

文章来源:浙江在线 | 时间:2010年01月01日

























The Ministry of Health to develop drug rehabilitation hospital, basic standard treatment subjects (Trial)
Source: Zhejiang Online | Date: January 1, 2010
According to the Ministry of Health web site reports, in order to implement the "Drug Law" to further strengthen the treatment of medical service management, improve the treatment quality of medical services, standardized medical institutions set up to carry out treatment and rehabilitation of medical service behavior, the Ministry of Health to develop a "medical institution drug treatment Bureau basic standard (for trial implementation) "and" basic standard hospital treatment (for trial implementation). "
Reads as follows:

Basic standard hospital treatment (Trial)

One bed

Less than 20 the total number of hospital beds.

Second, departments set up

(A) Clinical departments: at least with the mental health section, internal medicine.

(B) the medical departments: at least with radiology, medical laboratory, pharmacy, and electrocardiogram rooms, sterile supply room, medical record room.
In which medical tests subjects HIV rapid screening test should have the capacity to areas where conditions permit should be set up HIV testing screening laboratories.

Also should have received consulting room, safety examination room, treatment rooms, emergency treatment rooms, counseling rooms, visiting room, activity room.

Third, staff

(A) Each bed is equipped with at least 0.88 health technicians.

(B) At least four doctors (at least 50% of physicians whose scope of practice for mental health professionals), 8 nurses and the corresponding clinical pharmacy, medical technology, mental health and other professional and technical personnel.
Doctors, nurses, pharmaceutical professional and technical personnel should be consistent with the "detoxification Interim Measures on Management of medical services" in the relevant provisions.

(C) Treatment of clinical departments of the business leader should have a senior health professional and technical positions qualification or engage in mental health, medical and clinical treatment more than 5 years.

(D) closed-end management of drug treatment hospital should be equipped with at least four posts with legally qualified security personnel.

4, medical space

(A) Each bed area not less than 40 square meters.

(B) the ward bed net use for each area of not less than six square meters.

(C) The treatment staff outdoor playgrounds of not less than 3 square meters per bed.

(D) ventilation, lighting, and security in line with drug rehabilitation, hospital management and health requirements.

5, equipment and facilities

(A) basic equipment: oxygen equipment, artificial respiration resuscitation ball, ECG monitors, electroencephalograph, B Chao, HIV screening test equipment, electric suction, ECG machine, high-pressure steam sterilization equipment and other necessary disinfection facilities, equipment cabinets, X-ray machines and darkroom complete sets of equipment, test subjects required supporting equipment, essential medicines and rescue equipment, first class of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for pharmaceutical storages and safes, computers, etc., and is equipped with detoxification staff dedicated health bath facilities.
Conditions can install monitoring and alarm facilities.

(B) the ward equipment and 2 yuan per bed general hospital in the same.

(C) has conducted clinics with the corresponding activities of other equipment and facilities.

6, rules and regulations

In accordance with the relevant provisions of national and local, combined with operational needs of this institution to develop and improve the management of medical institutions of various regulations and responsibilities of staff positions.
Or above the provincial health administration departments or recognized organizations to develop health care technology, operational procedures, as well as for the treatment of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances management and use of rules and regulations, and the booklet is available.

7, the registered capital

Registered capital in place, the amount of the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, health administrative departments to confirm that.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-1-4    文章录入:nnb ]


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