Dubai to build a desert myth: David Beckham to buy a house the ...


Jackson Dubai to buy a house, do you buy?

the Middle East, “New York” has 1 / 3 is the water, 1 / 3 is the desert, there are 1 / 3 is the business opportunities

“He wanted to see more here and then to buy suites, he likes here. “Mike Jackson, a friend ? Bin Sulayem, talking about the former superstar of life in Dubai has recently used the word: Happy happy, and the lawsuit when there is a huge difference between an environment of confusion.

Bin Sulayem is the UAE Rally famous hand, Jackson is also a tour guide in Dubai and “a property consultant.” The preparation and with them in this by the international media as “the new New York” a place of purchase, as well as the Prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

10 years, Dubai’s GDP grew 230 percent, which accounted for only 6 percent of oil revenues. The world’s more than 700 billion U.S. dollars of hot money flowing into Dubai, lured a number of world-class personalities came to this scenic spot to enjoy luxury.

largest U.S. real estate Hunter ? Trump decided to invest in real estate in Dubai, fashion Armani will be the master of their own design will be the first hotel built in Dubai, rather than Italy. United Arab Emirates Embassy in China, an official confirmed to the financial weekly, soccer star David Beckham and Michael Schumacher’s car in Dubai is also own their own property.

enlightened chiefs to create the myth of the desert

war, white men and black muffle the body of a woman only the eyes exposed, it appears to be the majority of Chinese people in the Arab world, the only impression .

10 years ago, Mr. Wang came to Dubai, friends and relatives are often asked about the personal safety issues, he has repeatedly explained the beginning, and later discovered that it is useless to explain, “where many Arab countries do not Like. You do not have been there, it is hard to imagine there is an almost myth (mythology), no, that myth! “

United Arab Emirates, Dubai is one of the seven member states, permanent 80% of the people for the foreign population, from more than 150 countries, the Chinese National People’s Congress, about 70,000, mostly to do business and especially Zhejiang, Fujian most businessmen.

Beirut were destroyed in the flames of war, the Middle East, Dubai has gradually become a new financial center and a fashion, some media have claimed that Dubai is “a piling up of wealth in the desert, in the sea to create the myth of the city” .

Dubai today benefited from a liberal Emirates - Mohammed ? Maktoum (Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum), he firmly believes that all people in Dubai, “When the first 2 will be starved to death, Dubai must be done first. ”

1970 opened the canal during the 1980s, so trade, tourism pushed the 1990s, entering the 21st century, the chiefs began to develop real estate. In March 2006, Maktoum of Dubai announced that legal recognition of foreigners to buy property in Dubai and to give permanent property rights.

virtually overnight, from around the world hedonism and the influx of investors to buy a house in Dubai Land, they are active Chinese figure.

Jiangzhe Dubai businessmen swarm

Beginning in 2003, Dubai, gradually opening up the local real estate market since the market bullish all the way. The first Chinese investors, mainly from local Chinese 150,000, while the United Arab Emirates Embassy in China show that their client is now about 24 percent comes directly from China.

Mr. Wang is a tunnel in Zhejiang businessmen to invest in real estate let him profit last year more than 100 million dirham (1 dirham about 2.25 yuan), he excitedly told the weekly financial journalists, the recent His goal is located in the vicinity of Sheikh Zayed, Dubai Creek Seaview commercial center in Hong Kong, as well as properties for sale around the island. There are generally small size of office properties, the overall price from 40 1-60000 dirhams, whereas the return on investment was up about 20%.

reporters found that the current domestic Deputy Dubai real estate business, is a major called “Dubai City Real Estate Trading Center of China,” the company, alleged agents of their real estate projects all year round, even including the ? Bin Laden family, the development of two five-star hotel.

financial weekly reporters found that the company’s Web site address of phone number left for Hangzhou. Dial phone, the other side said that the company now hopes to find a reasonable domestic partner went to Dubai, the “buyers of tourism.”

It is learned that the Chinese mission to Dubai buyers purchase a very popular in the local tourism, and even have a British company for the purchase of China corporation, specialized in the local tourism companies registered buyers. China’s real estate companies will regularly with the local Bureau of Land Management Dubai cooperation, jointly issued a number of “real estate open Tourism Day” notice.

an intermediary in the purchase of a building provided by the company travel itinerary, the reporter saw, in addition to conventional tourism projects and a visit to the real estate, there are bird’s eye view of the whole city by helicopter this kind of “luxury” .

weekly financial reporter asked the most investment value of the property, the other presentations, are being developed Arab Crown Hotel (hotel-style apartments), a set of 106-198 square meters of apartments priced at about 3108-3226 USD / m between the yuan for nearly 3 yuan / square meter.

the hotel is located in the park under construction in Dubai, the official information provided revealed that the park will be the world’s largest amusement park and the largest tourism, leisure and entertainment center.

? Dubai Pocket Raiders

Dubai official language is Arabic, but the common English. Where sufficient water, the supermarket price of mineral water and domestic almost. 220 volts of electricity for local, socket sizes and different, but the hotels are equipped with conversion socket.

local clothing requirements for tourists more lenient, but try not to cross in exposed clothes, can wear bikinis on the beach. If you give the local people to take photographs, must be agreed in advance with the consent of the other side.

If by the United Arab Emirates Airlines flights to Europe and the United States, in Dubai in transit can stay 96 hours, visas can be when they buy air tickets Advisory airline or commissioned agent, you can participate in the local tourism organization of the Company & ldquo ; best Tour “and the 96 hours to obtain a transit visa.

2002 after amending the constitution in Dubai, all foreign home buyers in Dubai, the family, the UAE can be a “green card” (that is, Dubai, United Arab Emirates lifelong resident visa). The visas can be real estate developers, charge d’affaires. Under the regulations, an apartment to enjoy a lifelong resident visa quota, and the property owners but also their spouses and children under the age of 18, went to Dubai to provide the residence and investment guarantees. The buyers in Dubai real estate property acquired for life by all the next generation to inherit.

迪拜建立一个沙漠神话:贝克汉姆买房子的涌入江苏,浙江商人 贝克汉姆


中东, “纽约”的1 / 3是水, 1 / 3是沙漠,有1 / 3是商业机会

“他希望看到更多的在这里,然后再买套房,他喜欢这里。 “迈克杰克逊,朋友?本苏拉耶谈论前超级明星的生活在迪拜最近一词:快乐高兴,诉讼时,是一个巨大的差异的环境中的混乱。

本苏拉耶是阿联酋xx的拉力赛手,杰克逊也有导游在迪拜和“置业顾问。 ”编制和与他们在这所国际媒体称为“新纽约”的地方购买,以及亲王巴林王国。

的10年里,迪拜的国内生产总值增长百分之230 ,其中只占百分之六的石油收入。世界上超过700亿美元的热钱流入迪拜,吸引了许多{sjj}的人物来到这个风景名胜区享受的xx品。




10年前,王先生来到迪拜,朋友和亲戚经常询问的人身安全问题,他反复解释的开端,后来发现,这是无用的解释, “在许多阿拉伯国家做不喜欢。您不必在那里,很难想象有一个几乎神话(神话) ,不,是神话! “

阿拉伯联合酋长国,迪拜是一个7个会员国,{yj}80 %人民的外籍人口,来自150多个国家,中共全国人大,约70,000 ,其中大多数是做生意的,特别是浙江,福建商人最多。

贝鲁特被摧毁的战火,中东,迪拜已经逐渐成为一种新的金融中心和时尚,一些媒体声称,迪拜是“财富堆积在沙漠中,在海上创造神话的城市“ 。

迪拜今天得益于宽松的阿拉伯联合酋长国-穆罕默德?阿勒马克图姆(谢赫穆罕默德本拉希德阿勒马克图姆) ,他坚定地认为,所有的人在迪拜, “当{dy}款将被饿死,迪拜必须做到{dy}。 “

频道1970年开设了20世纪80年代期间,因此,贸易,旅游推动了20世纪90年代,进入21世纪,酋长开始开发房地产。 2006年3月,马克图姆在迪拜宣布,在法律上承认外国人在迪拜购买的财产,并给予{yj}产权。




王先生隧道浙江商人投资于房地产让他去年利润超过1亿迪拉姆( 1迪拉姆约二点二五元)时,他兴奋地告诉每周财经记者,最近他的目标是位于附近的谢赫扎耶德,迪拜河海景商业中心的香港,以及物业销售环岛。有一般小规模的写字楼物业,总价格从40 1-60000迪拉姆,而xxxx率上升20 %左右。

记者发现,目前国内副迪拜房地产业务,是一项重大的所谓的“迪拜市房地产交易中心的中国, ”该公司,声称他们的代理人的房地产项目全年都,甚至包括?斌拉登家族的发展,两个五星级酒店。

金融周刊记者发现,该公司的网站地址,电话号码留给杭州。直拨电话,对方表示,该公司现在希望能够找到一个合理的国内合作伙伴去迪拜, “买家的旅游业。 ”


中介购买建筑该公司提供的旅行路线,记者看到,除了传统的旅游项目,并访问了房地产,有鸟瞰整个城市的这种直升机的“xx品” 。

每周金融记者问最投资价值的财产,其他介绍,目前正在制定的阿拉伯xx酒店(酒店式公寓) ,一套106-198平方米的公寓售价约为3108-3226美元/平方米之间的人民币近300元/平方米。



迪拜官方语言为阿拉伯语,但通用英语。在具备足够的水,超市的矿泉水的价格和国内差不多。 220伏特的电力地方,插座大小和不同,但酒店都配备了转换插座。


如果阿拉伯联合酋长国航空公司飞往欧洲和美国,在迪拜过境停留96小时,签证可以在购买机票时咨询航空公司或委托代理,你可以参加当地的旅游组织本公司及ldquo ;{zj0}之旅“和96小时内获得过境签证。

2002年修改宪法之后,在迪拜,所有外国购房者在迪拜,家庭,阿联酋可能是一个”绿卡“ (也就是说,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜终身居留签证) 。签证可房地产开发商临时代办。根据该规例,公寓,享受终身居留签证配额,以及业主,而且他们的配偶和儿童18岁以下,到迪拜提供居住和投资保障。买家在迪拜房地产获得生命的所有下一代继承。

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