国际纸业的客户提供度身订造的烟草包装程序« oursolo.net






国际于2006年,曾经22亿美元的财富名列第82 500美元的公司,销售。在“财富”杂志最受尊敬的公司连续第4年,该公司被提名名单作为{dy}批森林产品的一部分。

International Paper customers tailor-made programs on tobacco packaging

Tobacco in the Paris Expo, has a lot of the packaging industry on a global giant to exhibitors, the U.S. International Paper is one of them. International Paper Company for the manufacture of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and other tobacco products to provide innovative packaging solutions.

the company is a global forest products, paper and packaging company headquartered in the United States Tennessee Memphis. Its major markets and manufacturing operations located in the United States, Europe, Latin America and Asia. The company in the world have employed around 60,000 people, of whom 42,000 work in the United States. International Paper

production and distribution of all kinds of packaging paper commercial paper, which is responsible for packaging businesses are Shorewood Packaging Corporation. According to the company’s Business Development Manager Patricia Marques said, Shorewood Packaging major tobacco companies for the provision of cardboard and the printing and packaging, British American Tobacco, Philip Morris, Japan Tobacco and Lorillard Tobacco Company of the United States are their customers .

in the printing paper, the company’s market mainly in the United States, Canada, Korea, Latin America and Japan, while the paper plate is provided to the global. Patricia Marques manager, said: “Due to growing concern over the health and safety of cigarettes, so a growing number of tobacco packaging from flexible packaging to the hardware changes, this also gives us additional market opportunities. While this industry competition is fierce, but we are also one of these big companies, so we and other companies share the market growth. “

in this exhibition, the company did not bring about any particular new Products. Patricia Marques said, Shorewood Packaging requirements will be customized according to the customer products, while not providing a wide range of products for customers to choose, tailored precisely the characteristics of the company.

in the United States, International Paper Company operates 18 pulp, paper and packaging plants, 94 paper processing and packaging plants, five wood products plants. Europe, Asia and Latin America, including eight pulp factories, paper and packaging plants and 44 paper processing and packaging plant. Companies in the United States, primarily through more than 250 distribution branches distribution printing, packaging, plastic plane, maintenance and industrial products.

The company is also China and Shandong Sun Paper’s Yanzhou set up a joint venture company specializing in serving the Chinese customers. In addition, in Guangzhou, China also has a factory, built in the last century 90’s.

Patricia Marques also said: “International Paper has a long-term policy that does not use wood from endangered forests, but committed to the sustainable development of forestry. doing business in our country from the United States to Brazil to Russia, we all act to encourage the operators to have the best benefit the surrounding environment. International Paper is committed to environmental management, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, national institutions and non-governmental organizations set up a cooperative relationship. International Paper Company has a history of more than one hundred years, since its inception has always insisted on compliance with this principle. “

International Paper in 2006 had sales of 22 billion U.S. dollars, ranked in Fortune 500 companies in the first 82. In the “Fortune” magazine’s most admired companies list for the fourth consecutive year the company was nominated as part of the first forest products. (07-11-28)

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