
多年以来,供暖期热水大量流失一直成为北方城市供热领导部门大伤脑筋的问题。据实际调查表明,某热电厂热力公司每小时供热水量为8 000t,每小时失水量500t,日失水量高达12 000t,失水量是供水量的6%强,而国家规定失水标准不超过1%,因此采取有效措施堵塞这一漏洞已成为当务之急。 造成我国暖气热水大量流失的主要病因,业内人士认为就是暖气热水管路仍大量安装和使用着原始、落后的集气罐,手动排气闸阀。 暖气热水管路中不可避免的会进入空气有以下三个因素:1.循环水泵工作时带入空气;2.锅炉或水泵停运时管路会产生负压,空气就会被吸入;3.锅炉运行时要不断补充冷水,而冷水在加热过程中会分离出空气。 排气阀是暖气热水管路防止“气阻”、保证热水正常循环不可缺少的装置。然而这一手动排气闸阀又是管路中{wy}可以存在的既可以排气又能放出热水的开关。为了便于人的操作,这一闸阀不是安装在顶部集气罐的出口处,而是从出口处接一水管引到洗手间或厨房,把闸阀安装在洗手盆上或用软管插入下水道地漏子里。因此手动排气实际上就是通过放水将空气在压力差作用下推出来,直至放出热水为止。正常的跑风应在放出热水后立即关闭阀门,跑风即告结束,实际上放水时间的长短是供热管理部门无法控制的事,只能任住户自己说了算。 一般居民楼采暖,一个单元一个回路, 每个回路需要安装1~2个排气阀,而每栋楼根据单元多少不同,汇总起来就是一个不小的数字,既使每天正常手动跑风也要流失大量热水,何况阀门开启时间无法管理,任其自流,有时顶层有手动跑风的住户家中无人,为了避免邻里之间由于跑风引起的矛盾,干脆将手动闸阀开启,变成24h长流水。手动排气是水暖管道{wy}允许存在的放水闸阀,而在其它部位放水皆属非法,是供热条例所不允许的,到目前尚无办法来控制手动排气闸阀开启时间的长短,经过分析不容置疑,手动排气闸阀就是暖气热水流失的主要渠道和病因。 针对病因对症下药,防止暖气热水大量流失的xxx办法就是淘汰手动排气,选用高质量,确实好用的自动排气阀,自动排气阀在世界许多较发达国家早已被广泛采用。它与手动排气闸阀不同点是不需要人为跑风,它安装的位置一定要在管路集气点上,所谓集气点就是顶层供水横管的{zg}点处,对此横管有3‰倾斜度要求,不允许出现局部凹陷和弯曲等情况,当空气进入阀体后,阀门会自动开启,空气排除后水位上升,它会自动关阀,热水不能外溢,从根本上xx了手动排气不及时,易形成“气阻”影响供热效果和造成热水大量流失的弊端。应用自动排气阀解决了手动排气的烦琐劳动,彻底取消了暖气管路上{wy}存在的放水口,由于排气及时运行时可保持热路畅通,由于不放水有效地节约了能源和水资源。 淘汰手动排气普及自动排气的技术改造费用如果和大量流失的热水价值相比,它是投资少、回收快,当年投资当年即可见效益的项目,据粗略估计采暖期内40~50天即可收回投资成本。而它所产生的却是巨大的经济和社会效益。 综合世界各国先进技术并结合我国国情研制出的CP1X-0.5浮球式自动排气阀,经过7年的实践,第四代的新型产品(专利申请号:200320111491.4)今年采暖期已定型批量生产投放市场。阀体安装在管道上不需拆下,即可进行疏通清洗的特点,属国内xx。它必将为防止暖气热水流失的技术改造和供热体制改革,提供可靠的物资保证。

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Over the years, a huge loss of heating of hot water heating has become a leading sector in the northern city a big headache problems. According to the actual survey, a power plant thermal water heating company per hour 8 000t, loss of water per hour, 500t, on loss of water up to 12 000t, loss of water is the water supply 6% of the strong, but not more than the standard prescribed by the State Water Loss 1%, so take effective measures to plug the loophole has become a top priority. Heating water causes great loss of our main cause of the industry that is still a lot of heating hot water piping installation and use of primitive and backward collection cylinders, manual exhaust valve. Heating hot water pipe into the air will inevitably have the following three factors: 1. Circulating pump air into the work; 2. Boiler or pump outages pipeline will produce negative pressure, air will be inhaled; 3 . Boiler add cold water to keep running, and cold water in the heating process will separate out the air. Heating hot water piping exhaust valve is to prevent "air resistance" indispensable to ensure the normal circulation of hot water devices. However, this manual exhaust valve is the only pipeline that can exist either exhaust hot water can release the switch. In order to facilitate the operation of people, this valve assembly is not installed on the top of the cylinder at the exit, but then a pipe from the exit lead to a toilet or kitchen, the gate valve installed in the basin or with a hose insert sewer floor drain yard. Therefore, the exhaust is actually a manual of air through the water distribution under the pressure difference to come up until the release of water so far. Normal running style should be released immediately after the hot water valve is closed, run the wind comes to a close, in fact, the length of water distribution is heating things beyond the control of management, any household can only make decisions by themselves. General residential building heating, a unit of a loop, each loop need to install 1 or 2 exhaust valves, and each building according to the number of different units, aggregating up to is a not a small figure, even the normal day to manually run the wind To drain a lot of hot water, not to mention the valve opening time can not be managed, to their own devices, sometimes have to manually run the top-level winds No one family households, in order to avoid the neighborhood because the wind caused the conflict to run, simply open the manual valve, variable flow into the 24h long. Manual exhaust is the only plumbing valve allows the water will exist, but in other parts of the water distribution is unlawful and is not allowed heating Ordinance, to the present there is no way to manually control the exhaust valve open duration The analysis is no doubt that manual exhaust valve is the main channel for heating hot water and causes the loss. Remedy for the cause, to prevent great loss of heating hot water is the most effective way to hand out the exhaust, use high-quality, really easy to use automatic exhaust valve, exhaust valve automatically many of the more developed countries in the world has already been widely adopted. It is different with the manual exhaust valve is not required to run the wind man, it must be installed on the location of gas pipeline set point, the so-called water gas gathering point is the top horizontal tube of the highest point, this horizontal pipe 3 ‰ gradient requirements, does not allow for local conditions such as depression and bending, when the air into the valve, the valve automatically opens, the air removed, the water level rose, it will automatically close the valve, hot water can not spill, from a virtually eliminating Manual exhaust is not timely, easy to form a "vapor lock" effect caused by hot water heating effects and huge loss of the state. Automatic exhaust valve to solve the tedious manual labor exhaust, complete cancellation of the existing radiator bleeder on the only road, because exhaust heat can be maintained when the time is running smoother, because they do not lend them to effectively save energy and water resources . Manual vent exhaust out of the technological transformation of automatic cost of universal and great loss of water, if compared to the value, it is less investment and fast return that year then you can see the effectiveness of investment projects, according to rough estimates 40 to 50 days of heating period can recover the investment cost. And it generates is huge economic and social benefits. Companies around the world advanced technology and integrated with the national situation developed the CP1X-0.5 ball float type automatic exhaust valve, after 7 years of practice, the fourth generation of a new product (patent number: 200320111491.4) heating period has been finalized this year, mass production market. Valve installed in the pipe without removing, cleaning can be carried out to clear the characteristics of a national initiative. It will prevent the loss of heating hot water heating system transformation and to provide a reliable guarantee supplies.

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