

2010-05-06 15:43:31 阅读6 评论0 字号:

一、概述 作为流体精密计量与投加的理想设备,计量泵如今已被广泛地应用于包括制药、食品饮料和石油化工行业在内的各个领域,在工艺过程担负着强腐蚀性、毒害性、高粘性和高压介质的计量添加任务。经过超过半个世纪的实践应用和技术改进,现在计量泵已经进入其高速增长期。现在,成熟的动力驱动方式和液体输送端(泵头)材料技术使得新型计量泵几乎可以完成输送任何常规和特殊介质的要求,其工作压力和容量亦能满足工业生产的绝大多数要求。 随着人们对生产工艺过程指标和自动化程度要求的普遍提高,作为化学药剂计量和添加环节的最终执行机构,计量泵的安全性和可控制性变得日益重要起来。石油化工等行业向来以生产过程的高度自动化而著称,也是集散式、分布式和智能式计算机控制系统应用最广泛的领域之一,因而要求与之相配套的执行器——计量泵亦要具备灵活多样的控制模式,可以方便地与计算机系统构成各种控制回路,实现 更复杂更xx的过程控制。为顺应这一新的趋势,国际上xx的计量泵制造商如德国普罗名特公司在保证其产品传统性能继续{lx1}世界的同时,借助于嵌入式微处理器系统,将多种调节控制功能和数据通讯协议整合到计量泵中,真正实现了从冲程频率到冲程长度的双维调节,使其产品成为世界xx的智能精密计量泵。 二、计量泵的基本工作原理 众所周知,计量泵主要由动力驱动、流体输送和调节控制三部分组成。动力驱动装置经由机械联杆系统带动流体输送隔膜(活塞)实现往复运动: 隔膜(活塞)于冲程的前半周将被输送流体吸入并于后半周将流体排出泵头;所以,改变冲程的往复运动频率或每一次往复运动的冲程长度即可达至调节流体输送量之目的。精密的加工精度保证了每次泵出量进而实现被输送介质的精密计量。 因其动力驱动和流体输送方式的不同,计量泵可以大致划分成柱塞式和隔膜式两大种类。 2.1、柱塞式计量泵 主要有普通有阀泵和无阀泵两种。柱塞式计量泵因其结构简单和耐高温高压等优点而被广泛应用于石油化工领域。针对高粘度介质在高压力工况下普通柱塞泵的不足,一种无阀旋转柱塞式计量泵受到愈来愈多的重视,被广泛应用于糖浆、巧克力和石油添加剂等高粘度介质的计量添加。因被计量介质和泵内润滑剂之间无法实现xx隔离这一结构性缺点,柱塞式计量泵在高防污染要求流体计量应用中受到诸多限制。 2.2、隔膜式计量泵 顾名思义,隔膜式计量泵利用特殊设计加工的柔性隔膜取代活塞,在驱动机构作用下实现往复运动,完成吸入-排出过程。由于隔膜的隔离作用,在结构上真正实现了被计量流体与驱动润滑机构之间的隔离。高科技的结构设计和新型材料的选用已经大大提高了隔膜的使用寿命,加上复合材料优异的耐腐蚀特性,隔膜式计量泵目前已经成为流体计量应用中的主力泵型。在隔膜式计量泵家族成员里,液力驱动式隔膜泵由于采用了液压油均匀地驱动隔膜,克服了机械直接驱动方式下泵隔膜受力过分集中的缺点,提升了隔膜寿命和工作压力上限。为了克服单隔膜式计量泵可能出现的因隔膜破损而造成的工作故障,有的计量泵配备了隔膜破损传感器,实现隔膜破裂时自动连锁保护;具有双隔膜结构泵头的计量进一步提高了其安全性,适合对安全保护特别敏感的应用场合。 作为隔膜式计量泵的一种,电磁驱动式计量泵以电磁铁产生脉动驱动力,省却了 电机和变速机构,使得系统小巧紧凑,是小量程低压计量泵的重要分支。 现在,精密计量泵技术已经非常成熟,其流体计量输送能力{zd0}可达0-100,000l/h,工作压力{zg}达4000bar,工作范围覆盖了工业生产所有领域的要求。 三、计量泵的控制 计量泵每一次的流体泵出量决定了其计量容量。在一定的有效隔膜面积下,泵的输出流体的体积流量正比与冲程长度L和冲程频率F:V∝A*F*L 在计量介质和工作压力确定情况下,通过调节冲程长度L和冲程频率F即可实现对计量泵输出的双维调节。 尽管冲程长度和频率都可以作为调节变量,但在工程应用中一般将冲程长度视为粗调变量,冲程频率为细调变量:调节冲程长度至一定值,然后通过改变其频率实现精细调节,增加调节的灵活性。在相对简单的应用场合,亦可以手动设置冲程长度,仅将冲程频率作为调节变量,从而简化系统配置。 3.1、常规模拟/开关信号调节方式 过程控制应用中广泛采用0/4-20mA模拟电流信号作为传感器、控制器和执行机构间信号交换的标准,具有外控功能的计量泵亦主要采用这种方式,实现对冲程频率和冲程频率的外部调节。 位置式伺服机构是实现冲程长度调节的最普遍方法。一体化的伺服机构被设计成能够直接接受来自调节器或计算机的0/4-20mA控制信号,从而自动调节冲程长度在0-100%范围内变化。 相对而言实现冲程频率调节的方法比较多样,主要有变频电机控制和直接继电触点控制两种。经由0/4-20mA电流信号控制的变频调速器驱动计量泵电动机按所需速度运行,从而实现冲程频率的调节。对于电磁驱动和部分电机驱动的计量泵,亦可以利用外部触点信号来调节冲程频率。 3.2、基地式控制方式 在某些特殊场合,如ph值调节,计量泵作为执行器,在调节器的控制下添加酸或碱。为简化系统配置和提高可靠性,以微处理器为核心的嵌入式控制系统被直接集成到计量泵内,如此只需外接一支pH传感器,即可构成完整的调节系统。这种基地式智能计量泵概念也适用于控制其它工艺参数,如氧化还原电位(ORP)和余氯浓度调节等应用场合。 3.3、设定程序式控制 由于内部集成了微处理计算机,一些计量泵产品的调控性能和操作性能得到了充分提升,在跟随外部控制命令实现实时计量流量调节之外,还具有定量添加,时间序列触发程序式添加,事件序列触发程序式添加,时间-事件混合触发程序式添加和自动校正等多种工作模式,并可以提供以泵出流体总量,剩余冲程次数和待输送流体容量,设定冲程长度和其它相关的计量泵工作参数等有用信息。 时间序列触发程序式工作方式令计量泵xx依据实时时钟,按预先规划的 任务清单,在指定时刻按设定的冲程次数或时间定量添加工作介质,时间可以以每小时,天,工作日,公休日,一周和二周为周期灵活设定;而事件序列触发程序式工作方式令计量泵xx依据实时触发事件,按预先规划的任务清单,在特定事件发生时(触点输入)按设定的冲程次数或时间定量添加工作介质。以上两种方式可以有机混合,完成更复杂的时间-事件混合触发工作模式。最多可设定81个事件。 一个简单的例子是冷却塔循环水xx灭藻系统。消毒剂以特定浓度根据补充水流量比例添加;并按工艺要求,在比例添加过程当中,每周还应脉冲式大剂量添加一次消毒剂(如设定在周五12-13时),并要求此时暂停比例添加作用。整个编程十分简捷,令复杂多变的流体添加任务得以轻松而xx地实现。 3.4、现场总线ProFibus控制方式 在石油化工等大规模高自动化成度的应用场合,利用数字通讯协议进行自动化设备之间数据的高速传输进而组成网络式控制系统,容量大,可靠性高,已成为发展的主流。继二十世纪九十年代初被纳入德国DIN标准后,现场总线ProFibus于九十年代末又成为欧洲标准(EN50170),在世界范围内得到广泛采用,已成为现场总线技术中代表性协议之一。 现场总线ProFibus由三种形势组成。ProFibus-DP,ProFibus-PA和ProFibus-FMS。其中ProFibus-DP(DecentralizedPeriphery)定义为分散型外围设备现场总线,系专门为过程控制系统与分散的外围设备之间高速数据信息交换而设计的。其传输介质为双绞线或光纤联接的RS485传输制式,波特率9.6-12Mb/s,系统构成成本低,高速可靠。 现场总线ProFibus指令集精简凝练,编程非常方便。具有现场总线ProFibus通讯功能的计量泵,在具有所有手动调节功能的同时,可以方便地溶入高级的如集散式计算机控制系统中,使其各种功能得以更充分地发挥,已经成为现代精密计量泵的佼佼者。普罗名特公司计量泵家族中即有三大系列数十个型号的产品配置了现场总线功能。 四、结束语 今天,计量泵的研发已经超越了其传统意义上单纯追求容量和材质的范畴,转而面向高精度,多功能和智能化的发展方向,这一趋势已经成为世界主要计量泵生商的共识。

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I. Introduction As fluid precision measurement and the ideal dosing equipment, metering pumps have been widely used today, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage and chemical industries, including oil fields, in the process bears a strong corrosive, toxic, high viscosity and high-pressure metering addition of medium. After more than half a century of practical application and technical improvements, metering pump has now entered its period of rapid growth. Now, mature drive way and the liquid delivery end (pump head) materials technology to make the new metering pump is almost complete any transfer of conventional and special media requirements, the working pressure and capacity of services to meet the most requirements of industrial production. As people on the production process automation requirements of indicators and the general improvement in measuring and adding chemicals as part of the final implementation of the organization's security and metering pumps can be controlled is becoming increasingly important. Petrochemical industry has always been known for highly automated process, but also distribution, distributed and intelligent computer control system of one of the most widely used in the field, which required matched with actuator - metering pump has to have flexible control mode, the computer system can easily create various control loops, to achieve more complex and precise process control. To adapt to this new trend, internationally renowned manufacturer of metering pumpProminent companies such as the German tradition of performance in ensuring its products continue to lead the world at the same time, by means of embedded microprocessor systems, the variety of regulation and control functions and data protocol integrated into the metering pumps, truly a stroke from the stroke frequency to adjust the length of the two-dimensional, its products become the world's first intelligent precision metering pumps. Second, the basic working principle of metering pumps As we all know, metering pump driven mainly by power, control of fluid transport and regulation of three parts. Power drive systems driven by mechanical linkages under fluid transfer diaphragm (piston) to achieve reciprocating motion: Diaphragm (piston) in the stroke of the first half of the week will be transported fluid after inhaled and a half weeks in the fluid discharge pump head; Therefore, changing the stroke of the reciprocating frequency or each reciprocating stroke length can be up to the purpose of regulating the amount of fluid transport . Precision machining accuracy guaranteed amount for each pump to be of medium to realize the precision measurement. Its power-driven and the different ways of fluid transport, metering pumps can be roughly divided into two piston and diaphragm types. 2.1, plunger-type metering pump There are common with piston pump and two pump without valves. Piston metering pumps and high temperature because of its simple structure, the advantages of high pressure has been widely used in petroleum chemical industry. For high viscosity media in high-pressure condition less ordinary piston pump, a valveless rotary plunger-type metering pumps are more and more attention, is widely used in syrups, chocolate and high-viscosity oil additives Add a media measurement. Due to measuring medium and pump lubricant can not achieve complete separation between the structural weaknesses, plunger metering pump with high anti-pollution requirements in the fluid metering applications are subject to restrictions. 2.2, diaphragm metering pumps As the name suggests, diaphragm metering pumps for processing using a specially designed flexible diaphragm to replace the piston, the drive mechanism under the action of reciprocating movement to achieve complete suction - discharge process. Since the isolation membrane role in the structure of being truly measured and drive lubrication fluid isolation between agencies. The structural design of high-tech and new materials have greatly improved the selection of the film's life, coupled with composite materials with excellent corrosion resistance, diaphragm metering pump has become the main fluid metering pump applications. Diaphragm metering pump in family members, the hydraulic-driven diaphragm pumps As a result of hydraulic oil evenly driven diaphragm, direct-drive approach to overcome the mechanical diaphragm pump over-concentration of the shortcomings of the force to enhance the membrane life and maximum working pressure. In order to overcome the single-diaphragm metering pump may occur due to membrane damage caused by the work of the fault, and some damaged diaphragm metering pump is equipped with sensors, to achieve automatic linkage diaphragm rupture protection; a double membrane structure of the pump head to further enhance their security measures nature of the security protection for particularly sensitive applications. As a diaphragm metering pump, electromagnetic metering pumps driven by electromagnet pulsating drive, save the motor and speed change mechanism, makes the system compact, small-scale low-pressure metering pump important branch. Now, precision metering pump technology is well established, the fluid transport capacity measured up to 0-100,000 l / h, working pressure up to 4000bar, scope of work covers all areas of industrial production requirements. 3, metering pump control Metering pump to pump each time the amount of fluid determines the capacity of its measurement. The effective membrane area in a certain, the pump output fluid flow rate is proportional to the length L with stroke and stroke frequency F: VαA * F * L In the media and pressure measurement to determine cases, by adjusting the stroke length and stroke frequency F L can be realized on the metering pump output of the two-dimensional adjustment. Although the stroke length and frequency can be used as variable, but generally in engineering applications as coarse variable stroke length, stroke frequency, fine-tune the variables: stroke length adjustment to a constant value, and then change its frequency to achieve fine-tuning, increased adjustment flexibility. In relatively simple applications can also manually set the stroke length, only the stroke frequency as a variable, to simplify system configuration. 3.1, conventional analog / switching signal conditioning means Process control is widely used in 0/4-20mA analog current signals as sensors, controllers and signal exchange between the implementing agencies the standard, with external control functions of the metering pump is mainly used in this way to realize the frequency of stroke frequency and stroke external regulation. Positional servo stroke length adjustment to achieve the most common method. Integrated servo is designed to directly receive from the regulator or the computer 0/4-20mA control signal, thereby automatically adjusting stroke length changes in the range of 0-{bfb}. Contrast, stroke frequency adjustment method to achieve more diversity, mainly frequency motor control and direct control of two relay contacts. 0/4-20mA current signal controlled by frequency converter driven metering pump motor according to the required run rate to achieve the stroke frequency adjustment. The electromagnetic drive and some motor-driven pump, an external contact signal can also be used to adjust the stroke frequency. 3.2, base type control mode In some special occasions, such as the ph value is adjusted, metering pump as actuator, under the control of the regulator to add acid or alkali. To simplify system configuration and improve the reliability of a microprocessor core embedded control system is integrated directly into the metering pump, so just add a pH sensor can provide a complete conditioning. This base of smart metering pump concept also applies to control other process parameters, such as oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and residual chlorine concentration conditioning applications. 3.3, set the programmed control As the internal integration of the micro-processing computer, some measure of control pump performance and operating performance are fully enhanced external control in order to follow the real-time measurement of flow control but also add a quantitative, time-series trigger programmed to add, the sequence of events Add a trigger-type, time - the event triggered programmed mixing and automatic correction, and add a variety of operating modes, and can provide in order to pump fluid volume, stroke frequency and the remaining capacity to be transmission fluid, set stroke length, and other related measures pump operating parameters such as useful information. Time series work so trigger-type metering pumps entirely based on real-time clock, according to pre-planned list of tasks, the specified number of times by setting the stroke or the time to add the working medium of quantitative, time to hour, day, days, sabbatical days a week and two weeks for the cycle and flexible set; and sequence of events that trigger programmed work entirely in accordance with real-time metering pump trigger events, according to pre-planned list of tasks, in a particular event occurs (contact input) by setting stroke frequency or time quantitative Add the working medium. These two ways of organic mixed, to complete a more complex time - the event triggered mode hybrid. 81 events can be set up. A simple example is the cooling tower circulating water disinfection and algae system. The concentration of disinfectant in a specific ratio of water flow under the supplementary add; according to process requirements, in proportion with the course of a week should also add a large dose of pulsed disinfectant (such as the set 12-13 in Friday am), and requested Add a proportion of the role of suspended time. The programming is very simple, so complex tasks can be easily added fluid and precise manner to achieve. 3.4 Control Fieldbus ProFibus Such a large scale in the petrochemical industry into a high degree of automation applications, using digital communication protocol for automated high-speed data transfer between devices and thus form a network control system, large capacity, high reliability, has become the mainstream of development. Following the early nineties the twentieth century were incorporated into the German DIN standards, field bus ProFibus late nineties has become the European standard (EN50170), used widely in the world, has become a representation of fieldbus technology in one of the agreements . Fieldbus ProFibus formed by the three kinds of situation. ProFibus-DP, ProFibus-PA and ProFibus-FMS. One ProFibus-DP (DecentralizedPeriphery) defined as diffuse peripheral bus, system specifically for process control systems and distributed peripheral data between the high-speed information exchange designed. The transmission medium is twisted pair or fiber optic transmission standard RS485 connected, the baud rate 9.6-12Mb / s, the system constitutes a low cost, high-speed and reliable. Fieldbus ProFibus streamlined concise instruction set, programming is very convenient. Fieldbus ProFibus communication with the metering pump, with all the manual adjustment function in the same time, can easily be integrated into advanced, such as distributed computer control system so that it functions to more fully play, has become a modern precision measurement Pump leader. Prominent family of metering pumps that the company has three series of products in dozens of models equipped with fieldbus function. IV Conclusion Today, the metering pump research and development has gone beyond the mere pursuit of its traditional areas of capacity and materials instead for high-precision, multi-functional and intelligent direction, this trend has become the world's leading provider of Health consensus of metering pumps .

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