齐塔人之声以前一篇较有价值的简报(翻译完毕)_nibiruyihuo的空间_ ...


SOHO Says So


There are several satellites looking at the Sun, and taking images in various wave lengths. SOHO, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, is one of them. LASCO, the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph, sometimes known as the SOHO C3 or red image, is one of the wave lengths captured. In addition, there are the two Stereo satellites, taking images of the Sun and what is behind the Sun via their Cor1 and Cor2 wave length captures. The satellite that preceeds the Earth in its orbit is known as the Stereo Ahead satellite, and the satellite that follows the Earth is its orbit is known as the Stereo Behind. Planet X has been showing up on these various images, regularly. The first occurrence was on a LASCO C3 image on December 23, 2007, featured in Issue 56 of this newsletter. There was the Planet X complex, complete with streaming tail.

有几颗卫星在观察太阳,并以各种波长在对太阳拍照。SOHO卫星,即“太阳和日光层观察卫星”就是其中之一。LASCO,即“广角度广频谱日冕观测仪”,有时候也叫“SOHO C3” 或者“红色影像仪”就是使用其中某一波长(捕捉太阳影像的卫星)。除此以外,还有两Stereo卫星在拍摄太阳的影像,并用其Cor1 和Cor2 波长捕捉仪在对太阳的后部拍照。在轨道上围绕地球前面运行的卫星叫Stereo Ahead 卫星;而在轨道上在地球后面运行的卫星叫做Stereo Behind卫星。行星X经常出现在这些不同的卫星影像上。行星X的影像首次出现在2007年12月23日LASCO C3 卫星上,这在56期的新闻简报里特别报道过了。上面有行星X的综合体,并带着飘荡的尾部。

The next occurrence was on the SOHO C2, or blue image, on March 27, 2009, featured in Issue 127 of this newsletter. There was the Planet X complex again, this time taking the shape of the Winged Globe of yor, though the streaming tail of Planet X was again visible. This Planet X complex has appeared regularly on both the C2 and C3 images, when the automatic air brushing programs in place to disguise the presence of Planet X falter or when there is dithering or bobbling so it appears in an unexpected place in the images.

它于2009年3月27日第二次出现在 SOHO C2,或者叫“蓝色影像”卫星上,这在127期的新闻简报里做过特别报道。行星X的综合体再次显现了,尽管它飘荡的尾部可再次看见,但这次呈现出了带翼球体的形状。虽然有自动喷涂和清理程序在运行,以掩盖行星X的存在,但行星X的综合体还是在C2和C3卫星影像上经常出现;当(卫星)有跳动时,行星X就出现在了影像上无法预期的位置。

Most recently, on December 4 and December 5, 2009, the Planet X complex has made a dramatic appearance on the Stereo Ahead satellite, in the shape of a Red Cross.

最近,即2009年12月4日和12月5日,行星X的综合体在Stereo Ahead 卫星上引人注目地出现了,形状是“红色十字”。

Planet X is approaching Earth in a retrograde orbit, clockwise, heading into the Earth in its counterclockwise orbit. Thus, the Stereo Ahead satellite is capturing the Planet X complex while the Stereo Behind satellites does not. In this diagram, the Earth is the dot at the bottom of the orbit swath. Stereo Ahead is the fan opening up from the right of Earth, including the Sun and beyond. Stereo Behind is the fan opening up at the left of the Earth.

行星X是以逆行的轨道顺时钟靠近地球的,与按照逆时钟方向运行的地球要迎面相遇。因此,Stereo Ahead 卫星捕捉到了行星X的综合体,而Stereo Behind 卫星却不能。这张图标上,地球是长条形轨道底部的一个点,Stereo Ahead 卫星是从地球右边打开的扇形物,包括了太阳和其他东西;而Stereo Behind 卫星则是在地球左边打开的扇形物。

This issue was raised on Oct 3, 2009 on the GLP chat regarding a September 19, 2009 image and a September 24, 2009 image and a prior July 1, 2009 image and the Zetas said what was presented was not Planet X at that time. In all these cases a planet like Mercury was in the field of view, and the images appeared on the Behind satellite, not the Ahead. Also, the planet in question appeared above the Sun in the Cor2 images. The December 4, 2009 and December 5, 2009 images are below the Sun in line of view, and only in the Ahead satellite. When enhanced, the Red Cross also shows the signature tail of the Planet X complex, which looks remarkably like the tail captured when Planet X was inbound from the night skies on April 13, 2003.

有关2009年12月19日,9月24日和先前的2009年7月1日的影像问题在2009年10月3日的GLP谈话中被提及过,齐塔人回答说那时候出现的不是行星X。在这几个例子里,水星进入了视野,其影像出现在了 Behind 卫星上,但没有出现在Ahead卫星上。被谈及的该行星(水星)也出现在了Cor2影像上太阳的上方。而2009年12月4日和12月5日的影像在视野中的位置是太阳下方,而且只出现在Ahead卫星上面。当对影像进行了增强处理后,“红色十字”也显示出了行星X综合体特征性的尾部,这与2003年4月13日行星X回归之时被捕捉拍摄到的尾部极其相像。

Per the Zetas, this Stereo Ahead capture is a genuine capture of the Planet X complex.

根据齐塔人所说,Stereo Ahead 卫星捕捉到是真正的行星X的综合体。

ZetaTalk Explanation 12/5/2009: Where Planet X, in line of view, is normally behind the Sun blocking circle, the stereo satellites are positioned to either side of Earth and thus pull in different views of what is behind the Sun as well as different views of what is to the side and in front of the Sun, as the Cor Overlap image shows. Place an object approximately half way between Earth and Sun on the Cor2 Ahead (right hand) view, so that it would appear at the 4 o'clock position in the line of view. This is what is being observed! Why did Planet X not appear on September 19, 2009, but now is doing so? Because the Earth is pulling far to the left, trying to evade Planet X, placing Planet X further to the right in line of view.

齐塔人之声2009年12月5日“解释”:行星X通常在视野里是位于遮蔽太阳的圆圈后面。就如Cor Overlap 图像显示的一样,stereo卫星位于地球的两侧,可以把太阳后面,侧面和前面的不同景观尽收眼底。有个物体大致出现在地球和太阳之间的Cor2 Ahead(右边)视野里,那该物体就会显示在视野里4点钟的位置。这就是正被观察到的东西!为什么2009年12月19日行星X没有出现,现在却出现了呢?因为地球正被推挤得很远,偏向了左边,以尽力避开行星X,就使行星X在视野里的位置进一步偏向了右边。

The Planet X complex has also shown up on the Cor1 Ahead, the green image from the stereo satellites, in a different wave length spectrum from the Cor2 images. This image capture was on December 7, 2009.

行星X的综合体也出现在了 Cor1 Ahead卫星上,即stereo卫星的绿色图像上;Cor1 Ahead卫星与Cor2卫星影像所使用的波长范围不同。该影像是在2009年12月7日捕捉到的。

Planet of the Crossing


Planet X has been depicted by appearance and referred to by many names - a Winged Globe, or a Second Sun. The ancient Sumerians referred to the planet as Nibiru, the Planet of the Crossing. The Kolbrin, an Egyptian historical record preserved in the Glastonbury Monastery in Scotland, refers to the planet as the Destroyer. The Bible refers to the planet as The Lord or wormwood, or as a Dragon. The Oashspe, a channeled 1882 work by an Ohio dentist, refers to the planet as the Red Star. In South and Central America it is known as Hercolubus, a gaseous red star. And the ancient Babylonians associated the planet as a Second Sun with the god Marduk.

行星X的外观被描绘过,并且具有很多的名字----“双翼球体" 或者“第二个太阳”。古代苏美尔人把该行星成为Nibiru,即“十字状”行星。而由苏格兰“Glastonbury”寺院保存的,记录埃及历史的Kolbrinxx把该行星称为“毁灭者”。xx则称之为“主”,“wormwood",或者“龙”。而由美国俄亥俄州一位牙医所著的《Oashspe》则将该行星称为“红色之星”。而在南美洲和中美洲,它则以“Hercolubus”的名字(一颗气体状的红色之星)被广为人知。古代巴比伦人将该行星看做“第二个太阳”,并于神“Marduk”联系起来。

Red Star, Oahspe, 1982

《Oahspe》之书,1982,“红色之星” (注:《Oahspe 》由美国牙医John Ballou Newbrough[1828-1891] 于1880年所著。他声称,此书是在出神状态下,由圣灵传授给他并自动书写而成的。在出神状态下,他使用老式打字机书写了整本书籍(可能是此类书籍中最早使用机械书写的书籍了)。圣灵传授的信息很丰富,Oahspe几乎相当于4/5的King Jamesxx的信息量。是Mormon(摩门)书籍的两倍。)

I, Son of God, trained in the change and tumult of corporeal worlds.
Proclaim my decrees of the red star and her heavens in the crash of her rebellious sides, for I will harvest.

A wave of breath speedeth forth in the broad firmament.
The red star flieth toward the point of My whetted sword.
Fly with all speed where first the red star's vortex gathered up its nebulae, millions of years agone, and on the way say: God hath decreed a pruning- knife to a traveling world.



Planet of the Crossing, Sitchin, 1976


As Zecharia Sitchin describes: The pictographic sign for the Twelfth Planet, the "Planet of the Crossing", was a cross. This cuneiform sign, which also meant "Anu" and "divine", evolved in the Semitic languages to the letter tav, which meant "the sign".


Destroyer, Kolbrin, 8th Century BC


Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will return in its appointed hour. ...called the Destroyer ... In colour it was bright and fiery, in appearance changing and unstable. ... a fiery body of flame.


Dragon, Revelations 12:3


Behold a great red dragon. Another wonder is seen, also in the sky, a great serpent-like figure, red, with seven heads and ten horns.
The Planet of the Crossing, shown as a Second Sun, is associated with Marduk by the ancient Babylonians. Note the significant cross under the Second Sun in the pictogram, the shape of a Red Cross in the sky.


十字状行星以第二个太阳的形式显现了出来,并与古巴比伦人的神 “Marduk ”有关联。注意该象形图案里第二个太阳之下的显著的十字,即天空中红色十字的形状。

Red Cross, Babylonia, 3700 BC


There is a clear trinity of celestial objects on this stella, towards the top; the Sun, the Moon and a third, radiant planet. Note the presence of the Babylonian deity Marduk further down the stella, a deity closely associated with Nibiru.

The Zetas have stated that the Red Cross is certainly among the many appearances that the Planet X complex will assume in the last weeks, taking many by surprise.


ZetaTalk Prediction 12/15/2000: When a reddish complex is seen in the sky, during the 7 weeks before passage when this will be visible, mankind will be in the main distracted by so many problems they will hardly notice. At first, they will assume this to be a comet or something innocent, as it will be small, barely visible due to size. At this time, for the unaware, there will have been increasing earthquakes, increasingly erratic weather such that all are wondering whether crops planted will harvest or starvation will afflict them. Stories in the news will be about crashed cities, broken bridges, derailed trains, and flooded rivers washing towns away. The economy, now so devastated that all employed workers, even those who assumed their jobs for life, are holding their breath as the choice of their employers is to either declare the company bankrupt or to lay more employed off.


These worries are more immediate, so until the very weeks before the shift, when the reddish complex is so huge that it cannot be missed even if one is not prone to looking at the sky, that any thought will be given to it by the average human struggling with many worries, on Earth. It is when the earth stops rotation, a week before the shift, that all this will correlate,


and humans not going insane or in hard denial will talk among themselves. It is then that prophecy will be relayed, from human to human as many forms of electronic communication will be malfunctioning to worthlessness. Thus, except for those aware of the times, aware of the prophecies and the news, with insight into the lies the media is telling, primarily by not reporting the news the public will be oblivious of the reddish cross in the skies, until the very end!



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