playig here at :, here at :,
这里是八点十分 这里八点四十五here at : ad here at :.
这几个电影院得排除在外These theaters have to be elimiated.
为什么 那里有{zxj}的数码影像技术Why? They're state-of-the-art digital projectio,
道环绕立体声-chael surroud soud.
没错 可是那里没有刨冰机Yes, but they have o Icee machies.
还xx不理睬我那么多封投诉信Despite my aggressive letter-writig campaig,
错上加错I might add.
这个影城怎么样What about the multiplex here?
座椅舒适极了The seats are terrific.
它们只有Twizzlers没有Red Vies [糖果品牌]They have Twizzlers istead of Red Vies.
无论多好的腰椎支撑都是无法弥补的o amout of lumbar support ca compesate for that.
至少要一个小时吃饭Well, it's goa take at least a hour to eat,
在谢尔顿认证的电影院周边ad I do't see a Sheldo-approved restaurat
根本没有谢尔顿认证的餐厅proximate to a Sheldo-approved theater.
我们可以看完电影再吃晚饭We could eat after the movie.
吃饭太晚会造成The delay would result
明天早晨的大肠蠕动出现在工作时间i tomorrow morig's bowel movemet occurrig at work.
等下 这里有个-便利店Hag o, hag o. There's a -Eleve here.
我们可以偷偷把Slurpees[-出的冷饮]带进去 就当刨冰了We smuggle Slurpies, which are essetially Icees,
藏大衣底下就行了i uder our coats,
这样我们就可以从容地先在这里 这里 或者这里吃饭了after havig a pleasat meal either here, here or here.
咱们刚才怎么就没想到呢Wow. I do't see how we missed that.
不好意思 Slurpees哪里算得上刨冰呢Excuse me, i what uiverse are Slurpies Icees?
所以我们刚才没想到That's how we missed it.
谢尔顿 在此紧要关头 虽说没有先例吧Sheldo, would you be prepared, o a o-precedetial basis,
您能不能临时认同一下Slurpees等于刨冰to create a emergecy ad hoc Slurpie-Icee equivalecy?
莱纳德 你明白我做不到的Oh, Leoard, you kow I ca't do that.
好吧 我看我们只有一个选择了Okay, I guess we oly have oe optio.
是啊 别无它法Yep, I do't see ay way aroud it.
再见 谢尔顿 拜拜了Bye, Sheldo. See ya.
好好看家Stay loose.
他们没有错 这是{wy}的选择They're right, it was the oly optio.
[手拿Red Vies的糖糖]
快关门 快关门Ooh, ooh, shut the door, shut the door.
-咋了 -关就是了- Why? - Just do it!
先进来再关门Get iside ad shut the door
你又没有说清楚Well, you did't specify.
莱纳德在么Is Leoard aroud?
他去看电影了不带我He wet to the movies without me.
这是{wy}的选择It was the oly optio.
不好意思 我不知道这是哪种社交情况啊I'm sorry, I do't uderstad which social situatio this is.
您能给我点指引么Could you give me some guidace as to how to proceed?
楼管就在楼下呢The buildig maager's showig a apartmet dowstairs,
我还没有缴房租ad I have't paid my ret.
明白了Oh, I see.
佩妮 让我藏匿洛城房产商的逃犯Pey, I'm ot sure I'm comfortable harborig a fugitive
我有点怕怕from the orth Los Robles Corporatio.
没什么大不了的 就是欠了点房租而已It's o big deal. I'm just a little behid o my bills
因为餐厅缩减了我的工作时间because they cut back my hours at the restaurat
我的车又坏了ad my car broke dow.
你还记得么 几个月以前If you recall, I poited out the "check egie" light
我告诉过你引擎检修灯在闪to you several moths ago.
引擎检修灯还好着呢The "check egie" light is fie.
现在还闪呢It's still blikig away.
是那个可恶的引擎罢工了It's the stupid egie that stopped workig.
修车花了我将近It cost me like
一千二百刀$, to fix it.
依我看 你的所有问题You kow, it occurs to me you could solve all your problems
都可以通过多挣点钱来解决by obtaiig more moey.
是啊 我看也是Yes, it occurs to me, too.
等我一下Hag o a momet.
来吧 拿一些Here. Take some.
等你有钱了再还我Pay me back whe you ca.
你这儿有很多钱啊Wow, you got a lot of moey i there.
所以我才派蛇守卫That's why it's guarded by sakes.
拿一些吧Take some.
别傻了Do't be silly.
我从来都不傻I'm ever silly.
我不能要o, I ca't.
你不是需要钱么Do't you eed moey?
-是啊 可是 -我用不到这些钱- Well, yeah, but... - This is moey I'm ot usig.
你要用钱怎么办But what if you eed it?
我的日常开支占我税后收入的.%My expeses accout for .% of my after-tax icome.
其余的部分分别藏在银行帐户里The rest is divvied up betwee a small savigs accout,
这个隐蔽的花生糖的罐子里this deceptive cotaier of peaut brittle
还有超级英雄人偶的空心屁屁里ad the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero actio figure
他不得已才隐姓埋名得以终日who shall remai ameless for his ow protectio.
或者是女她Or her ow protectio.
拿一些吧Take some.
真的么 你肯定么Really? I mea, are you sure?
我最近没有什么大的开销I see o large upcomig expeditures
除非他们发明了新的科技uless they develop a affordable techology
能将我的骨骼铸成金刚狼一样的合金to fuse my skeleto with adamatium like Wolverie.
他们在研究这个么Are they workig o that?
我衷心希望I sicerely hope so.
谢谢你Well, thak you.
不行 谢尔顿 亲爱的Oh, o, I ca't. Sheldo hoey,
我不希望你我之间I do't wat thigs
变得怪怪的to be weird betwee us.
如果我每天早晨上班之前Wo't it also be weird if I have to say hello to you
都要和你问早安every morig o my way to work
可是你却住在冰箱盒子里ad you're livig i a refrigerator box
用雨水洗头 不是也很奇怪么ad washig your hair with rai water?
等我有钱了就还你I'll pay you back as soo as I ca.
那是肯定的Of course you will.
没钱你也还不了It's impossible to pay me back sooer tha you ca.
我假设你遵循前因后果Assumig you subscribe
与时间的线性关系to a liear uderstadig of time ad causality.
我已经开始后悔了I'm regrettig this already.
我反复考虑过了You kow, I've give the matter some thought,
我宁可自己是一只家养宠物ad I thik I'd be willig to be a house pet
也不愿意成为高智能的外星人to a race of super-itelliget alies.
问我为什么Ask me why.
一定要问么Do I have to?
当然Of course.
这样对话才能进展下去That's how you move a coversatio forward.
这样学习的机会The learig opportuities
会比较充裕would be abudat.
并且 我喜欢被人抓抓肚皮Additioally, I like havig my belly scratched.
佩妮 上班还好么Hey, Pey. How was work?
我希望我能I hope I'm a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory
做一辈子奶酪店的服务员for my whole life.
这是讽刺么?Was that sarcasm?
那这句呢?Was that sarcasm?
-那这句 -闭嘴吧Was that sar-- Stop it!
佩妮 这有个你的包裹Pey, you appear to have a package here.
谢谢Oh, thaks.
肯定是我订的贝雷帽This must be the beret I ordered.
都是几个月前的事了 是以前订的A couple of moths ago. It was back-ordered.
你知道么 贝雷帽Did you kow the beret is a example
是女性时尚参考男性军服of a piece of wome's fashio
很好的例子adapted from male military uiforms?
另一个迷人的例子是肩饰Aother fasciatig example is the epaulet.
他没说谎He's ot lyig.
他真的很喜欢肩饰He does fid that fasciatig.
无所谓了Okay, whatever.
我并没有为了一个贝雷帽It's ot like I'm ruig up ad dow the streets
在街上逛来逛去just buyig myself berets.
我订了一个 一个月前I bought oe, like, a moth ago,
那是之前订的ad it was back-ordered.
-现在终于寄到了 有问题么? -没有Look, it fially arrived, all right? All right.
我的天 你能不能别那么多事Oh, my God, would you just get off my case?!
太好了 原来这不是正常的对话模式Oh, good, that was a uusual iteractio.
我本来还不确定I was't sure.
你们之前吵过架?Did you guys have a argumet?
你肯定干什么事惹着她来着Well, you clearly did somethig to aggravate her.
我没概念了I'm at a loss.
高兴地话 你可以去查查我的社交日志If you like, you ca review my daily log of social iteractios
看看有没有我没注意到的失误ad see if there's a bluder I overlooked.
你的这份Here you go.
对 你还多欠我两块Oh, you owe me aother two dollars.
木须肉涨价了The price of moo shu pork wet up.
当个"可恶的犹太人"真是越来越难了It's gettig tougher ad tougher to be a bad Jew.
佩妮 你的龙虾酱炒虾Here you go, Pey. Shrimp with lobster sauce.
谢谢 莱纳德 我该给多少Thak you, Leoard. What's my share?
没事 我请你Do't worry about it. It's my treat.
不 多少钱?o, really, how much?
差不多块块吧It's... whatever. $, $.
到底是块还是块?Well, which is it, $ or $?
块 真没多少$.. But it's o biggie.
下次你请就好了You'll get the ext oe.
他在猜如果He was just woderig if he wore
他穿紧身上衣和牛仔裤的话skitight jeas ad a tak top
是不是也能免费吃到鲜虾捞面了if he'd get his shrimp lo mei for free.
你什么意思What are you sayig?
我用我的身体来让别人请客?That I'm usig my body to get dier?
我是骗中餐小姐That I'm some kid of Chiese food prostitute?
对 拉杰 你什么意思Yeah, Raj, what are you sayig?
告诉你吧 哥们'Cause let me tell you somethig, buddy.
我靠自己的钱过活 明白?I pay my ow way i this world, okay?
我不需要靠别人I do't rely o aybody!
这又怎么了?What was that about?
当他感受到压力的时候就尿急He has a ervous bladder whe he's stressed out.
像小狗似的Kid of like a puppy.
莱纳德 拿着 , , ... 块Here, Leoard-- $, $, $... $.
是块 算了It was $., but it's okay.
太好了 饭(双关:正餐)来了Oh, good. Dier's here.
没错 正餐来了Yes, dier's here, ad I'm havig some.
而我只能吃外卖I'm havig takeout food.
-好吧 -说得太他妈对了Okay. You're dam right it's okay.
我在饭店吃了四天的残羹剩饭I've bee havig leftovers at the restaurat for like four days,
今天我想换个花样 去告我啊ad I wated somethig differet. So sue me.
请原谅 佩妮Forgive me, Pey, but that would be
那是诉讼挑唆的意思the very defiitio of a frivolous lawsuit.
谢尔顿 我有了钱马上还你Sheldo, look, I will pay you back as soo as I ca.
只是要宽限我几天You just have to give me more time.
等等 你借她钱来着Oh, wait, you let her moey?
她需要钱She eeded moey.
你看上去很有压力You seem uder pressure.
我借给你的够么Did I ot led you a sufficiet amout?
你可以再来点Because I ca give you more.
你很喜欢这样不是么Oh, you kow, you would just love that, would't you?
打开你的小蛇把守的罐子Yeah. You would just love to ope up your little sake ca
然后把钱施舍给那些付不了帐单的姑娘ad throw some moey at the girl who ca't pay her bills.
你去哪Where are you goig?
回家Goig home,
在那我不用像个犯人似的被审问where I wo't be iterrogated like a crimial.
我忘了幸运饼干了I forgot my fortue cookie.
以防你们谁有贼心I case either of you have larcey i your heart,
提醒一下 我已经把钱从小蛇罐子挪走了you should kow that I've moved my moey out of the sake ca.
但如果真缺钱的话But if you're ever short,
在绿灯侠的屁股里总能找到块there's always a couple of s i Gree Later's ass.
温馨的烛光哈A little mood lightig, huh?
因为没付帐单Whe I did't pay my bill,
水电局认为the Departmet of Water ad Power thought
我会享受这样的气氛I would ejoy the ambiece.
这样看来他们还挺周到的Yeah, they're very cosiderate that way.
我用谢尔顿的钱付了房租I used Sheldo's moey to pay my ret.
然后只剩块The I had like $ left over.
块?$, huh?
放回你的口袋里Put it back i your pocket,
要不然我会找个其他的地方搁or I'll fid some other place to put it.
已经放回去了Back i the pocket it goes.
要知道 谢尔顿真不在乎Look, you do uderstad that Sheldo really does't care
什么时候你还他钱whe he gets the moey back.
事实上It's actually oe
正是像这种为数不多的特点of the few idiosycrasies that does't make you wat to,
才让你对他没有杀意you kow, kill him.
但这并不是{zd0}的问题所在Yeah, well, that's ot really my big problem.
你不就欠了点费吗So you're a little behid o your bills.
谁不欠费啊Everybody gets behid o their bills.
我知道 但这和我的预期差别太大了Yeah, I kow, it's just... this was't the pla.
我没打算变成现在这样的It was't supposed to go this way.
那你原来打算怎么样Well, what was the pla?
当六个月服务员然后成为电影明星Um, waitress for six moths ad the become a movie star.
有没有B计划?Was there a pla B?
电视明星TV star.
可能没你想的那么糟It's probably ot as bad as you thik.
让我们看看Let's take a look.
说不定能找到些能缩减的开支Maybe we ca fid some corers to cut.
这有一些Oh, here's somethig.
如果你家没有电If you do't have electricity,
那你可能也不需要有线网络了the you probably do't eed cable.
只是说说而已Just a suggestio.
价值美金的表演课程?$ dollars for actig classes?
不 我不能放弃我的表演课Oh, o, I ca't give up my actig classes.
我是个专业女演员I'm a professioal actress.
你有能赚钱的表演工作?You've had a actig job where you got paid?
这不是评判"专业"的标准That is ot the defiitio of professioal.
实际上这就是...我们还是继续看吧Actually, it kid of... Let's keep lookig.
哪儿来的洛杉矶高等法院的美金罚款?Whoa, what's $, to the Los Ageles Couty Superior Court?
没什么Oh, that's othig.
貌似你以英里的时速It souds like you got caught speedig
超速驾驶被逮着了goig , miles a hour.
还记得科特吗Well, remember Kurt?
你那个前男友?Your ex-boyfried?
他在警车上小便被抓了He got arrested for takig a whiz o a cop car.
-什么? -他喝醉了-What? -He was druk.
但愿如此I would hope so.
话说他有很多罚款单Ayway, he had a buch of outstadig tickets
还有一堆告票ad a bech warrat,
所以 我帮他付了罚款so I, you kow, I paid his fies.
他把钱还给你了吗Did he pay you back?
没有 不过他会还的o, but he will.
这还建立在他是个天生没信用Ad that's based o the iheret
经常喝醉credit-worthiess of people
还在警车里小便的人渣的基础之上的?who get druk ad uriate o police vehicles?
莱纳德 我不会打电话给科特向他xx的Leoard, I'm ot goa call up Kurt ad ask him for moey.
你准备怎么做?what are you goa do?
我也不知道I do't kow,
不过我可能得去找个便宜点的地方住了but I may have to fid a cheaper place to live.
不...Oh, o...
你不会想这样做的Oh, you do't wat to do that.
为什么不呢?Why ot?
搬家要花很多钱的Movig is a big deal.
你得去超市买那些置物箱You have to go to the supermarket ad get boxes,
那些箱子不干净的话 你的书就会有股甜瓜味ad if they're ot clea, the your books smell like melos,
就像 it's just, like...
你干吗不找个室友搬进来住呢Why do't you just get a roommate ad stay here
你认识什么适合的人不do you kow aybody
我肯定那个跟谢尔顿一起住的人Well, I'm sure the guy livig with Sheldo
决不会介意搬来跟你住的would't mid movig i with you.
莱纳德 亲爱的 如果我们开始一起住的话Oh, Leoard, hoey, if we started livig together,
我会一直都缠着你的I would't be able to keep my hads off you.
你以为我表演课是白上的吗Ad you thought my actig lessos were a waste of moey.
那些木须肉在我的十二指肠里烧穿了个洞This moo shu pork's burig a hole through my duodeum.
利未记(xx)第十一章第三节里说Leviticus ::
"凡蹄分两瓣 倒嚼的走兽"Oly that which parteth the hoof ad cheweth the cud
你们都可以吃"amog the beasts shall ye eat."
你每次吃汉堡王的天椒皇堡的时候Hey, do I mock you with the Bhagavad-Gita every time
我有拿印度圣歌来取笑你吗you scarf dow a Whopper?
你们在干嘛Hey, what's goig o?
我们在玩火之谷冒险游戏We're o a quest through the Valley of Fire
目标是拿到{zz1}王冠to acquire the sacred crow.
你想要火之谷吗You wat the Valley of Fire?
这里就有It's right here.
你们想不想玩真人冒险游戏?Hey, you guys wat to go o a real live quest?
出去玩? 我刚弄了杯可可Outside? I just made cocoa.
来吧 会很好玩的Come o. It'll be fu.
到底是什么游戏?What is it?
你们还记得Do you guys remember
佩妮的前男友科特吗Pey's ex-boyfried Kurt?
对 就是他Yeah, that's him.
原来他欠了佩妮很多钱It turs out he owes Pey a lot of moey,
我想去问他讨回来ad I'm goa go get it from him.
谁想参加Who's with me?
两个六Ooh, double sixes.
你们真的忍心让我一个人去吗Really? You're just goa let me go by myself?
太棒了 我得到了一把剑Oh, cool, I got a sword.
我可能需要点帮助I could use some help.
真难以置信You guys are ubelievable.
你们玩游戏就是为了模拟冒险场景You play a game to simulate adveture,
但真的可以出去冒险的时候but whe there's real adveture out there
你们就都窝囊了i the real world, you just wimp out.
莱纳德 还记得我们上次去找这个男人Leoard, do you ot recall the last time we visited this getlema,
结果回来的时候裤子都没了吗we retured home without pats?
我记得I do.
你确定么 但你提议表明你已经忘记了Are you sure? Because your proposal suggests that you do't.
我不怕他I'm ot afraid of him.
好吧 莱纳德刚才清楚地表明了他的问题All right. Leoard fairly calls the questio:
谁愿意放弃我们的游戏而去面对Who is i favor of abadoig our game ad cofrotig
佩妮那个类固醇xx旺盛的前男友Pey's steroid-ifused ex-boyfried
并以一种xx的方式去向他要钱i a suicidal missio to extract moey from him?
代我们向科特问好Say hi to Kurt for us.
你们说 佛罗多离开夏尔Excuse me. Whe Frodo left the Shire
把魔戒带去莫都的时候to take the oe rig to Mordor,
山姆怀斯 皮平和梅利有没有陪他一起去?did't Samwise, Pippi ad Merry go with him?
-他们去了 -所以-They did. -Well?
他们那时很艰难 莱纳德They had a terrible time of it, Leoard.
再说 没有人剥了他们的裤子Plus, o oe stole their pats.
好吧 好好享受你们的游戏Fie. Ejoy your little game.
我自己去完成这个冒险I'll make this quest o my ow.
莱纳德 等等Leoard, wait.
带件外套去Take a jacket.
外面有点凉飕飕的It's <i>shpritzig</i> a little.
你们都是损友You guys suck.
去吧 求你们了 他太健壮了Come o, please? He's so big.
大家都清楚我们的计划了Okay, is everyoe clear o the pla?
嗯 库萨帕里准备要尿裤子了Yes. Koothrappali's goig to wet himself,
我准备要吐了 谢尔顿准备逃跑了I'm goa throw up, Sheldo's goa ru away,
你准备要死了ad you're goig to die.
我们对一下表吧Shall we sychroize our watches?
伙计们 我们有四个人Guys, there are four of us
他只有一个人ad oe of him.
也就是说他将有更多的战利品Which meas his triumph will be eve larger.
吟游诗人会为他写歌Mistrels will write sogs about him.
这样吧Okay, how about this?
我来跟他谈I'll do the talkig.
你们就站在我后面假装很凶悍You just stad behid me ad try to look formidable.
出门前应该上个厕所的I should've peed before we left.
你好 科特Hi, Kurt.
你是莱尼吗Ley, right?
其实我不喜欢被叫莱尼 不过没关系I do't really go by Ley, but that's okay.
你还记得Um, you remember
谢尔顿 霍华德 和拉杰吗Sheldo, Howard ad Raj.
不记得 你想干嘛o. What do you wat?
他不记得我了He do't remember me?
他怎能不记得我了How could he ot remember me?
谢尔顿 别这样Sheldo, ot ow.
我可记得他I remember him.
事情是这样的 佩妮的经济出现了状况Okay, here it is. Pey's i kid of a fiacial jam,
而你欠她的钱 对于缓解危机ad the moey that you owe her would go a log way
相当有帮助to solvig her problems.
于是她叫你来拿钱Ad she set you to get it from me?
当然不 她是不好意思来取o, o, she's too proud to ask for the moey.
此外 我认为欠债还钱 天经地义I, o the other had, feel you should hoor your debt.
你认为You do?
说"认为" 语气已经较强烈了"Feel" is a kid of a... it's a strog word.
我希望对你来说 这词儿还算是礼貌用语Um, I just thik it would be a ice gesture o your part.
我想什么时候还就什么时候还She'll get it whe she gets it.
你看 问题解决了Well, there you go. Problem solved.
目的达到了A successful quest.
我们快去找个有干净厕所的加油站吧ow let's go fid a gas statio with a clea bathroom.
不 问题还没解决o, the problem is't solved.
他根本没理会我们He just blew us off.
我明白了I've got it.
因为上次见面时 我正穿着万圣节服饰He did't remember me because the last time we met,
所以他没记得我I was i a Hallowee costume.
拜托 莱纳德 我们走吧Come o, Leoard, let's go.
不 你们想走就走吧o. You ca leave if you wat to.
我必须有始有终I'm goa see this through.
其实本来就不该带你们来I guess, techically, that was my fault.
拿不到佩妮的钱 我是不会走的I'm ot leavig here without Pey's moey.
你的后援团去哪了What happeed to your backup?
我可不需要后援团I do't eed backup.
因为正义站在我这边I have right o my side.
而且我长裤里还多穿了条平脚裤Ad I'm wearig cargo shorts uder my pats.
你没有拿到现金You may ot have succeeded i gettig cash,
却打到了正式的欠条but you did secure a formal ackowledgmet of the debt.
或许我们应该把你头拿去公证一下Maybe we should have your head otarized.
不介意的话 我还是想尿尿If aybody cares, I still have to pee
-谢尔顿在吗 -在的 等等-Hey. Is Sheldo here? -Yeah. Hag o.
帽子不错ice hat.
最近流行这款It's kid of a fashioable look these days.
看起来像捕鱼的Maybe if you're workig o a tua boat.
佩妮 你来啦Hello, Pey.
谢尔顿 这是你的钱Sheldo, here is your moey.
非常感谢 帮了大忙了Thak you very much. It helped a lot.
该死 我还是没有摸透其中奥秘Dar. I ca't seem to get the hag of that.
虽然这与我无关Hey, I kow it's oe of my busiess,
但这些钱你从哪来的but where did the moey come from?
就如你说的 我省下一部分开支Well, I cut back my expeses like you said
在餐厅里多加几小时的班ad picked up a few more hours at the restaurat,
但最主要的是 突然间but the biggest thig was, out of the blue,
科特回来了Kurt shows up
还把他欠我的钱还给了我ad gives me the moey he owes me..
真的吗 他有说为什么吗Really? Did he say why?
是的 他说他觉得很惭愧Yes, he said he was feelig guilty
还钱本是天经地义ad wated to do what was right.
就这样That's it?
他没有对其突然良心发现Did he give ay reaso as to why he came
给出任何理由吗to this moral epiphay?
没有 我认为他真的改变了ope. I just thik he's really chaged.
我们明晚要共进晚餐We're havig dier tomorrow ight,
有机会戴新买的贝雷帽了ad I get to wear my ew beret.
再见Bye, guys.
为你骄傲 莱纳德Well doe, Leoard.
幕后英雄从不邀功The true hero does't seek adulatio.
他为了正义和公道而斗争He fights for right ad justice simply
xx是天性使然because it's his ature.
佩妮和她的垃圾前男友又好上了Pey's hookig up with her jerk of a ex-boyfried,
而我的前额却还有擦不掉的墨迹ad I have idelible ik o my forehead!
这可是荣誉徽章That's your badge of hoor
你也可以称其为 战斗的印记your warrior's woud, if you will.
我错了I was wrog.
吟游诗人会为你写首歌的Mistrels will write sogs about you.
*有个勇敢的青年叫莱纳德** There oce was a brave lad amed Leoard *
*背着一个悦耳的小提琴** With a fi-fi fiddle dee-dee *
*面对凶恶的怪兽时** He faced a fearsome giat *
*正巧拉杰想要尿尿** While Raj just wated to pee. *