




















上海安全生产科学研究所王桂芬工程师告诉中国致力于这一制订和修订国家标准的工作区的记者。她说,目前使用的是最抗冲击眼还眼,焊接支架支撑。抗休克支撑眼睛是目前使用标准GB5890 - 1986,眼睛防护装备在焊接使用的GB/T3609.1-1994。前者倾向于搁置,需要修改,后者进程目前正在修订。












Aspects of China’s development of protective glasses

Since a number of cities in the country of fireworks, “cut to limit” since the protective glasses of fireworks and firecrackers are also gradually accepted by the masses. Protective mirror polycarbonate lenses optional High raw material processing and enhanced strength steel can withstand rifle fire at close range. Protective lens weighing only more than 30 grams, has adults and children in two, the packaging has the right approach to discharge of fireworks icon. In addition, the protective lens wear colored lenses at night can also enhance the brightness.

eyes the importance of the human body is self-evident. At the same time, the eye is also very fragile human organs. Especially in the production process, due to foreign bodies, toxic gases, such as abuse, it is easy for the eye injuries, therefore, protective glasses were used.

11 on day one afternoon 5时30分, a man held on to their workers, hastily came to Fujian Fuzhou General Hospital Ophthalmic Center, providing information to doctors for help. On the injured eye only has a 2-centimeter-long nail was “V”-shaped cross-nail in the eye. The man is the original decoration workers in the use of射钉枪when the trigger button a few did not shoot a nail. He felt射钉枪are卡壳, and put a muzzle射钉枪In turn, the left eye凑上want to go and see what really happened, so we can not see the problem, then try again pulled the trigger. Results on a nail into his left eye. Fortunately, a nail bar at both ends only to the white of the eye, the cornea did not suffer injury. If the worker was wearing goggles, no accidents of this. the production process

eyes vulnerable to injury

It is understood that the Occupational ocular trauma represents about 5 percent of industrial injuries, and trauma accounted for Eye Hospital 50%. According to Chinese ocular trauma meeting once published statistics are available, workers in the country each year for the ocular trauma -3% 1%, while some industrial sectors is as high as 34%. In the production process, a common industrial eye injury factors include foreign body eye injuries, chemical eye injury, eye injury of non-ionizing radiation, ionizing radiation eye damage and microwave and laser eye injury.

casting, machine manufacturing, construction is a foreign body of ocular trauma happened in the main sectors. Most small particles can be washed away tears, but remain in the inner eyelid, corneal or scleral嵌进superficial foreign body, if not promptly removed, can cause ulcers and infection. The abolition of some high-speed solid foreign body (such as rotary cutting or grinding of metal fragments of the broken particles of metal objects), if it hit the eye, can be a serious breakdown of live penetrating eye injury.

chemical eye injury, are in the production process refers to the acid-base liquid or corrosive fumes to enter the eyes, can cause corneal burns, such as the use of sodium hydroxide, calcium oxide operation jar, transmission containing corrosive liquids or gas pipeline, in the quenching when the metal has cyanide or nitrite, such as spatter.

eyes hurt non-ionizing radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet and infrared, a wavelength of 100nm. UV radiation can conjunctivitis, and photophobia, pain, tears, eyelid symptoms go far, because such symptoms occurred in many welders,故常called the “electric ophthalmia”, are commonly found in industrial occupational eye disease. Infrared radiation produced thermal effects eye tissue, causing chronic eyelid verify or crystal turbidity (Occupational cataract), visible light caused by eyestrain, blepharospasm and conjunctivitis, but these symptoms are temporary, and do not leave the pathological changes.

ionizing radiation is mainly occurred in the poly atomic industry, nuclear power plant (such as nuclear power plants, nuclear submarines), nuclear explosions, high-energy physics experiments, medical departments diagnosis, treatment, etc. isotope. By the power of radiation such as eye, serious consequences can occur. When the total dose absorbed over 2Gy when people began to cataract, and its occurrence with the increasing of total dose increased.

microwave harm to the human eye was mainly due to thermal effects caused by crystal turbidity, resulting in “cataract” from happening. Laser in the industrial, medical, scientific research, etc. Many applications. If the laser projected onto the retina can cause burns, greater than 0.1mW laser can cause eye hemorrhage, protein coagulation, melting, loss of eyesight permanently.

eyes so vulnerable to a variety of injuries, eye protective equipment is particularly important. Functionally divided into glasses from the use of vision correction, eye protection and decorative use. Protective eye glasses used mainly include sunglasses series, sports series and vocational Mirror Mirror Series insurance protection. With the development and progress of science and technology, eye protection mirror has plain glass mirror from pure development to be made in accordance with the needs of the users with different diopter into the mirror. eyes facial

individual protective means of industrial production activities, labor protection, involve a number of industry workers in different occupations face individual eye protection, these products are collectively referred to as the Occupational protective lens. Generally speaking, industrial eye protective lens can be divided into anti-foreign body safety goggles and anti-light two types of goggles. Anti-foreign bodies in the following sub-goggles: Safety goggles, defense of harmful substances harm the eyes retaining materials, such as anti-impact eye goggles and anti-chemical eye goggles; shading goggles: defense harmful radiation damage products, such as welding goggles and furnace goggles, anti-laser goggles and anti-microwave goggles and other products.

another kind of eye protection products is the protective mask, you can while protecting the body’s face, mainly the security type and shade-type two.安全型,可防御固态和液态的有害物体伤害眼睛和面部,如钢化玻璃面罩,有机玻璃面罩;遮光型防护面罩是防御有害辐射线伤害眼面的产品,如电焊面罩。

in the industrial production, production workers, including the renovation work, auto repair workers, steel workers, are vulnerable to ocular trauma crowd. Therefore, the best field operation wear goggles to prevent eye injury accidents.

standards relatively backward social development can not keep up

industrial use protective glasses, target beneficiaries are independent of each individual worker or consumer, the quality of products directly related to workers and consumers physical and mental health. Therefore, its standard-setting, technical indicators and quality testing methods, nor are there has been a concern.

China in the world to enjoy “eyes kingdom” called. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 360 million people wearing all kinds of glasses. Unfortunately, as the glasses of consuming nations, we have the appropriate standards with international standards but have some distance. Even if the standard glasses for the mandatory standards, a major social and economic benefits, but because of its late start and has not placed enough emphasis, the current standard has been used can not keep pace with the times. On the other hand, China’s forthcoming series with eye protection the relevant international standards do not vote and a voice. As our country in the fields of the lack of the right to speak, so that our enterprises in the process of the international market abroad frequently encountered barriers from standards. Especially after China’s accession to the WTO in this area lagged behind national standards and standards of foreign occlusion, so that enterprises demanding more difficult to deal with technical barriers.

It is understood that the reasons for this situation is that the history of the formation of the division of the limitations of government departments, and individual eye facial protection technology, including standards, metrology, quality inspection and other aspects of the work, has been in a bull management Also lack of management level, making this area of professional and technical level is relatively backward.

for the substantial influx of foreign products and the market is flooded with private small business products, due to the lack of national standards and testing capabilities, quality inspection department is unable to implement the quality control. The standardization work backward, resulting in product quality can not improve a direct impact on consumers and workers in visual health.

It is learned that China’s professional familiar with the eye protection experts and members is limited, experts from the enterprises are small.

Shanghai Institute of Safety Science and WANG Gui-fen engineer told reporters that China is committed to this area of formulating and revising national standards of work. She said that currently in use are the most anti-impact eye eye brace brace and welding. Anti-shock brace eyes are currently using the standard GB5890-1986, eye protective gear used in welding are GB/T3609.1-1994. The former have tended to set aside, needs to be revised; the latter process is currently under revision.

new products, new rules to safeguard the safety

common WANG Gui-fen said that according to relevant national regulations and standards mandatory for the corresponding types of workers should use protective glasses. However, with industrial development, glasses feature an increase in industrial protective glasses are also gradually expand the scope of use. She told reporters cited an example of such. Previous anti-shock brace eyes only for types of work such as cutting public works to prevent external foreign body (such as metal debris) on the eye injury. However, with the glasses increase functionality, such as colorless glasses increased UV function, some outdoor type of work is also used protective glasses to protect eyes. This makes the use of protective glasses to expand, more people to use protective glasses to protect eyes.

but referred to the usage of protective glasses, she expressed concern: some foreign companies to use protective glasses standardization, refinement, models, and the greatest possible protection for the safety of employees and managers. For example: In China, workers in the production of the operation area should wear appropriate protective supplies, including protective eyewear, this is mandatory, but into the operation area of the management staff and foreign staff did not stringent requirements. However, foreign invested enterprises, as long as the entered the factory, whether it is the company’s management staff or external staff, must wear glasses to protect eyes. However, in some state-owned enterprises, WANG Gui-fen said frankly: “Which state-owned enterprises have not heard will be done this way. Or even if there is also a very low percentage.” Therefore, to the greatest extent possible to protect the safety of its staff, not just the emergence of new products, but also business-to-safety work required attention to detail.

protective glasses for industrial development, WANG Gui-fen said, will in accordance with the requirements of different operating environment, with the continuous emergence of new types of work, will continue to rise to more and better varieties, more comfortable, more practical and maximum protection to the operator’s eyes. We can also look for the eye to choose a barrier.

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several common occupational eye injury

foreign body eye injuries in industry are referring to, do milling metal, non-metallic cutting wood cast iron, the use of hand tools or hand-held electrical tools or pneumatic tools scour and repair of metal castings, rivet or screw cutting, cutting or scraping boilers, on-hand or broken concrete operations, sand, metal debris into the intraocular foreign body or facial impact.

eyes hurt non-ionizing radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet and infrared, the photon energy is not sufficient to launch in the absorption of molecules produce ionizing atoms, so called non-ionizing radiation. Industrial production of electric welding, oxygen cutting, furnaces, glass processing, hot-rolled and cast, etc., the heat source to produce light, ultraviolet and infrared. ionizing radiation

eye injury, including the α-particles, β particles, γ-rays, X-ray, thermal neutron, slow neutron, fast neutron, proton and electron radiation.

microwave and laser eye injury. These two waves are also electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation. Widely used in microwave radar, communications, as expected, detection, military, industrial food processing sector.

precisely because the existence of these injuries, protective eyewear is especially important before. (07-11-27)

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