朋友会油性皮肤,可以使用碧柔(Biore)洗面奶呢?会不会影响? « Live in ...



我也油性皮肤,我用几乎所有品牌,哦,我觉得碧柔(Biore)不错,{yt}下来,几乎所有的干面,偶尔少许油。当你的脸画的面前,面对的是一个轻微的发烧,所以清理结束后,面对的特殊冷静,不要太干,不是太油了,非常不舒服。 ,

Friends Will oily skin, you can use the Biore facial cleanser do? Will the effects?

my oily skin, previously used by the poor can be Li, but the effect was not very good! Will the Biore facial cleanser of the effects? used there after the negative effects?

I am also oily skin, also used Biore, the effect of the I said pretty good, but a person who should ah, you can try ah!

I also oily skin, I have used almost any brand, and Oh, I think Biore okay, the day down almost all Dry face, and occasionally a little oil. When painting your face to face, the face is a slight fever, and so cleaning is over, face special cool, not too dry, not too out of oil, quite uncomfortable. ,
However, the person s skin is different, some people use the good, some people are not used to how like? But you can try starting with T-wash parts of play to see results. Hey,04-12-24

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