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HP expands consulting services for telecom customers

The HP Solution Consulting Services portfolio (HP SCS) has been significantly strengthened to help CSPs design and manage enterprise-class transformation projects. Specifically, HP has added new consulting capabilities, hired more consultants and enhanced its core methodology with expertise gained in recent transformation projects. Also, the HP SCS services portfolio is now organized into specific capabilities that can be used to address many different solution needs. This provides CSPs the flexibility to select, combine and customize capabilities to meet key business objectives.

"CSPs that commit to transformation can realize measurable benefits with HP SCS," said Teresa Schlegelmann, director, Communications and Media Solutions, HP. "HP‘s rare combination of network and IT expertise gives us a deep understanding of how to make transformation work."

Magyar Telekom streamlines provisioning with HP

Magyar Telekom Group in Hungary engaged HP to transform its business structure, processes and technologies. HP SCS consultants focused on a redesign of the way services are provisioned, as well as interface standardization, application integration and overall project management.

Magyar Telekom serves both consumers and businesses with fixed, mobile and broadband services. Previously, each of its three business units handled service activation and provisioning separately. After consultation with Magyar Telekom, HP developed a single, consolidated platform, called SPA (service provisioning and activation), that uses HP Service Activator to automate key processes and workflows. The solution is now in operation for new IP (Internet Protocol) services, and Magyar Telekom plans to extend it to the rest of its services portfolio.

The flexible platform has increased efficiency, reduced costs and shortened implementation time for Magyar Telekom. It also has laid the foundation for a more comprehensive service management layer that will link all OSS elements into the platform‘s framework.

"HP‘s consulting expertise helped us identify the right approach to transforming this key part of our business," said Attila Szasz, leader, Service Management Operations, Magyar Telekom. "HP also brought Magyar Telekom the right combination of a proven solution and the services expertise to customize it for our environment."

The TeleManagement Forum has named the SPA project at Magyar Telekom as a finalist for the Operational Excellence Award 2010.


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