

{dy}步将是由公共部门首先开始禁用白炽灯,照明不再使用白炽灯,全面改用节能灯泡或LED照明设备的更换。家,私营工业,包括酒店,医院,超市等,也将被禁止。 2009年{dy}季度预计将逐步淘汰白炽灯,改用LED灯。到2012年底将停止使用白炽灯泡。



Taiwan plans to gradually switch to LED lighting by the end of 2012 out of incandescent

Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau of Energy, recently said that Taiwan will be phasing out the incandescent bulbs, switch to LED lighting, is expected to stop production in 2010 began a series of incandescent lamp, by the end of 2012 will be to stop using incandescent bulbs.

the first step will be the first from the public sector has begun to disable the incandescent lamp, replacement of lighting equipment no longer used incandescent, comprehensive switch to energy saving light bulbs or LED lights. Homes, private industries, including hotels, hospitals, supermarkets and so on, will also be banned. The first quarter of 2009 is expected to phasing out the incandescent lamp, to switch to LED lights. By the end of 2012 will be to stop using incandescent bulbs.

Energy Secretary叶惠青day 19 in the “Executive Yuan’s 2007 strategy meeting of science and technology industry,” announced a comprehensive policy out of incandescent bulbs. He said that “In the future if full replacement, replace LED lighting, energy saving per year will be up to 41%.”

2012 years the commercialization of LED lighting will be substantial, Taiwan’s traffic from 2008 to gradually replace for the LED lights, architecture, landscape lighting and non-major roads mercury lamps, by the end of 2025 will be fully replaced with LED lights, then annual savings of 3.78 billion kWh, energy-saving potential of up to 41%. (07-11-27)

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