北京燕京啤酒集团公司党委副秘书D扬声器广学« Reuse world

丁广学:大家好我从燕京啤酒潘广小,去年我们的啤酒生产销售收入810亿元,燕京我们投资建厂,燕京啤酒通过了我大规模的外国企业走过百年,我们是{dy}个提出一个新鲜啤酒企业的概念,刷新啤酒提出给消费者在北京广大带来了美味的食物,在社会和哈佛大学的帮助有一直是我们的快速发展常常谈起,不仅在企业品牌,而且对社会,没有社会各界的帮助下对媒体的广大人民群众的帮助下,没有广大消费者喜爱,就不会有今天晚些时候,97年后上市,我们首先,参加大会堂香港H窗口公司部分股上市,然后在A股上市的份额,燕京拥有25家生产工厂,一总生产能力比我们做的植物时,数百次的增长,资产也由1000倍,在社会的大力支持燕京增长增加,应该说取得了非常好的成绩。在北京的影响,前两天,哈佛的影响力也被评为xx企业,我们也一直是影响法官主席的xx人物,燕京品牌被评为xx影响力品牌,2002年燕京啤酒被评为中国的品牌,97年上市后,在哈佛大学的发展提供了一个新的平台,第99年的北京,在该国通过收购和兼并业务,我们不仅在规模扩大品牌的迅速发展也很快增长,去年品牌价值,我们是15244000000。应该说燕京增长是,我们要认真感谢社会,我们的社会,好,帮助感谢谢谢大家! 06.8.23

Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Corporation, deputy party secretary D speakers Guangxue

2006 years 8 22, the first Beijing Forum on the influence of the peak in 2006 the influence of the third selection Beijing Events kick-off ceremony was held in Beijing, Sina Financial exclusive broadcast fax to the following for the Beijing Yanjing Beer Group deputy party secretary of the company D-Canton school to speak:
Ding Guangxue: Hello everyone I am from the Yanjing Beer Guangxue small, last year our beer production Sales revenue 81 billion, Yanjing we invest and build factories, Yanjing beer gone through a large-scale foreign Enterprise traveled a hundred years, we are the first to propose a concept of refreshing beer enterprises, refreshing beer brought the issue to the vast number of consumers in Beijing has brought delicious food, in the community and the help of Harvard has been the rapid development of We often talk about a brand not only in enterprises but also to the society, without the help of all sectors of society, without the help of the broad masses of the media, there is no favorite of the masses of consumers, there will be no later today, 97 years later are listed, we First of all, take part in the City Hall window companies in Hong Kong H-share listed, then in A-share listed, Yanjing has 25 production plants, with a total production capacity than we do when the plant grew by hundreds of times, assets also increased by 1000 times the growth of Yanjing in the strong support of society should be said that has made a very good score. Influence in Beijing two days ago, the Harvard influence has also been rated the top ten enterprises, we have also been chairman of the judges influence the top ten figures, Yanjing brand was named the top ten influential brand, Yanjing in 2002 was named China’s brand, 97 years after listing to the development of Harvard has provided a new platform, 99 years out of Beijing, in the country to expand through acquisition and merger business, we are not only in size by the rapid growth of the brand has also been quick growth, the brand value last year, we are 15244000000. It should be said that the growth of Yanjing are, we should seriously thank the community, thanks to the help of our society, good, thank you everyone! (06-8-23)

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