
随着现代建筑的发展,建筑物内各种管道为美观要求应尽量隐蔽布置,因此,消火栓管道设在吊顶内、管井内,是普遍存在的,但这样就存在一个问题,即消火栓管道的控制阀门的开启状态得不到监控,给火灾时消火栓能否正常使用造成隐患。举例如下: “电力部国家电网控制中心”工程为建筑面积五万余平方米,地下三层,地上二十七层,建筑高度超过110米,为集生产指挥调度、办公会议等多种功能为一体的综合性智能大厦,其自动化程度之高在国内实属罕见。在其自动喷酒系统的设计中,我将所有的水流指示器前的阀门均采用了信号阀门,故系统的状态在消防控制中心均可显示,并能一目了然的发现问题,另外生活及消防水位的控制、消防水泵的启停等等也得到了合理的监控,唯独消火栓系统的控制阀门按照规范仅采用普通阀门,它有明显的启闭标志,但是在消防控制中心得不到显示,另外这些阀门为美观需要均设在管井及吊顶内,目前工人的素质还不能保证系统的可靠性。故在其消防系统的验收过程中,尽管电力部工程指挥部的领导、施工单位及设计单位均非常重视,早早做了部署和整改,井进行了预演,但在消防局正式实际验收过程中,却出现了问题,有一消火栓竖管上的消火栓无论如何也放不出水,而其它四根均正常出水,在消防控制中心也发现不了问题。事后在检查中发现,这根立管因为检修关闭了两端的控制阀,而检修完毕工人未将阀门打开,造成消火栓不出水。 本人认为,在大家都非常重视的情况下,尚出现这种问题,而平时在容易麻痹大意的情况下更不知会出现什么样的问题。这是关系到消火栓系统能否在火灾时被合理使用的关键问题,而避免这种情况出现的最可靠的办法就是将消火栓系统的控制阀均设成信号阀,并且阀门开启状态能在消防控制中心显示,以便于管理人员检验,虽然造价有所提高,但是,它对于整个消火栓系统的投资之比还是微乎其微,并且它可以使整个消火栓系统的安全性大大提高,这点投资我认为还是值得的。

“ Proposed high-rise building fire hydrant control valve of the valve with the signal ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。


With the development of modern architecture, building requirements within the various channels should be concealed for the beautiful arrangement, therefore, fire hydrant pipes in the ceiling, the tube well, the is a common, but there is a problem so that the control of fire hydrant pipes turned on the valve can not control, to the fire hydrant can cause hidden normal use. For example: "National Grid Control Centre, Ministry of Electric Power" project for the construction area of 5 million square meters, ground floor three, twenty-seven on the ground, building height over 110 meters, the command set of production scheduling, office meetings and other functions integrated of intelligent building, its high degree of automation is rare in China. Automatic spray liquor in their system design, I will be in front of all of the flow indicator signal valve valves are used, so the state of the system can be displayed in the fire control center, and can find problems glance, life and other Fire water level control, fire pump start and stop, etc. have also been reasonable control, except for fire hydrant system control valves in accordance with the specification only the ordinary valve, it has a clear opening and closing flag, but the fire control center Debu to show that the other needs of these valves are located in the tube-wells for the beauty and the ceiling, the current quality of the workers can not guarantee the system reliability. Therefore, in its fire protection system acceptance process, even though the leadership of Ministry of Electric Power Engineering Command, construction units and design units have attached great importance to the deployment and rectification early done, well be a preview of the actual acceptance in the fire official process, but there is a problem, there is a fire hydrant risers put on the fire hydrant in any case no water, while the other four were normal water, the fire control center is able to detect the problem. Later found in inspection, repair this root closed risers for both ends of the control valve, and maintenance workers did not complete the valve open, resulting in no water hydrant. I think that we all attach great importance to the case, the problem still occurs, but usually easy insensitive in the case of more is not known what problems arise. This is related to the possibility of a fire hydrant system to be fair use when the critical issues, and to avoid such a situation the most reliable way is to fire hydrant system control valves are equipped with valve into the signal, and the valve turned on in the Fire control center to facilitate management in testing, although the cost has increased, but it for the fire hydrant system, the ratio is still very little investment, and it can make the security of the entire hydrant system greatly improved this point I think it is worth investing of.

郑重声明:资讯 【建议高层建筑消火栓控制阀门采用信号阀的探讨】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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