
  • Theodore and Stephen Spyropoulos

This book highlights the work of the design and architecture practice Minimaforms, founded in 2002 by brothers Stephen and Theodore Spyropoulos.

The practice has developed a diverse body of work that explores new forms of communication through correlated systems of interaction. Beyond style, the work moves away from the object towards behavioural models stimulated through participation and interaction.

Using installations as a primary mode of research, the studio creates public performance-based interventions that engage material and social interaction. The book features recent work developed in collaboration with Krzysztof Wodiczko (a vehicle for veterans), a pavilion produced with the performance artist Stelarc, a video piece with Warp recording artist Mira Calix and Minimaforms critically acclaimed light installation in Trafalgar Square, Memory Cloud. Accompanying the projects will be texts by Archigram’s David Greene, Stelarc and Krzysztof Wodiczko.

The publication accompanies an exhibition at the Architectural Association in February/ March 2010.

  • 208 pages, extensive col ills
    240 x 200 mm, Paperback, 2010
    ISBN 978-1-902902-86-9


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