实用模具设计师依靠自己的企业文化« oursolo.net




Practical mold designers rely on their own enterprise culture

Given the acute shortage of die design talent, but is not optimistic about the relevant training, the industry veteran told a lot of editing, lack of talent and mold industry training by the cold but mold industry is bound to shake off the dilemma, the key lies in the enterprises themselves, from our own factory produced talent is the most suitable talent.

the veteran also said that regardless of the enterprise culture are still with the government and teaching institutions in co-culture mold talent, to have two major advantages of enterprises. First of all, from the traditional development process of the manufacturing sector, almost all of the talents are generated from the front line, so that plant personnel understand the actual needs of the most able to exert their own initiative and creativity will be the factory of its own actual and Technology combine to produce powerful productivity and even create new technologies and products. At the same time, train up through the enterprise’s own employees, the enterprise generally has very deep feelings, unless encountered great temptation, it will be difficult to leave the original company.

On the other hand, the specificity of human resources as a result of mold, mold design in general need to study 2-3 years, while one can be independent design excellent mold designers, at least have 10 years experience. And will be held January 1, 2008 will come into effect the requirements of the Labor Law, “workers in the employer at least 10 years of continuous work, the worker made or agreed to renew, enter into non-fixed term labor contract should be set no fixed deadline for the labor the contract. “This mold enterprises or retain qualified personnel training have positive significance. At present, onto the post mold designers are around the age of 20, in the enterprise training and development 10 years after it 30 years old, Just imagine, with a 30-year-old mold designer to sign a lifetime contract, the enterprise will have the help much. (07-11-28)

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