“十一五”日用玻璃行业的发展探索« oursolo.net


日用玻璃产业,在规模上和技术进步有一个更大的发展。由于提高了对外技术交流的结果,促进装备工业水平,技术水平和管理水平。但是,由于中国的基本日用玻璃工业相对薄弱,尽管改革开放使用的机会,这个行业有更大的发展,但与发达国家的技术和经济指标仍相对较大的差距相比, 。在周期即将进入当今世界,显然不适合。为此,在必要加大改革力度,未来的发展这一点,与国际先进水平缩小,使行业的发展进入一个良性循环。






玻璃窑炉:玻璃窑炉生产玻璃工业是能源的核心消费的主要设备,目前,中国正在运行的炉膛火焰炉的能源消费仍主要更高水平(通常是300 -500公斤标煤/吨成品对先进等同于190公斤标准煤的国际一级/吨成品);熔化率低(通常1.5-2吨玻璃液/平方米熔化面积,国际先进水平的3-3.6吨玻璃液/平方米熔化面积);在我们目前的大部分石油和煤炭的能源结构,利用率低,污染严重的热点,和国际社会的普遍,如天然气和电力使用清洁能源。高污染少热利用,甚至是燃油业务,大多采取电通量和纯氧燃烧技术,以提高热效率和熔化率减少污染。预期寿命在窑地区:我们的熔炉通常5-7年(大多数5岁以下)和国际先进水平8-10年,当然在耐火材料和一次性投资成本的连接使用,我们仍然有许多差异,但条件有针对性地组合,以吸引国际先进经验,我们在“十一?五”期间应考虑。


机制瓶技术方面:是否瓶和容器,我们正在形成机制,在产品供不应求的深入研究,在低生产率和产品质量,外观表现欠佳,这是由于机械化在中国的生产起步较晚(解放前就手动机,全自动生产线,青岛晶华酒店只从美国,“美林”旋转瓶生产线)进口。我们现在能生产电子定时6对,8对,一十双是决定性因素瓶机,但双滴机的工厂数量太少。国际社会有一个双/ 3粒/ d下降8-12集团除了通关模式,所有伺服电机制动装备,机器生产,其新机器既节约能源,减少噪音,简化控制程序,生产效率高(10 IV组NNPB生产线375毫升瓶机的速度下降,达到600 /分)。彩瓶,以解决统一问题,已通过在国外的压力-风能生产的每一个组成试验组,其中专业技术研究和新产品试制工作,选择生产企业精英。因此,在瓶,以确保外观质量,提高更快。我们知道,解决问题轻量级瓶子,瓶子是首先要解决的统一性问题,解决方案的统一不仅是机器一方面的问题,这是包括原料,熔化,预计道,瓶机系统内的工程。因此,我们必须到这一问题的全面了解,只有全面的科学方法,以突破。





“Eleventh Five-Year” daily-use glass industry development exploration

This year is the China’s national economy and social development in the tenth five-year plan the first year. Daily-use glass for our industry is a very good opportunity. Glass products have penetrated into all aspects of life the people, as people’s living standards improve, the level of consumption will also be a corresponding increase in our daily-use glass products to expand the market space. But we should also see people on the grade and quality of merchandise have been increased, especially in our products there is still a considerable volume of exports. Therefore, we should comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development at the same time, increase the scientific and technological innovation in the development, improve product grade and quality to meet the needs of the people living and growing demand for export products, while also facilitating the development of the industry. Since reform and opening up

daily glass industry, in terms of scale and technological progress have a larger development. As a result of increased foreign technical exchanges, and promote the industry level of equipment, technical level and management level. However, due to China’s basic daily-use glass industry is relatively weak, despite the use of reform and opening up opportunities, the industry has a larger development, but with the developed countries the technical and economic indicators are still relatively large compared to the gap. In the cycle is about to enter the world of today, is clearly not suited. To do this in the future development of the necessary intensify reform, narrowing with the international advanced level, so that the development of the industry to enter a virtuous circle.

1, Product and Market: our enterprises often focus only on production, quantity; instead of the traditional product style, pattern of production, that is, according to the user to sample production (depends on volume). Lack of innovation in the development of concepts and ability to respond to changes in the market, so the lack of product design obsolete attractive to consumers; market research analysis on the lack of sales caused by passive; should not to guide the consumer to lead the market initiative in the market; can not resist the market risk impact (such as;杜郎DARQUES France is the world’s largest manufacturers of glassware, in order to resist the market risk regular market research, market demand continued for the design of new products, such as in 1997 they had designed in 2000 new products, as a reserve for old Products Products unsalable will be timely to market new products, take the initiative to master the market). Many enterprises have been eliminated as a result of meeting market. In addition to our lack of firm size, economies of scale should not form a pattern of inadequate capacity to resist the market risk. This is not enough operators to liberate the concept of the concept of modern economic management lack of understanding of business model. Therefore, only extensive production management mode, should not the formation of intensive production. Caused by backward management, cause serious pollution, high energy consumption, high cost and low quality, low value-added, business at a low level can only be run under the conditions difficult. Therefore change their ideas as soon as possible the formation of the strong advantages of a joint enterprise to achieve economies of scale in a reasonable model, to form a virtuous circle, with the ability to withstand market risk. Of course, how to achieve the scale of what is reasonable? The light is still not completely foreign models (such as; Australia ACI Packaging Group, only six local and New Zealand glass factory, there is an annual output of about six billion bottles of about three million tons / output capacity, per capita output 776 tons is equivalent to our more than 10 times, not including acquisitions in other areas of the factory), and we normally 150,000 tons / year production capacity following the majority, it should not phase competition with foreign enterprises, but should see the size of the direction of the economy.

Second, to strengthen scientific and technological development, innovation efforts, tracking the world’s advanced level

a long period of time we invest in science and technology, the relatively weak, which is reflected in; glass composition a reasonable selection of research, kiln basic theoretical research and electric furnace melting technology research, product of the forming mechanism of research, product and mold design research and new technology research and development of new products. Study abroad in the system of science and technology intelligence and information has also become insolvent. This is mainly concerned about the reality of the past, we are more concerned about the long-term too little research work fatigue, loss of many human resources invisible. Scientific and technological work are the basis for the development of the industry, to the neglect of technical work, the course of time the industry势在必然atrophy. Tracking is also a sentence of world-class talk, this is not alarmist talk is not unfounded, is that we should face the future a reality. So we have to recognize the gap in order to close the gap and to establish and implement the scientific concept of development, respect for science and respect the talents, the implementation of science and technology policies, and strengthen scientific and technological input to the industry level of science and technology development, can be transformed into productive forces. Will improve the efficiency of energy production costs go down, quality up varieties mentioned benefits, is “11 ? 5″ should be considered.

three, the main idea of technology:

batching process: batching process are related to product quality, environmental protection, the production of an important part of civilization, but because it is not directly out of production processes, in the investment process are too often neglected, especially in the low human cost, the more it is easy to be streamlined, resulting in product quality can not be guaranteed, dust filled the environmental pollution is serious, serious potential latent occupational diseases. It is reported that China’s toxic and hazardous enterprise has more than 1600, as of 2003 the number of occupational diseases in China has more than 200 million, in 2003 has 10,467 cases, of which 80% of pneumoconiosis, as the number of pneumoconiosis in China in 2001 is equivalent to the sum of other countries. Now have 10 percent each year in the pneumoconiosis, and this is a very serious international has long been widely used automatic batching system. China in this regard have sophisticated experience, we must be in the “11 ? 5″ during the elimination of artificial ingredients.

glass furnace: glass furnace producing glass industry are the heart of energy consumption are the main equipment, At present, China is running the furnace flame furnace still mainly higher levels of energy consumption (typically 300 -500 kg standard coal / ton of finished about the advanced international level as equivalent to 190 kilograms of standard coal / ton finished product); melting rate is low (typically 1.5-2 tons of glass in the liquid / m melting area, the international advanced level of 3-3.6 tons of glass liquid / m melting area); in the energy structure of most of our current oil and coal, the utilization of low-pollution seriously hot, and the international community generally, such as the use of natural gas and electricity clean energy. Utilization of high-pollution less hot, even for the fuel oil business, most have adopted electric flux and the pure oxygen combustion technology in order to improve thermal efficiency and melting rate of reducing pollution. Life expectancy in the kiln area: Our furnace is normally 5-7 years (most have 5 years of age) and the international advanced level in 8-10 years, and of course in the use of refractories and one-time investment cost of connection, we still have a lot of difference, but the combination of conditions in a targeted manner to draw the international advanced experience, we in the “eleven ? Five” period should be taken into account.

molding processes:
molding process on the relationship between product quality greatly, we hand-craft aspects (mainly glassware and a small number of special-shaped bottle): As practitioners and cultural qualities of the lower product art technology content are subject to certain restrictions, products do not have the grades and price points, value-added is not high. Enterprises should invest in strengthening science and technology, improve product quality aspects of efforts. In order to achieve higher prices for better quality and enhance value-added products. Also improve the glass industry in China’s international status.

bottles technological aspects of the mechanism: whether it is bottles and containers, we are forming mechanism in the product are in short supply in-depth study, manifested in low productivity and product quality and poor appearance, this is due to the mechanization of production in China started late (just before liberation manual machine, automatic production line Qingdao Grand Formosa Regent Taipei has only imported from the United States, “Lynch” rotary bottle production line). We are now able to produce electronic timer 6 pairs, 8 pairs, 10 pairs of IS determinant bottle machines, but dual-drop machine factories too little quantity. And the international community has a dual / three drops / d drop 8-12 Group IS machine production, its new machines in addition to clearance mode, all equipped with servo motor brake, both energy conservation and reducing noise and simplifying the control procedures, production efficiency higher (a drop of 10 Group IV NNPB production line 375 milliliters bottle machine speed to reach 600 / min). Choi bottles in order to solve the problem of uniformity, has been adopted abroad pressure - wind production, each production of elite selection of companies comprising the test group, which specializes in technology research and new product trial work. Therefore, in the bottle to ensure that the appearance of quality, improve faster. We know that to solve the problem of lightweight bottles, the bottle is first necessary to resolve the issue of uniformity, and uniformity of the solution is not only the issue of machines on the one hand, it is including the ingredients, melting is expected Road, bottle machine within systems engineering. Therefore we have to come to a comprehensive understanding of this issue, only a comprehensive approach to science in order to make a breakthrough.

containers technological aspects of the mechanism: We are currently in press equipment has also been a great breakthrough has been manifested in the varieties: open-mode and the overall modulus of single-and double-drop presses different specifications, the basic has been eliminated Pneumatic push plate and the mechanical drive and hydraulic ram.

in energy saving and environmental protection aspects of a lot of progress, and the international community has been in the use of full-servo-driven, and the production efficiency is relatively high (the United States in the suppression of Corning glass pot of a single output of 60 / min , we have only 16 / min, while Libby’s production mechanisms Cup 25-30 tons / day, we only 10-12 tons / day). In the blowing process are the use of international pressure - wind production, and we also most of the use of wind - blowing Process, whether it is to suppress blown containers or containers Products uniformity with the international advanced level has a large gap between the with the same bottle technology, which is also a systems engineering process to be shaping our conduct in-depth research.

IV deep-processing products and its products to expand

about products deep processing: In recent years international glass deep-processing, the growing importance, including: flower mill, printing, Frosted, SHI Hong , sprayed gold, outline in gold, profound and reactor technology, such as flower. In technology today, can make use of computer to carry out precision etching painted decorative glassware. In short on deep processing of glass, glass products to improve the grade and the grade, regardless of bottles or containers are great prospects, as long as the development of properly, will be accepted by the vast number of consumers.

in more than 20 years ago, it was the optical glass of the waste, after processing into a grinding parabolic surface with an invisible glue多棱access into various crafts (that is, ornaments), in the light irradiation formed under Beauty the refractive index, by consumers and expensive, so far in the high-end shopping malls and the airport is also on the merchandise counters prominent position. China’s Zhejiang, Jiangsu has developed into a certain scale along the optical glass using a variety of billet production of glass handicrafts, despite the formation of an industry, but low-art products, the use of materials for many, low added value. The people’s living standards in China in recent years greatly improved the living conditions of continuous improvement in the lives of a variety of decorative glass craft ornaments, ornaments, and it is very potential market but also have the vitality of innovation required. Glass Products is a high-end art and collectibles, because people rarely cares about the price, but as people believe that the improvement of living standards will continue to expand market demand.

In short, in the “five-eleven ?” implementation process, we have to develop a recycling economy in accordance with the requirements of attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, tracking the world’s advanced level, and constantly blaze new trails, combined with market demand to develop new application areas Products to expand product market development in order to survive. (07-11-28)

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