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我的父亲是爱因斯坦的密友,我初度拜访时当爱因斯坦拿了一个游游和我玩时,我马上放松不严重了。 游游yo-yo一种玩具






  • By 向日葵 说, 5月 8, 2010

    爱因斯坦是一个简单,直爽,驯良可掬,恬澹名利的人。Albert Einstein was person of frugality and simplicity. He was straightforward, approachable, and indifferent to fame and fortune.他对理论感乐趣并凡事都试图揣度出事理,但他并不关心理论的现实运用。He has keen interest in theories and attempted to deduce the operating principle for everything, but didn’t have the slightest interest in the practical application of the theories.虽然爱因斯坦取得了巨年夜成就并享有极高声望,但他仍保有一颗淡然之心,无求于世人。Given all the remarkable achievements and reputation, Einstein has a noble mind and pure heart, uncontaminated by materialism.我的父亲是爱因斯坦的密友,我初度拜访时当爱因斯坦拿了一个游游和我玩时,我马上放松不严重了。My father was a close friend of Albert Einstein. During my first visit to Einstein’s home, he showed me how to work a Yo-yo and played with me. At once, I was made to feel at ease.爱因斯坦很简单,好比他工作只需要一只笔和一叠纸,身上从来不带钱,刮胡子只用剃刀和水当我向他举荐用剃须膏并给了他一管剃须膏,他用后也感受很好用,可是当他用完往后他又用起了清水。Einstein believed in simplicity. To do his work he needed only a pen and a pad of paper. I never knew him to carry money. He used only a razor and water to shave. When I presented him with a tube of shaving cream, he was pleased with it. He used the shaving cream until the tube was empty. Then he reverted to using plain water.他对理论感乐趣并凡事都试图揣度出事理,好比我兄弟曾经给他一个玩具,是一只平衡在碗边的鸟,能把头不段探到碗里,他想知道它的行为事理试了良多法子一向没能做到,单我向他建议拆开玩具看看的事理时,他不赞成所往后来也一向没有找到谜底。Einstein was purely and exclusively a theorist and attempted to deduce the operating principle for everything. For instance, my brother once gave the Professor a toy, a bird that balanced on the edge of a bowl of water and repeatedly dunked its head in the water. Einstein tried to deduce the operating principle. But he couldn’t. I suggested that we took the toy apart to see how it work. He disagreed and as such the solution was never worked out.爱因斯坦永远不能理解他自己的名声,他的理论只有少数人感乐趣,然而他的名字却家喻户晓,良多人给他写信,他无法理解人们为什么这样正视他。Einstein was bewildered by his own fame. His theories were profound and capable of exciting relatively few people (scientists), yet his name was familiar and common household word. Many people wrote him letters. He never could understand why he received this attention.******这是《The professor and the Yo-yo》的撮要。详见参巧资料。参考文献:http://www.wwenglish.com/en/school/5/jd/2/8117.htm

  • By 灯心 说, 5月 8, 2010

    Einstein is my admiration for the great man, he not only to human science and technology to contribute the same share of high integrity. During the Second World War, he and other scientists in the United States to help create the atomic bomb, for the war’s end. And the end of World War II, he advocated the elimination of all atomic bomb. When Einstein know that the United States of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs dropped on destruction of many civilians, he is very distressed. He is the scientific community an example for everyone, that is why I admire his reasons


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