工具在中国工业发展的现状分析和改进建议« oursolo.net














的传统工具生产的工业标准化供应,该工具的基本特征概括。长期以来,制造业有一个共识:除了对少数特殊需要,尽量选择工具的标准。虽然性能不是{zy}的,因为它经济实用,广泛接受。然而,超过20年前,这个概念在发达国家开始发生了变化。 21世纪六,七十年代,发达国家已经完成了后工业的发展阶段。之前和之后,进入了所谓知识经济或新经济在80年代。信息技术和其他高科技,推广使用,大大促进了社会生产力的发展。传统的制造业也由于数字技术的推广普及,并跃上一个新的发展水平。在这个大的生产力的大发展的浪潮中,刀具产品,并作为一个重要部分制造工艺技术,也面临着,传统的千篇一律的标准工具,巨大的挑战,已不能满足现代生产以提高效率和降低成本的强烈追求。这种变化的市场需求,形成了强大的压力的工具业不得不放弃传统的生产方式转变的标准化,以满足现代制造业“的要求,高精度,高效率,高可靠性和专用”和路径发展,所谓的“三高一专”的新模式。












是他们的生产,xxxx的工具,世界上数以百计的特点技术进步是没有明显的竞争热点,所以相对来说,老的人能维持生存和发展。然而,进入现代工具的发展阶段,情况就xx不同。 “三高一专”的技术工具和服务水平的迅速发展,成为企业的,谁放慢发展竞争力的重点,我们必须予以xx。这种竞争是国际工业发展的工具,因而变得更加集中了强大的研发能力和企业的经济实力,成为促进和行业发展的主要领导人。因此,利用现代的发展阶段,忽视科学和技术进步的工具,任何将被迫停业。














如上所述,由于现代工业的贸易工具,因此,在地方特点的理解自上而下的行业,没有发展的工具,以促进现代发展的舆论环境。因此,对制造业的紧迫性和难度,事实上,对于那些在行业和主管决定不发展现代工具,决策部门了解和接受。在“十五”的工具的发展时期体现,与一般数控机床的发展支持,没有有效的措施跟进。 “十五”期间,最伟大的工具之一,企业技术项目12.00亿元花了3年的时间才最终实现,是不容易的。
现代工具,实在是杯水车薪。为国际巨头,其资产超过主机行业工具比比皆是。虽然数十亿美元,几乎拥有数亿美元也。最近,国际工具行业巨头{dy}和第二,瑞典山特维克和肯纳金属公司从美国决定退出该工具行业,米拉克龙集团的美国,分别手中,以优惠的价格收购公司和万耐特工具维迪阿工具公司花一万七千点〇万美元约。无论是年销售收入已超过二点〇 〇亿美元为企业的工具,工具只有大型跨国集团是一个大数目,他们的子公司。


取向的改革,一些地方不注意一个标准的市场秩序的建立,只要公司可以赚钱,政府可能的税款,并把国家的政策,产业政策,资源,环境政策以外,一方面,可持续发展战略中,根据外部环境的影响力,已引起刀具材料体积膨胀,在质量下降。产品总额外的控制低档工具,假冒伪劣,低成本的出口市场的竞争力,加强假。 2001年,中国的高速切削工具8.80亿(协会统计)钢铁生产中,发达国家,日本的10倍输出。销售收入却只有一个,日本的三分之一,每个工具的单位价格仅是日本的三十分之一。这种浪费资源,损害环境的费用,并取得了短期的企业和国际工具长远来说,对在我们的工具,相反的方向发展为工业健康发展的行业趋势的发展也带来利益1很大的干扰,因此,作为一种工具,建立一个现代化的工业规范有序的市场环境,也是一个紧迫的问题。在这方面的企业往往无能为力,政府应肩负起规范市场的主要责任。










Tool for industrial development in China the status quo analysis and recommendations for improvement

First, our tool for industrial development lagged behind the contradiction highlights the beginning of nineties

thirty years after the founding of the PRC, China’s Tool Industry

running well since the founding of the early to the early eighties, my tools industry as a basis for manufacturing industries, has been under the attention and the rapid development of country. With the tool material resources and technical accumulation of traditional industries to reform and opening up, our tool not only to meet the full needs of the domestic manufacturing industry, but also in technical standards is also rapid and the world, a large number of high quality and low price of standard tools into the the international market, resulting in a good economic and social benefits. The mid-eighties, the first automobile plant from the United States introduced a Chrysler 488 engine second-hand production lines (for the level of the seventies), through its efforts to realize the localization tool. Note at the time of our tool for industrial development and manufacturing needs, not the lack of a major.

nineties began, tools, industrial development has lagged behind the demand began to highlight the contradictions of our tools

Products to meet the full needs of the domestic manufacturing industry in the subsequent emergence of the situation has changed. Since the beginning of nineties, China’s manufacturing sector has accelerated the pace of modernization. Traditional tools of industrial technology behind the rapid apparent contradictions. To car industry as an example, from the Shanghai Volkswagen, Shanghai GM, FAW-Volkswagen to introduce the production line than an advanced. Process of processing accuracy, efficiency, reliability and other aspects of the increasingly stringent requirements. Is specifically manifested in the entire production line tool product mix has changed fundamentally:

(1) replace the high-speed steel carbide tool materials as a major;

(2) the use of super-hard tool material a substantial increase in proportion;

(3) the new coating materials and technology in the tool on the growing popularity of the application;

(4) inside the cooling technology in the hole-type tool commonly used in processing;

(5) the exclusive use of a substantial increase in the proportion of composite cutting tools, improve the efficiency of the rapid;

(6) multi-purpose vehicles, milling, boring type of tool increased;

(7) key location accuracy and improve the surface quality of an order of magnitude; (8) card precision and reliability of equipment has been greatly improved. These completely new tool products and technologies, with the introduction of production lines, is rapidly becoming China’s emerging manufacturing an indispensable means of production. However, China’s Tool Industry Over the past decades, has always been traditional in the production of standardized tool running on the track, completely unable to adapt to this new demand. Although in the industry under the supervision of the competent authorities, organize themselves struggling to tackle key problems, some progress has been made. But on the whole, service capabilities and the objective needs of the great contradictions, has been exposed unavoidable.

Second, the developed countries on the completion of twenty years ago from a traditional tool of the transition to a modern tool

the traditional tools to produce the supply of industrial standardization, generalization of the basic characteristics of the tool. A long time, the manufacturing sector has a consensus: In addition to a small number of special needs, as far as possible the standard selection tool. Although the performance is not optimal, because of its economical and practical and are widely accepted. However, more than 20 years ago, this concept started in developed countries has changed. Twenty-first century sixties and the seventies, the developed countries have completed a post-industrial stage of development. Before and after the eighties into the so-called knowledge economy or new economy. Information technology and other high-tech to promote the use, greatly promoting the development of social productive forces. Traditional manufacturing is also due to the popularity of digital technology to promote and leapt to a new level of development. In this wave of large-scale development of productive forces, the cutting tool products and technologies to the manufacturing process as an important part, is also facing enormous challenges, the traditional size-fits-all standardized tools, has been unable to meet the modern manufacturing to improve efficiency and reduce costs with strong pursuit of . Such changes in market demand, and form a powerful pressure tool industry had to give up the standardization of traditional modes of production shift to meet the requirements of modern manufacturing “high-precision, high efficiency, high reliability, and dedicated” and the path of development, the so-called “Three high-one post-secondary,” a new model.

this from the traditional model to a modern pattern, even in developed countries, nor is it calm, but accompanied by the concept of conflict and division, corporate mergers, restructuring, new and out, so that ups and downs process, and sometimes very tragic. For example, in 1984, Germany has a 80-year-old company Rohde Doerrenberg enterprise tool, it invented in the sixties due to drill four well known Charles rolling process. However, the new historical period, due to follow the beaten track, adhering to the standardization of traditional high-volume business philosophy, the situation of enterprises plummeted and forced to declare bankruptcy. Other peers learn quickly on behalf of the standardization of mass production model of rolling process twist drill out. This event marks the history of industrial development tool developed countries the end of an era, from the birth of modern tools of industrial and flourish.

three modern tool industry characterized by

from the traditional tools of industrial developed on the basis of the modern tools industry, in order to adapt to the new needs of the times, all sides have had a qualitative leap and change. Based on the modern tools developed some of the characteristics of enterprise development description and analysis, hoping to contribute to the person outside of our industry, to modern tools industry profile with us to obtain the gap more objective consensus, thus contributing to the transformation of China’s Tool Industry and development.

giving priority to efficiency principles are guiding the development of modern tools of modern thinking

the most powerful business tool slogan competition is to provide the most efficient manufacturing cutting tools. The manufacturing industry also learned, through the use of highly efficient tool to improve labor productivity to reduce costs, than simply a more favorable cost-saving tool. Therefore, in the modern tool manufacture and use of the field, “giving priority to efficiency” has replaced the traditional “cost performance” old concept. This change for the high-tech content in the development of modern high-performance tool which paved the way. For example, the engine crankshaft machining tools, the tools that are easy. Ten years, of “efficiency first” under the impetus of the continuous development of processing technology updates. Turning to the outside from the milling, milling and even inside the car to the latest? Car pull technology, technology tools and the complexity of the greatly increased efficiency doubled, and now spend hundreds of thousands of users (RMB, same below) to buy a car? Broach car price than the previous expensive tools hundreds of times, its only one aim to enhance efficiency. In this way, tool manufacture and use of both sides, and in technological progress has been achieved “win-win” results.

modern tools of high-tech features of the integrated enterprise

improve cutting efficiency in such a fundamental objective under the impetus of modern cutting tools business from the traditional “pure process-type” businesses to become involved in basic tool materials, surface treatment, basic technology and complete sets of services with comprehensive high-tech features of the development of enterprises, their performance in:

First, tools and new materials R & D and production enterprises has become an integral tool of modern group into parts.

Second, the coating technology (PVD and CVD) development and application of modern tool manufacturing and new materials technology development go hand in hand the direction of development.

third, advanced CNC machining technology and application development has become a modern tool to ensure product quality in manufacturing means necessary. the development of modern cutting tools

One of the important characteristics are specialization, composite and multi-functional, resulting in the structure of the growing complexity of cutting tools, shape become very specific. Traditional technology tool??? General machine tools with carboplatin, has no guarantee that the installation tool and blade and cutting the base unit between the spatial location accuracy. Therefore, the linkage of multi-axis CNC machining technology, has become an indispensable business tool of modern means. Due to the specificity of tool manufacturing process, cutting tool manufacture CNC machine tools are usually dedicated tool companies from research and development, machine tool manufacturing enterprise collaboration. Therefore, a dedicated tool numerical control technology and equipment development and application of modern tools has become an important enterprise work.

This shows that the operation of modern cutting tools business scope, from a dedicated R & D and production of raw materials began to include the surface treatment technology and equipment research and development and application of special CNC tool production technology and equipment research and application , “three high and one specialized” tool products research, production and extension services, shows the characteristics of an integrated science and technology enterprises. In manufacturing, production technical operation of such a wide span of industries rare.

modern tools enterprise survival and development depend on a strong research and development capabilities for backing

in the traditional tools of industrial stage of development, standardization and uniformity are the characteristics of their production, the world’s hundreds of well-known tool enterprises in the technological advances there is no significant competitive spot, so relatively speaking, old persons can maintain the survival and development. However, access to modern tools of development stage, the situation is completely different. “Three high-one specialized” tools of technology and the rapid development of service level and become the focus of the competitiveness of enterprises, who would slow down the development, we must be eliminated. This kind of competition is the result of international industrial development tools become more centralized, with a strong R & D capability and economic strength of enterprises emerge as the promotion and development of the industry’s main leaders. Therefore, access to modern development stage, to ignore any of the tools of scientific and technological progress will be forced out of business.

integrated services to users of the depth and breadth, has increasingly become a modern tool to measure the competitiveness of enterprises as an important hallmark of

in the traditional tools of industrial production mode, the tool business is just a standard tool of production and supply operators, the use o…

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