羊肉泡馍怎么办? « City life wiki 城市百科


烹调羊肉泡馍很严格,技术要求,而且还特别强调Zhurou的过程中,有近一步。泡馍的有几十种原料,整个过程需时约20小时。光前准备肉汤要超过15小时。据悉,西安最有名的羊肉泡馍馆Zhurou已经使用了超过一百多年前,老挝汤,在锅汤后,不仅是美味唐县,没有气味的尿液气味的牛肉和羊肉位。连同熟脆干巷沱沱河包肉,是用一个良好的品牌系统的小麦粉做的,到汤滚滚。它的“老虎,箍要求,菊花心走出包品牌的要求”,“色白不生,皮黄不焦入汤的气味,脆健康和香水。”打破馒头是一种文化,烹调泡馍前,食客都交给打破了他的突破后,面包,圆面包托托(白城小块),撕裂(撕页),捏成块(捏),摇(摇关闭制服)和其他程序将蒸熟的大豆白城片段的中断一包大小的整个过程称为外人要研究半天,吃羊肉Paofan来张口,坐以待食物是不够的。在陕西,吃牛肉和羊肉是非常有经验,从中断一个饱美食泡沫,在这是一个大胖子注意,他们注意包越小越好,而且是统一的大小,你看光的手指捻慢慢擦,时轻时重… ….喜欢打作为蒸大豆晶粒尺寸高雅音乐的时刻,颗粒均匀的店铺,这是促进入碗蒸的滋味。打破了美好的旧包在一个大碗内的大约三分之二,放置。旧碗时必须真实陕西大老碗,至少在小碗里吃用一般五,六大。当一切结束后Henghengjiji的秦腔,然后等待烹饪烹饪教师。库克馒头会注意汤,调料恰当,吴霍机厨师,及时安装碗,以实现到原汤包子,馒头,香气芬芳的要求。

一热羊肉Teng滕炮嫫碗到表等,你一定会认为,这样您就可以摆脱脸颊打开吃。等一下,这羊肉泡馍不仅注重烹调,也要注意吃。正常消费三种方式:1:干泡沫,要求馒头煮,蒸xx渗透在吃了一碗肉没有汤,就没有面包汤。 2:口汤,煮吃蒸要求后,剩下的一碗汤。 3:水围困,馒头中间块,在周围的汤,汤,果汁,所有吃蒸。关于更具体的文化,如吃羊肉泡馍吃在四种“水而出”,其形状是非常美妙,非常丰富的文化遗产,注重大型宽汤煮,中间包,肉类,包围周围的是清汤,使水围困。xx诗人写道,“白馒头一样的玉器汇集山,像水羹,水大围山,山傍水,这两种稀有肉类2,大蒜是一种灰色的岩石山上点缀着绿色的翡翠仙女的球迷,我不知道该组种植了水晶链,其中包括与热空气层覆盖的山脉链,使云岚雾的颜色,味道,是耐人寻味,永远不会忘记。这三个吃,最重要的是要提前白面包片。遭水淹,与地面的大蒜混合的制度,辣椒酱,香菜,别有风味。一方面,口夺仪,空闲时大汗淋漓吹嘘传(空谈敲),该种口味优于美国的生活,但使用了最经典的数是总结陕西话说:“拉领带,美国吸孩子的哭! “粮食,然后喝一小碗汤,我觉得xx满口,回味,这是成为一个不朽不会改变。











7 5采取咸牛肉和汤加邵肥(水多少水包下,个人品味)把{dy}把火少飞球迷来到他们生还的包(粉丝,蒸所有外,)加少许鸡救火。。根据个人喜好一点蒜末,绿色的地方。如果你搅拌,搅拌球迷一人,然后搅拌蒸













烹调羊肉泡馍非常严格的技术要求,而且还特别强调Zhurou进程有近道程序。泡馍的有几十种原料,整个过程需时约20小时。光线要预先准备肉汤超过15小时。据悉,西安最有名的博物馆Zhurou羊肉泡馍已使用超过100年前,老挝唐,在锅汤后,不仅是美味唐县,没有气味的尿液气味的牛肉和羊肉位。熟的肉一起沱沱河,脆包甘西昂是花好的制度面粉烤了,把汤滚滚。这就要求,“老虎,箍,菊花心走出包品牌的要求”,“色白不生,皮黄不焦入汤,气味,脆卫生和香水。“打破馒头是一种文化的一种,烹调泡馍前,食客都交给打破了他的突破后,面包,圆面包托托(白城小块),撕裂(撕页),捏(成块捏),震动(摆脱连)等程序,将蒸熟黄豆大小白城件,打破过一个面包,整个过程被称为外人要研究半天,吃羊肉Paofan来张口,坐待食物是不能接受的。在陕西,吃一个面包,切断了牛羊肉美食泡沫非常有经验,在这是一个大胖子注意,他们注意包越小越好,而且是统一的大小,您看你扭慢慢抹光,时轻时重… ….喜欢玩作为蒸大豆晶粒尺寸高雅音乐,目前,颗粒均匀,是指在该店铺,这是促进口味放入碗内包子。开创良好的老包在一个大碗内的大约三分之二,放置。旧碗时必须真实陕西大老碗,至少在一般吃大56一小碗。当一切都结束了后Henghengjiji的秦腔,然后等待烹饪烹饪教师。厨师包包会注意汤,调料恰当,吴霍姬库克,及时安装碗,以实现到原汤包子,馒头,香气芬芳该请求。


Mutton Paomo how to do?

The key is how to do there, bun?

Paomo beef and mutton is the most influential Xi’an, the most distinctive food. Ancient times known as “jelly”, Song Su Shi as “Gansu dishes Youxiong December, Qin cooking only jelly” in a poem. Cooking lamb Paomo technical requirements are very strict Zhurou process has particular care. Their production methods are: first high-quality beef and mutton cut wash clean, cook when you add onions, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, fennel, cinnamon and other condiments Zhulan, soup stand. Bun, is a kind of flour scones to eat when the size of its breaking off pieces and soy into a bowl, and then cross-chef in a bowl put a certain amount of cooked meat, raw soup, accompanied by the late Cong, cabbage, wine, vermicelli, salt, MSG and other spices, made of a single spoon. Paomo to eat beef and mutton is also very unique, there are braised mutton soup, or eaten by customers since the bubbles: there are dry foam, and will fully penetrate steamed in broth. Eaten steamed, meat, a bowl of soup was finished. There is also a eat called “Water Rising,” that is wide and big soup boiled to cook the bun, meat on the bowl center, surrounded by four soup. This delicious soup, meat, rotten and fragrant steamed tough tasty. If we accompanied by hot sauce, garlic, do not have some flavor. Is a rare high-level tonic Jiapin. Xi’an Museum of lamb Paomo many long-established and the “old Sun House”, “with the Shengxiang” and other more famous.
cooking lamb Paomo very strict technical requirements, but also particularly stress Zhurou process, there are nearly step. Paomo There are dozens of kinds of raw materials, the whole process would take nearly 20 hours. Light pre-prepare a broth is necessary to more than 15 hours. It is said that Xian’s most famous museum Zhurou Paomo lamb has been used for more than a hundred years ago, Lao Tang, where pan after the broth is not only delicious Tangxian and without the smell of urine smell a bit of beef and mutton. Together with the meat cooked crisp Ganxiang Tuotuo bun, is to spend a good branding system made of wheat flour, billowing into the soup. It calls for “tiger, hoops, chrysanthemum heart” out of the bun branding requirements “color white is not health, skin yellow no coke, into the soup smell, crisp Health and fragrance.” Breaking bun is a kind of culture, cooking Paomo ago, diners have to hand Breaking his bun, a round bun Toto, after breaking off (Baicheng small pieces), tear (tear sheet), pinch (pinch into pieces), shake (shake off the uniform) and other procedures will be steamed soybeans Baicheng fragments the size of the whole process of breaking off a bun called outsiders is necessary to study half a day, eating mutton Paofan to open one’s mouth, sitting pending the food is not enough The. In Shaanxi, eating beef and mutton is very experienced gourmet foam from breaking off a bun, the That’s a big fat pay attention, they pay attention to the bun smaller the better, but also the size of uniform, you Look at the fingers of light twist slowly wiping , when light weight … …. is like playing elegant music, the moment, as the size of steamed soybean grain particles evenly in the bowl of the shop, which is to facilitate the flavors into the steamed. Breaking a good old bun placed in a large bowl inside, about two-thirds. Speaking of the old bowl must be authentic Shaanxi Tate bowl, at least in general used in small bowl to eat five or six big. When everything is finish up after Henghengjiji to a Qinqiang, and then wait for cooking cooking teacher. Cook steamed bun will pay attention to soup, spices properly, Wu Huo Ji cook, timely installation bowl, in order to achieve the original soup into the bun, steamed fragrant aroma requirements.

  wait for a bowl of hot mutton Teng Teng Paomo to the tables, you must have thought so that you can throw off cheek open to eat. Wait a minute, this lamb Paomo not only pay attention to cooking, but also pay attention to eat. Normal consumption in three ways: 1: Dry foam, require the steamed boiled, steamed soup completely infiltrated within the bowl after eating no meat, no soup without bun. 2: mouth soup, boiled steamed required to eat, after remaining a soup bowl. 3: Water siege, steamed block in the middle, in the surrounding broth, soup, juice, all to be eaten steamed. Eat on the more specific a culture, such as lamb Paomo eat in the four kinds of “Water Rising” and its shape will be very beautiful, very rich cultural heritage, pay attention to large wide soup boiling, the middle bun, meat, surrounded by yes around the broth, so that water under siege. A famous poet wrote, “steamed like white jade pieces converge Hill, like a thick soup of water, water Dawei Mountain, mountain Bangshui, that two rare meat is two gray rocks, garlic is a dotted green mountains Emerald Fairy fans I do not know which group planted a crystal chains, strands of mountains covered with a layer of hot air to make clouds lan mist color, and its taste is much food for thought, will never forget. these three eat, the most important thing is had to advance to bun Baicheng pieces. and flooded the system with a mixture of ground garlic,, pepper sauce, parsley, until meatballs are cooked. the one hand, mouth Duo-yee, sweating profusely while idle brag Chuan (idle chatter knock), the kind of taste America was better than life, but used a few of the most classic is summed up in Shaanxi words: “pull up the tie, the U.S. suck child’s cry! “Food and then drink a small bowl of soup, I find the lingering fragrance mouthful, aftertaste, that is to become an immortal does not change.

I very much love this mouth, but also unable to do anything at home how to do That taste. upstairs for a long time friend who also did not say how to do bun in the end.

A beef, bone, fans, leek, parsley, chili sauce, garlic onion
B , ginger, grass fruit, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon
C salt, chicken
1, beef, beef bones Cheuk water, add water, add seasoning B put pot Zhulan.’s own eating beef can be sliced Dice .

2, taking the water with salt beef and Tonga Shao Fei (the number of water under the bun, and personal taste) put the first fire Shaofei fans came alive again in bun (vermicelli and steamed all aside,) plus a little chicken. turn off the heat according to personal taste put a little green garlic. Sheng into the bowl of the order is steamed in the next, fans and meat in the last. sprinkle coriander and chili sauce (depending on personal taste)

3, cake approach: alkaline surface of open water, live face, live more than a hard surface can be more than a hard on the living. and then baked into a familiar 7-8. dicing, or by hand Bai Cheng Ding

ps: I did not put cinnamon, a person suspected of cinnamon flavor. As a result tastes more delicious.
(lamb, as in Paomo)

2 beef, beef bones Cheuk water, add water, add seasoning B put pot Zhulan.
live a good face, forced rubbing roll into cakes. do not require surface flutter oh:)

3 Luo Cheng 7,8 cooked pancake

4 bun Baicheng granule, the next graph is a person to eat big point, with the knife drops.
ps: found to cut and then breaking off a small grain and more convenient then

5 to take water with salt beef and Tonga Shao Fei (the number of water under the bun, and personal taste) put the first fire Shaofei fans came alive again in bun (vermicelli and steamed all aside,) plus a little chicken. off the fire. according to personal taste Green put a little minced garlic. If you stir, stir fans alone, and then stir steamed

6 garlic, chili sauce, garlic, coriander

7 5 to take water with salt beef and Tonga Shao Fei (the number of water under the bun, and personal taste) put the first fire Shaofei fans came alive again in bun (vermicelli and steamed all aside,) plus a little chicken. off the fire. according to personal taste a little minced garlic, green place. If you stir, stir fans alone, and then stir steamed

The easiest way is to lamb stew by the way consommé is good, and then chopped into a bun into the box, and then boiled three to five minutes like a!

Shaanxi Paomo practices

lamb and mutton Paomo practices in Shaanxi

1, Lomo

to spend a few baking powder, very little, the best kind of leavened dough with the effects of poor fermentation powder, gives them a little. rather less baking powder, we can not put more hair there is no way to eat bread, unleavened dough can also improvise. rubbed energetically rubbed energetically rubbing, kneading the better, under the proposed kneading 400 or so, put half an hour. made into round cakes, bake on the pan dry, small Huo Luo, and hold oil, bake a good bun, like a steak medium well, not all cooked.

2 to Lomo well, the hand will Lomo Baicheng small.

3, prepare a broth

boil a pot of mutton soup, Shaanxi, said just put pepper authentic prepare a broth, if you do not like, she let the point other ingredients bar. In addition, lamb bubble ahead of half an hour, Ququxuemo.

4 to prepare Ingredients: green onions, parsley, there are fans, this was also said that I can hold onto, thus making it authentic, but I love to eat.


lamb and mutton is a Muslim diet Paomo an interesting taste of the flavor snacks, delicious cheap food are many. practice is to sheep foreleg, after the hindquarters Eviscerate cooked, chopped into pieces stand-by, with Zhurou Tonga onions, ginger, garlic, salt, monosodium glutamate and modulation coriander soup then add vermicelli, pork braised system, dish fragrance delicious, meat fresh.

beef and mutton Paomo is characterized by heavy flavor feed, meat, rotten Tangnong, enticing aroma, fresh flavor, after no, there Nuanwei the function.

Paomo beef and mutton is the most influential Xi’an, the most distinctive food. ancient times known as “jelly”, Song Su Shi as “Gansu dishes Youxiong December, Qin cooking only jelly” in verse. mutton Paomo of Cooking skill requirements are very strict Zhurou process has particular care. their production methods are: first high-quality beef and mutton cut wash clean, cook when you add onions, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, fennel, cinnamon and other condiments Zhulan, reserve the broth. bun is a kind of flour scones to eat when the size of its breaking off pieces and soy into a bowl, and then cross-chef in a bowl put a certain amount of cooked meat, raw soup, accompanied by the late Cong, Chinese cabbage silk, wine, vermicelli, salt, MSG and other spices, made of a single spoon. Paomo of eating beef and mutton is also very unique, there are braised mutton soup, or eaten by customers since the bubbles: there are dry foam, and soon Tom juice fully penetrate inside the bun. finished bun, meat, and a bowl of soup was finished. Is there a kind of eat is called “Water Rising,” that is wide and big soup boiled to cook the bun, meat on the bowl center, surrounded by four soup. so delicious broth, meat, rotten and fragrant steamed tough tasty. If we accompanied by hot sauce, garlic, do not have some flavor. is a rare high-level tonic Jiapin. Xi’an Museum of lamb Paomo many long-established and the “old Sun House,” “with the Shengxiang” and other more famous.
cooking lamb Paomo very strict technical requirements, but also particularly stress Zhurou process, there are nearly Road procedures . Paomo There are dozens of kinds of raw materials, the whole process takes nearly 20 hours. light is necessary to pre-prepare a broth more than 15 hours. It is said that Xi’an’s most famous museum Zhurou Paomo lamb has been used for more than a hundred years ago The Lao Tang, where pan after the broth is not only delicious Tangxian and without the smell of urine smell a bit of beef and mutton. Tuotuo cooked together with meat, crisp bun Gan Xiang, is to spend a good system made of wheat flour baked , billowing into the soup. It requires, “tiger, hoops, chrysanthemum heart” out of the bun branding requirements “color white is not health, skin yellow no coke, into the soup smell, crisp Health and fragrance.” Breaking bun is a kind of cultural , cooking Paomo ago, diners have to hand Breaking his bun, a round bun Toto, after breaking off (Baicheng small pieces), tear (tear sheet), pinch (pinch into pieces), shaking ( shake off even), etc. procedure will be steamed soybeans Baicheng size pieces, the whole process of breaking off a bun called outsiders is necessary to study half a day, eating mutton Paofan to open one’s mouth, sitting pending the food is not acceptable. in Shaanxi, eat cow mutton very experienced gourmet foam from breaking off a bun, the That’s a big fat pay attention, they pay attention to the bun smaller the better, but also the size of uniform, you Look at your fingers twisting slowly wiping light, when light weight … …. is like playing elegant music, the moment, as the size of steamed soybean grain particles evenly in the bowl of the shop, which is to facilitate the flavors into the bun. Breaking a good old bun placed in a large bowl inside, about two-thirds. Speaking of the old bowl must be authentic Shaanxi Tate bowl, at least in general eat a small bowl with the big 56. when everything is finish up after Henghengjiji to a Qinqiang, and then wait for cooking cooking teacher. cook bun bun will pay attention to soup, spices properly, Wu Huo Ji cook, timely installation bowl, in order to achieve the original soup into the bun, steamed fragrant aroma of the request.

  wait for a bowl of hot mutton Teng Teng Paomo the tables, the You must have thought so that you can throw off cheek open to eat. Wait a minute, this lamb Paomo not only pay attention to cooking, but also pay attention to eat. normal consumption in three ways: 1: Dry foam, require the steamed boiled, soup completely penetrate inside the bun, eat after the soup bowl without no bun without meat. 2: mouth soup, boiled steamed required to eat, after remaining a soup bowl. 3: Water siege, steamed block in the middle, soup in the area, soup, juice, all to be eaten steamed. eat is even more specific a culture, such as lamb Paomo eat in the four kinds of “Water Rising” and its shape will be very beautiful, very rich cultural heritage, pay attention to a wide soup great cook, the middle bun, meat, surrounded by a soup around, so that water under siege. a well-known poet, wrote “steamed like white jade pieces converge Hill, like a thick soup of water, water Dawei Mountain, mountain Bangshui , that two meat is a rare two gray rocks, garlic is the emerald green mountains dotted fans I do not know which fairies planted a group crystal chains, strands of mountains covered with a layer of hot air to make clouds lan mist color, while the its taste is much food for thought, will never forget. These three eat, the most important thing is steamed Baicheng pieces had to advance. And flooded the system with a mixture of ground garlic,, pepper sauce, parsley…

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