Dragon Phoenix Wine Blog » A Day of Winemaking….

A day in the life of a wine maker 一个酿酒师生命中的{yt}

Last March I had the chance to make wine at Brown Brothers Winery in King Valley, Victoria, Australia. It was a fascinating experience and I would like to introduce you to what it was like!

6:30am get up and pull on steel-capped work boots, t shirt, shorts and safety vest. All night long, trucks have been coming to the winery and the night shift has been hard at work processing them

7am get to the “Kindergarten” . This is an experimental winery –a laboratory- where we winemakers can play with smaller amounts of wine to make new and exciting types of wines. This is uniquely Brown Brothers’ style and shows in their innovative products! I start my day collecting samples of wine from every fermenter and tank – these are sent to the lab for testing and analysis.
7点去布琅兄弟的“幼儿园”。这是一个实验性的酿酒所与一个实验室相似。在幼儿园, 我们这些酿酒师可以酿造少量的创新、令人激动的风格的葡萄酒。这是布朗兄弟酒庄独特的风格就是创造性。开始从每一个发酵罐中收集葡萄酒样品,这些样品被送到实验室中分析。

7:30 start the pump overs for the red wine. This is spraying the top of the fermenting red wine (the grape skins) with juice from the bottom of the tank. This is messy work and needs concentration! Each fermenter needs a different amount of time so you need to check your work sheet!
7:30 开始为红葡萄酒泵送葡萄醪。这个过程是用发酵罐中底部的葡萄醪喷射上部发酵中的红葡萄酒(葡萄皮)。这是一个很脏的工作,而且需要集中精神!每一个发酵罐需要不同的泵送的时间,所以你每一次需要查看你的工作表。

8:30 one of the red wines is finished fermenting and we have to press it to separate the wine from the skins and pips. We first take out the free-run liquid and pump it into a tank, then the hard work of shovelling the skins and pips into the press begins! It is hard work since the skins weigh a good few tons! Then we turn on the press to do its job while we wash out the fermenters – which makes you really wet!
8:30 其中一款红葡萄酒完成了发酵,我们必须要压榨它以使葡萄酒与果皮和果籽分开。我们首先把自流的汁液分离开,然后把他们装入罐中。然后是艰辛的铲除工作,我们需要把所有的葡萄皮和果籽铲除到压榨机中!因为葡萄皮重达几吨,所以这个过程非常辛苦!然后在清洗发酵罐的过程中(让我们都湿透了!),我们启动压榨机让它开始压榨。

10:00 finish the red wines and go for Smoke-oh (which is Australian for a tea break!).
10:00 结束红葡萄酒的酿造,去休息一下,叫Smoke-oh(澳大利亚人称其为休息)

10:30 We then wash out the press – this is really really wet work! We also press some of the whole-bunches of grapes that come in for making sparkling wine – this needs a lot of care and attention as not all the juice that is pressed is used in production – only the best!


11:30 start to look at the white wines – we measure the temperatures and if they need heating or cooling.
11:30 开始处理白葡萄酒。我们测量温度以确定是否需要给他们加热或冷却。

12:00 Lunch! 午饭时间!

1:00 There is some new chardonnay wine that needs to be put in new oak barrels for maturation. I am given the pump and it’s hard to get the barrels really full without spilling the wine all over me! It smells very yeasty and fresh.
1:00 有一些刚刚酿完的霞多丽葡萄酒需要放在新的橡木桶中熟化。他们给我泵,那是很困难的:需要让木桶装满,但是还不能把葡萄酒溢出来弄得全身都是。有很重的酵母味,很新鲜的酒香。

2:30 Check the wine that is fermenting in barrel. We check this Chardonnay wine to see if it has finished fermenting by checking the sugar content. If there is no sugar left in the wine, it is finished! We also taste each barrel to make sure the fermentation process is going well – and some of the ones that are not finished taste very strange because there is so much sugar in them.
2:30 检查在桶中发酵中的葡萄酒。以检测糖的含量来确认这款霞多丽葡萄酒是否已经完成发酵(如果没有糖分残留,就表示已经完成了发酵)。我们也会品尝每个酒桶里的酒以保证发酵过程进行的顺利, 可是有的酒发酵还没有完成,所以尝起来很奇怪:酒中还有残留糖。

3:30 The day shift is finished and we meet with the winemakers on the evening shift to talk about the wines that are being made and any problems. I then go back home and fall asleep!
3:30 白班结束了,我们与上夜班的酿酒师交接,告诉他们我们酿造的酒和任何的问题,然后我回家,马上就入睡了!

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