来自 的猛料,{dy}时间曝光了一段近期为大家xx的 RIM 致力研发的{sk}翻盖全键盘黑莓手机 9670 的真机视频,视频中看上去 9670 其实并不笨重,也不算当初{dy}次看到时候觉得那么丑陋,尤其是运行着 BlackBerry OS 6 新系统,看点十足。另外想说的是,下面这张我特意从视频中截图来看,翻盖小胖子——没有那么笨重,不是那么硕大,多看几眼,你的好感会增加的。

下面内容来自 :

“同学们,我们今天拿到猛料了——一段 Bold 9670 运行 BlackBerry 6 新系统的视频!

We’ve got a nice little exclusive for you, today. A tipster has sent our way some juicy video showcasing the latest build of BlackBerry 6 running on the Bold 9670.

从一开始爆料谍照到现在,9670 为大家所xx——这个机器究竟是为什么原因开发的?它要替代那个黑莓系列位置?RIM 是要将它打造为主流款式吗?因为我们也感受到,其实这个翻盖小胖子并不想一开始谍照里面那么丑陋,甚至…还挺…有那么点儿可爱的。

From the first leaked shot till now, the 9670 has increasingly become a point of contention amongst BlackBerry users: what is its purpose? What phone is it meant to replace? Why, oh why, did RIM choose this awkward form factor to further its gains into the mainstream smartphone market? Because, as you can see, the BlackBerry 9670 isn’t nearly as ugly as we once thought it to be. In fact, it seems kind of…cute.

不过更重要的是,这也是我们{dy}次在非触摸机型上看 BlackBerry 6 系统。看上去它基本没啥问题,但我们也实在说不出来和已有的 OS5 相比有多么天翻地覆的差异。当然这不是还没发售呢吗,也许{zh1}会变化更多。至少我们看到桌面的布局更加支持自定义化,设置菜单中更加的凸显图形化菜单,不管如何这是一台我们其实都熟悉和喜爱的 BlackBerry 吧。新控会觉得有意思,老手拿来就直接上手,也不错。

But, more importantly, this is the first live look of BlackBerry 6 running on a non-touch device. While it looks incredibly polished, and, indeed, usable, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot differentiating itself from the latest OS5 builds. While that may change before release, the improvements seem largely aesthetic. It’s nice to see the home screen more customizable, and some graphics added to the Settings menu, but overall this is the BlackBerry OS we know and love. New users may find it more intuitive, but veterans will know exactly what to do.

你的看法是?这是 RIM 想要的东西吗?从外观上看,也许有点点别扭,但关于 BlackBerry 6 {jd1}还有不少值得研究和xx的看点。

What do you think? Is this the game changer RIM is hoping for? From the looks of it, probably not, but there is a lot more BlackBerry 6 to delve in to.”

接下来是默片视频,跟昨日曝光 9800 视频如出一辙,几乎肯定是出自一人之手,一气呵成的连拍吧?——默片+别扭的竖比例。

这也是目前我们能够得到的资讯中最近距离的了解 BlackBerry 6 的料了(除了官方那段宣传视频),视频上 9670 运行的是 OS 版本,看上去运行顺畅表现不错,还包含了 BBM (、 FaceBook、 Twitter for BlackBerry 和貌似内置的 Viigo(众所周知的 Viigo 也被 RIM 作为优秀的第三方软件厂商收购了)。视频里没有提到 BlackBerry 大家关心的浏览器的任何情况,咱们只能保持xx之咯。

关于 9670 你可以回顾下近期的其他几篇日志:

摄影师同学先炫耀了下 9700 和 9650,拍摄过程中还“无意”扫了一下 iPad…

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