狮子会缝纫设备的分配« oursolo.net







“的纺织品和服装,福建省服装的升级,首次装备。,工业水平和产品质量的提高,在很大程度上从先进的缝纫设备效益。 “最近,中国服装协会,主要负责人参加了福建省的缝制设备”等就职典礼“协会之一,当了邀请。






Lions will be sewing equipment distribution

Recently, Fuzhou and Xiamen, two sewing equipment company executives came to lions, and lions and several surrounding provinces and cities counterparts together to discuss the establishment of the Fujian Provincial Association of sewing equipment industry related matters.

person in charge, according to the preparatory group林宏楠Introduction: Up to now, to enroll members of the Association of enterprises across the province across, many of which are textile equipment manufacturing companies, involved in textile, printing and dyeing, clothing and footwear machinery in all industries. It is learned that the lions before the city government has approved the consent, in the lions building professional sewing equipment market.

good Shishi clothing enterprises in East China market

radiation for lions in east China is becoming a professional sewing machine market centers and sales centers this statement, Shishi City, the Economic Services Bureau to relevant persons, by virtue of the lions Fujian Textile and Apparel Industry to send a strong magnetic cluster center, as well as lions sewing market integrity and professionalism of the many garment enterprises nationwide have focused on here as procurement. Each year, not only a large number of sewing machines are sold in Shishi, Fujian Province, through various parts of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and other provinces and cities of garment enterprises have to watch lions goods purchase.

annual “Shanghai will be” on, textile equipment, sewing machines have become the exception of clothing, fabric of the biggest thing outside. Many merchants are directed at “equipment” to the. By lions in and around this group of industry pioneers represented sewing enterprises, has been in the country formed a relatively complete distribution network for the surrounding provinces of Fujian and the rapid development of textile and garment industry to provide equipment support.

development for the textile industry to add new thrust

“clothing upgrade, equipment for first. for the textile and garment, Fujian province, the industrial level and product quality improvement, to a large extent have benefit from the advanced sewing equipment. “Recently, China National Garment Association, one of the major responsible person participate in an” Association of Fujian Province, the inauguration ceremony of sewing equipment “so that when the invitation.

“Min-school” clothing concentrated in the southern textile and garment in Fujian Province “Eleventh Five-Year” plan, Quanzhou has become the development of the central area, and from Fujian textile and garment clusters, the distribution and strength, Shishi is also the center of this central area. Fujian Province, the sewing machine dealers mainly concentrated in the lions and the surrounding areas. It is for this reason, located in Shishi of “Fu-cheng,” several companies, such as duty-bound to hold the “Sewing Machine Industry Association of Fujian Province” This banner.林宏楠think so: the development of textile and garment industry of soil required. Pace of technological development in sewing at home and abroad, outside the large number of large companies continue to enter, so that the province’s southern and sewing equipment market competition intensified, the loose-sand type of business model can not meet the new needs, we must form a cohesive force development.

equipment manufacturing industry are gathered here

lions emerging textile machinery manufacturing base. The implementation plan is exciting.

in the textile and garment industry from strength to strength with the enhancement under the influence of the textile and garment machinery lions have already started to emerge, lions production of computer embroidery machines, circular knitting machine computer at home and abroad are not a small market, and in abroad more than 10 countries set up a direct sales network.

Fujian textile and garment industry as the “most important” lions, textile and garment industry is booming period. Enormous development potential and business opportunities in the formation of an invisible “magnetic field”, not only attracted domestic and foreign many well-known and international brands have been sewing equipment landing lions, in setting up distribution points and to radiation Fujian and eastern China, and some textile Equipment manufacturers are also eyeing this invaluable piece of land, have expressed the need to build the will to lions. This year, the lions of new approvals of foreign investment projects, there is already a project set up textile machinery manufacturing lions. (07-11-26)

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