从卫生纸,以提高原油观看中国千年纸流变« Reuse world







区分文件类型,我们也知道,国王惜字纸在中国有长期的传统。印纸拭民俗肮脏的词汇已被报复。清代,社会对“惜字大量的法律”作为文学文昌天视为开发和推广的法律条街,今天我们仍然可以看到“惜字法”,“惜字新”,“惜字症状记录验尸“,”文昌惜字法文学“,”文昌惜字法的优点和缺点“等。官方明文禁止,甚至可以用来拭脏打印纸。 “1873年3月14日”声明“发表的报告说,一名女子用到便壶,因雷击下跪不能同意。12月3日在同一年两江总督命令纸坊店郦锡:字纸拭脏,卫生纸等边缘加盖印章的纸张大小,而且不浪费的改造振兴老书纸,以避免滥用放荡。“




最近在1992年考古发现的许多古代厕所,奈良,高殿町发掘藤原京现场,发现被认为是“日本最古老的厕所”的厕所7世纪藤原京都市右京7 1月底已知的文物遗迹广场施工现场外,“厕所坑出土的150多根木屑。”类似的芯片也厕所福冈市探索公元720?在厕所发现七百三十零年鸿胪馆网站。在11-12世纪,平泉町时,岩手县刘御所网站也产生重大冲洗芯片,以及“平均长度24,宽0.5?0.8,0.5厘米厚的规格。”唐宋时期,中日交流,生活中的方式深深地影响了日本,因此日本的这些对人民推理的考古发现,在唐宋秽拭子有用的参考工具。

,这份文件不仅用于书写,而且对日常使用和精神燃烧的节日。歌曲“爱日斋丛注意到”记录“南齐废帝良好的精神状态,往往纸张的钱切割束帛一代,并纸币”,“唐朝”王传玉:自汉代以来埋葬“埋葬那些谁有钱,与神和纸币祈祷,自前国王岛“,唐以后的纸币在频繁的历史记录开始燃烧。和“天工开物”记载:“唐扇超自然的东西时,以纸币的燃烧资金的名义,削减动听的名字纸板北。那么谁提出这美其名本文件的名称热敏纸。 ….. 17燃烧产品,日常使用的,最粗和细13美其名谁厚纸包裹,然后竹田马和地方草案还晚。“自1日报,然后出现人们使用它是理所当然的一个肮脏的无赖。魏晋





提出冲洗疑犯,并提出对中国佛教。在早期的佛教法,佛陀的所有记录,引导市民使用,如毗尼母第六经典厕所比丘芯片:世尊在王舍城首尔薛尊,人比丘,婆罗门种姓。 Net和更多的污染,在上厕所时,以提高草刮下道,刮疼非常打破了,打破了颜色的不满。比丘的问题时发表声明说:“汝何以颜色褪色患苦为什么”?也就是说,答言:“我去厕所时,邪恶不净,使用的芯片,自伤重刮机构,反映了多样性的不满。”为了解决这种情况,释迦牟尼说:“起止已与光盘刮净净。如果没有芯片可能不净壁拭子不得厕所板梁栿上拭令净,不能使用石材,不得使用草,软土纸软木树不准乔治,该应用程序,为芦苇的木片。度量方法,非常长者一哲,短指的是4人。我们花了这么振动污染不准净,不得成为中等。芯片是由法冲洗厕所的人网的筹码。“


芯片技术的使用,佛教从印度传入的厕所,后改名为提高卫生纸是由蒙古元朝皇室开始发行。秽语拭子从古代中华文化习俗可以在开放流变看到,微xx的书,由小见大,那么也是中华民族掠影吸收一切人类的优良传统,优秀文明成果。 06.8.24

From toilet paper to raise crude watch China Millennium paper Rheological

What the ancients were after stool swab dirty?港剧”寻秦记” raised this issue. The film has such a plot: the Hong Kong Special Duties Unit项少龙time and space shuttle was sent to the Warring States era Zhao, 1 overnight home residents with urgent need to go to toilet,项少龙to the man to “toilet paper”, the old man completely ignorant of Ho objects, items, said: “how擦屁股”? Man from the edge to pick up a piece of bamboo pit latrines Say “This is ah! Please feel free to use.” See here, people can not help but laugh. Yuan, Ming and Qing

: rough paper era of the Qing Dynasty who

paper swab dirty, can have a number of research literature. To cite just one example here, Dream of Red Mansions paragraph forty-first back to have the characters diarrhea grandmother Liu: Liu grandmother feel a chaotic intra-abdominal ring, busy pulling a little girl, to the two pieces of paper on the solution of clothing. Everyone is smiling, busy drinking his “useless here!”忙命a婆子brought up the Northeast. This description shows that in the period of Cao Xueqin life, whether it is Daguanyuan characters or the countryside, have been made to use a dirty toilet paper swab. Palace of the Ming Dynasty

specialized agency responsible for logistics, called “Four Division”, according to “History of the Ming” Three Officials record 50th-chi: “pity paid by the Secretary in charge of the matter of firewood; visual Secretary in charge of the visual direction, and within the music, legend, cross Kam, playing various miscellaneous show rice; Bao note the Secretary in charge of making toilet paper thickness; mixed bathing Tong palm of thing. ” Bao note which the Secretary of the department is a toilet paper tube.

Well, then what are people used this paper? Therefore, in ancient China but also to understand the types of paper. Ming and Qing Dynasties

Star Song should be written by “Heavenly Creations” fixation 13th reads: “Any paper with paper mulberry tree (a tree grain)and Mulberry Paper Rang, furong film for various objects皮纸. bamboo for Ma竹纸. are extremely white and fine for the book text, printed text, Cambodia, and the opening. rough for thermal paper, coated paper. ” Also recorded: “This paper (thermal paper)17 for burning offerings, thirteen for daily use.” Therefore, the paper because of its raw materials are divided into different “皮纸” and “竹纸”, but whatever the paper have “spirit” and “rough” divided, in which sperm are used to write, rough person per Festival 70 is used to do the burning spirits, 30 percent for daily necessities.

to distinguish the types of paper, we also know that King惜字paper in China has a long tradition. Folklore with printed paper swab dirty word to have been retribution. Qing Dynasty, the community has a large number of “惜字law” is seen as Wenchang Literature of days to develop and spread the Legal Article St., today we can still see “惜字Law”, “惜字new”, “惜字symptoms were recorded post-mortem “,” Wenchang惜字Law Literature, “” Wenchang惜字merits and demerits of law “and so on. Expressly prohibit the official or even could be used to swab dirty printing paper. “March 14, 1873″ declaration “published reports that one woman used the word dirty swab of paper, into the chamber pot, kneel by lightning. December 3 the same year Liangjiang Order of the Governor Li Xi Zhifanggou Shop: not allowed to subscribe to toilet paper etc. Edge stamping stamp paper size, but also not to waste the transformation revive old book paper, in order to avoid abusive licentious. “

the earliest recorded use of paper found in the Yuan Dynasty, the Tang and Song Before, people used are called “toilet-chips” piece of wood or bamboo, probably because of the Yuan Dynasty rulers are culturally backward, there is no Han nationality “Teachers惜字paper “consciousness. According to “元史” Biography of the Second Concubine third records, “Yu Hui Hui裕宗St Queen’s” Blue Peter is also timid Chek time when the mother-in-law Crown Princess “昭睿Shun St Queen’s” very filial piety, her mother-in-law to swab before the use of abusive his face to try the softness of toilet paper: “After I have the honor of filial piety, charity Nakamiya, generation of each daughter-in-law called Siande.昭睿Shi Shun St Queen’s, a chain about to interweave toilet paper, also face rubbing, so that soft in order to enter. “

Tang and Song Dynasties: chips with rough toilet paper and toilet times

chips, also known as toilet Jane, simple, it is used to swab dirty after stool wooden or bamboo Article. This toilet chips the last century in China and Japan to use in some areas. Japan

recent archaeological discoveries of many ancient toilet in 1992 in Nara-machi Takadono Fujiwara Beijing to explore the site, the discovery was known as “Japan’s oldest toilet” relic of relics in the toilet 7 end of the century Fujiwara Beijing Ukyo 7 1 Square construction site outside, “toilet pit unearthed more than 150 root wood chips.” Similar chips are also toilet Fukuoka City to explore about AD 720 ~ 730 years Korokan sites found in toilet. Time in the 11-12 century, Hiraizumi-cho, Iwate Prefecture Liu’s Gosho site also yields a substantial flushing chips, and its specifications for the “average length 24, width 0.5-0.8, 0.5 centimeters thick.” Tang and Song dynasties, the Sino-Japanese exchanges, the Chinese way of life deeply influenced Japan, so Japan’s these archaeological discoveries on the inference of Chinese people during the Tang and Song Tourette swab useful reference tool.

except kind of archaeological evidence, the Tang and Song use toilet chips are also found in historical records, Song Ma Order “Nantang book. Buddha Biography”: “后主Sangha and weeks after the top hat, wear robes ,课诵scriptures, worship on bended knees Dayton forehead, to the tumor superfluous.僧徒pro-cut toilet Jane, trial by Cheek, few Mans puncture, then coupled with Shuji. “” Mirror “Tang Ji 47 records, South Korea Hwang Ren Zhenhai Jiedushi, transporting large quantities of supplies to the Guanzhong, including toilet chips: “Used equipment is owned boat has been in charge say, the next to the toilet chips, Hwang notes are hand-out, all week preparing.”
< br=""> described in the Tang dynasty monk Xuan Road “教诫new nursing school律仪Picchu trip” on the toilet Act monks recorded the 14th day-to-day norms, which go to toilet law requires monks “regular toilet with chips, not failure Que” and expressly provides that: “it shall not use language paper.” This record proves that the era of the Tang Dynasty monk with toilet swab dirty chips, are very interesting at the same time prohibiting the use of “language so permits” dirty swab, since banned, then surely someone in real life to do so, otherwise how can they prohibited?

between the Tang and Song Dynasties, the paper has not only used to write, but also for daily use and the burning of spirits festival. Song “Love note Day zhai Cong” record “Southern Qi废帝good spirits, often paper-cutting for the money to束帛generation, and has paper money”; “Tang Dynasty” Wang Chuan-yu: “Since the Han burial bury those who have money, prayer with God and paper money, it has since before King Island “; Tang began after the burning of paper money in the historical records of frequent. And “Heavenly Creations” records: “Tang fan when things supernatural, to the burning of paper money on behalf of the funds, the North by cutting fine-sounding name paperboard. So who made this fine-sounding name of this paper thermal paper …… 17 for burning offerings, thirteen for daily use, the most coarse and fine-sounding name who wrapped thick paper, then Penny Tian Ma and places for the draft late also. ” Since the emergence of a daily paper, then, people use it is a matter of course a dirty swab. Wei and Jin

: Fanniidae chips

Tang times until the chips have been recorded using the toilet, but there was no evidence of dirty paper swab.

“Liang Ji 166 Volume Mirror 22″ recorded in the Northern Qi Dynasty Emperor Gao Yang “Yin Yang Although for the prime minister, so that chip into the toilet to horsewhip whip its back, bloody浃gowns. “

Lu Xun’s” Ancient Dynasty novel “Lost Book series裴启the Eastern Jin Dynasty,” the phrase forest “records”寔Liu Yi石崇, toileting, see Kermes纱帐have great beds, great mat Yin-lai,两婢Kam holds a Sachet,寔take anti-surge, that is, that Chong said: Betty is into interior, Chong said: toilet are ears,寔more to the toilet is Shou lackey, the Progressive kit, it is raised. “
< br=""> World written by the Tang Dynasty monk Road “法苑珠林” the thirteenth volume of “sensors recorded” record: “Wu Jian Ye at the ground after the park. gold as one body. discuss their fate. that week are sterile Wang created. town in the River House also. why know-ran. Since the Qin and Han Wei failed Nanda Buddhism. He may have buried bury in like manner.孙皓to be shared. Su-no letter. do not respect. placed in the toilet Department Executive Screen chips. “If this is true, it is on the use of the Three Kingdoms Period of chips as evidenced by the toilet.

of law raised by flushing the suspect and came to China with Buddhism. All in the early Buddhist Law, the records of the Buddha to guide the public to use the toilet bhiksu chips, such as Lumbini scriptures mother Sixth: Thie-Tzuen in王舍城Seoul, one has Picchu, Brahmin caste. Net and more polluted, when on the toilet to raise grass刮下Road, scraping it hurt very much broken, the break has been the color displeasure. Bhiksu question from a statement: “汝何to color fade患苦why”? That is,答言: “I go to toilet when the evil will not net, using chips that self-injury re-scraping body, reflect the diversity unhappy.” To address this situation, Sakyamuni Buddha said: “start-stop has had, with discs net scraping the net. If there are no chips may not be the net wall swab may not be toilet栿plate girder swab order on the net, can not use stone, shall not be used grass, soft dirt Paper cork trees are not allowed George; the application, the wood chips for the reed. metric method, a very elderly one Zhe, short refers to the four persons. We have spent so vibration pollution are not allowed to net, and shall not be a net chips Medium. are people on the toilet by flushing chips Act. “

Living Buddha BC VI, VII century, these commandments were written on him after the death of more than one hundred years, so from the current literature Data watch, India raised the use of the toilet of history much earlier than China. The beginning of Eastern Han Dynasty Buddhism into China, initially imported only some “after” and on the faithful to make clear demands of daily living of the “law” is to start from the three countries, and Chinese people waiting to use the toilet first record since the Three Kingdoms before, so the toilet chips imported from India said, is still tenable. But do not rule out the Chinese people before that chip on the use of the toilet, but there was no evidence it. The final answer may have to future archaeological findings to give.

chip method using the toilet with the introduction of Buddhism from India, and later changed to raise the toilet paper is issued by the Mongolian Yuan dynasty royal family began. Tourette swab from the ancient Chinese customs Chinese culture can be seen on the rheology of openness, by micro-known book, by the small see large, then also Glimpse of the Chinese nation to absorb all the fine achievements of civilization of mankind’s fine tradition. (06-8-24)

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