

一、    背景


水是生命之源,也是生物体组成中含量{zg}的一种物质,胎儿体内水的含量为98%,婴儿体内含水约75%,成人体内含水为55%-65%。人人都想长寿,长寿的关键之一就是“水”,饮水得当身体健康,饮水不当引发疾病,水质超标的水长期饮用后对人体会产生很大的危害。在污染饮用水中,已发现765种有机污染物,其中有20 种被确认为致癌物,23 种为可疑致癌物,18 种为促癌物,56 种为诱变物。主要致癌物有:石棉、三氯甲烷、苯、氯乙烯、xxxx、二氯甲烷、甲醚、氰化物、多种农药及重金属砷、铬、镍和汞等。不合格的饮用水一是造成介水传播疾病,它可在短时间内呈区域性、人群性爆发流行;二是造成对人体健康长久的慢性损害,减低人的生活质量和生存寿命。





二、    产品简介




Introduction for Waterland


1. Background

  Every year there are 1.6 million diarrhoeal deaths related to unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene—the vast majority among children under 5. More than one billion people lack access to an improved water source. Water is essential for life. The amount of fresh water on earth is limited, and its quality is under constant pressure. Preserving the quality of fresh water is important for the drinking-water supply, food production and recreational water use. Water quality can be compromised by the presence of infectious agents, toxic chemicals, and radiological hazards.    

4 billion cases of diarrhoea occur annually, of which 88% is attributable to unsafe water, and inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Water-related diseases include those due to micro-organisms and chemicals in water people drink; diseases like schistosomiasis which have part of their lifecycle in water; diseases like malaria with water-related vectors; drowning and some injuries; and others such as legionellosis carried by aerosols containing certain micro-organisms.

Health can be compromised when harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites contaminate drinking water either at the source, through seepage of contaminated run-off water, or within the piped distribution system. Moreover, unhygienic handling of water during transport or within the home can contaminate previously safe water. For these reasons, many of those who have access to improved water supplies through piped connections, protected wells or other improved sources are, in fact, exposed to contaminated water. Therefore, potentially billions of people can benefit from effective household water treatment and safe storage. A growing body of research has confirmed the key role that point-of-use water quality interventions can play in reducing diarrhoeal disease in a cost-effective manner.

It is significant that the more than 20 yrs' unilateral economic progress result in the environmental deterioration in China. There are more than 300 million Chinese rural residents without access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and there also are other near 500 million rural people receiving untreated drinking water with potential contaminants, such as fluoride, arsenic, toxic organic matter, heavy metals and bacteria, etc. Waterborne diseases teem in rural and poverty area all over China in the decade. According with the actual water-treatment technologies and financing in China, it will be little possible to supply good drinking water to all rural residents without a kind of low-cost, adaptive technology.

  Over the world, many professors and experts, researching in water treatment and environmental science, are engaging the problem. The professors, in Shannxi Normal University, China, and Kyoto University, Japan, presented a series of novel water treatment technologies for rural areas, which are low-cost and automatic design for contaminated drinking water to remove fluoride, arsenic, bacteria, organic matter, iron, toxic metals, etc.  For example, in June 2007, Professor Jianchao Lee applied the novel devices to treat drinking water for superfluous fluoride removal for some families in Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province, China. The 2 months experiences showed that the fluoride concentration always keep at less than the standard data of drinking water (<1.0 mg/L).


2. Introduction of the Product – Waterland

  “Waterland” technology, house-hold drinking water treatment, is invented by some scientists from China and Japan, and several art-routes are first application in water-treating from hydrodynamics, functional material science, automatism, and ergonomics. With advantages of long work-time, automatic, less maintenance, electricity-free, and disturbance-free, Waterland technology presents a series of house-hold cleanwater devices. Presently, there are 24-type products in“Waterland” family, and they are ready to fight with most of low-quality drinking water over the world.

郑重声明:资讯 【女娲公共健康教育工程安全饮水---水岛产品介绍_女娲公共健康教育_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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