hermes handbags patriots get 4 compensatory pi - Windows Live

hermes handbags patriots get 4 compensatory pi

The Patriots have been awarded the maximum of four compensatory picks in April's NFL draft. The selections will come in the sixth round (one, No. 205 overall) and seventh round (three hermes handbags, Nos. 247, 248 and 250).New England lost Heath Evans hermes handbags, Jabar Gaffney, Larry Izzo hermes handbags, LaMont Jordan and Lonie Paxton before the 2009 season, and signed only Brandon McGowan.In all , 32 such picks were given out Monday, with 19 teams getting at least one.Carolina hermes handbags, Pittsburgh and Tennessee each get three, while Atlanta hermes handbags, Cincinnati, Japaneseapolis and Philadelphia receive two.Getting one compensatory choice will be Green Bay hermes handbags, Detroit, Jacksonville , Miami, Minnesota hermes handbags, Oakland, St. Louis hermes handbags, San Diego, Seattle hermes handbags, Tampa Bay and San Francisco.Compensatory picks are determined by a formula based on salary, playing time and postseason honors. A team losing more or better players than hermes handbags acquires is eligible. The picks can't be traded.The Bengals have the highest compensatory spot , the 33rd pick in the third round (96th overall). They lost T.J. Houshmandzadeh, Stacy Andrews and Ryan Fitzpatrick hermes handbags, while signing only J.T. O'Sullivan before the '09 season.The Titans were given the next selection. They lost Albert Haynesworth, Chris Carr hermes handbags, Brandon Jones, Eric King hermes handbags, Daniel Loper and Chris Simms, and signed Jovan Haye , Nate Washington and Mark Jones.Since 1994, when compensatory picks first were awarded hermes handbags, Baltimore (29) and Dallas (28) have gotten the most. Cleveland has gotten the fewest, one. This story is from 's automated news wire. Wire index
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