
工业锅炉是不可缺少的热能动力设备,目前我国拥有工业锅炉79.3万只,是工业锅炉生产和使用{dy}大国。根据市场预测,"十一五"期间,我国工业锅炉正常年需求量仍将保持在12万蒸吨左右,工业锅炉行业生产能力保持在15万~20万蒸吨以上,尤其是大容量、高参数的工业锅炉增长速度较快,而作为该装置中的重要通用配件之一,蒸汽疏水阀发展的市场空间也极为广阔。   蒸汽疏水阀按启闭件的驱动方式可分为机械型蒸汽疏水阀、热静力型蒸汽疏水阀、热动力型蒸汽疏水阀三大类。据国家发改委能源局供热系统节能调查组的报告,每蒸吨工业锅炉上安装有4.57只蒸汽疏水阀,预计"十一五"期间新增工业锅炉对蒸汽疏水阀的需要量为36.56万只(蒸汽疏水阀的寿命为8000~12000小时),再加上旧锅炉改造所需蒸汽阀门。由此看来,"十一五"期间工业锅炉对蒸汽疏水阀门的需求量大增,大约在400万只左右。   国外发展速度放缓   国外20世纪80年代蒸汽疏水阀门的生产和技术发展较快,尤其是高参数和质量高的产品发展较快。90年代中期已生产工作压力为20.0MPa的蒸汽疏水阀,其正常使用寿命达12000小时,壳体材料为铬、钼、钒钢,结构型式有热动力型、热静力型和机械型,代表厂家有美国的YARWAY和阿姆斯特郎公司、日本的TLV公司和宫胁、德国的GES鄄TRA公司、英国的SPIRAX-SARCO公司、加拿大的VELAN公司等。进入21世纪以后,蒸汽阀的发展速度明显减慢,尤其是在近10年没有新产品问世。如德国的GESTRA产品结构、品种都没有发展,只是为了适应市场需要,把原BKIS的中法兰4个螺栓改为两个螺栓使体积减小,重量减轻,其他厂家也只是在小型化上作文章。   除此之外,近20年来,蒸汽疏水阀的标准没有变化,仍然沿用20世纪80年代制定的标准,试验方法没有提高,还是用低参数替代高参数,这对于高参数蒸汽疏水阀的试验是不科学的。   国内现状亟待改善   我国蒸汽疏水阀的发展与国外先进国家相比起步比较晚,在国内以生产中、低压蒸汽疏水阀为主,参数低、性能差、寿命短、试验手段差,仅个别厂家有中压以下产品性能试验装置,甚至有的蒸汽疏水阀生产厂家根本不试验就出厂,造成疏水阀漏汽严重。   在20世纪90年代,我国蒸汽疏水阀的品种与规格及生产水平与国外先进水平的差距有所缩小,但近10年来发展较慢,原有的试验装置相继损坏,如北京市阀门总厂的中压全性能试验装置已被拆除,20.0MPa的高压试验装置刚建成未投入使用就因搬迁而拆除;中通公司设在燕山的中压全性能试验装置也已停用几年;扬州阀门厂的4.0MPa中压全性能试验装置也停用几年;大连高压阀门厂建在电厂的中压试验装置也已停用,全国惟一的一所研究蒸汽疏水阀的研究所北京阀门研究所也名存实亡,这些都对蒸汽疏水阀的研究和发展影响甚大。基于上述种种因素,目前我国蒸汽疏水阀的生产水平较上世纪80年代有所降低,产品质量和使用寿命也开始下降。   据了解,目前仅有北京市阀门总厂有限责任公司、甘肃平凉九二○厂、成都航空仪表公司疏水阀厂、永嘉县阀门厂、隆成疏水阀厂、沈阳第二阀门厂、大连高压阀门有限公司、扬州阀门厂等还在生产蒸汽疏水阀,但大多数生产企业都没有试验装置,只有成都航空仪表公司疏水阀厂有PN6.5MPa、600kg蒸发量的锅炉及全性能试验装置,平凉九二○厂、扬州阀门厂有性能试验装置,北京市阀门总厂有限责任公司等有出厂试验装置,但试验压力很低,与没有试验装置相差无几。业内专家看到国内蒸汽阀这种发展情况后十分焦虑,他们迫切希望企业能够重视蒸汽疏水阀的发展。 从蒸汽疏水阀的生产和需求上看,国内与国外差距也十分大,仅以日本为例,日本和中国能源消耗相似(我国近10亿吨标准煤,日本..5亿吨标准煤),日本蒸汽疏水阀年产量310万只,每只寿命在一年以上,漏汽率在3%以下,蒸汽管网、热效率在50%以上;而我国蒸汽疏水阀年产量220万只左右,平均每只寿命不足一年,一般漏汽率在6%左右,蒸汽管散热效率在30%左右。现在,我国蒸汽疏水阀无论在产量和质量及产品品种上都不能满足国内市场的需要,同时在高参数产品的品种系列上缺口也很大。   从蒸汽疏水阀产品标准上看,我国目前和世界同步,都是20世纪80年代末制定的,虽在2005年有所修订,但在试验方法上,对高参数蒸汽疏水阀也未按同等的参数进行试验,对高压蒸汽疏水阀的性能(动作、排量、漏汽量)不能直接试验出来,实际产品距使用要求还有一定的距离。   开发的技术思路   基于蒸汽疏水阀行业现状,业内专家对其提出新的技术开发思路,即人性化、应用新材料、实现机电一体化。   "高效节能,绿色环保"是"十一五"乃至今后我国国民经济发展的主要方向,随着电力(接电、火电、水电、风电)、石化、冶金设备的大型化,对蒸汽疏水阀的要求也随之提高,要求蒸汽疏水阀的工作压力达到15.0MPa或更高,公称尺寸达DN150mm或更大。因此,在开发蒸汽疏水阀新产品时,要考虑以人为本,树立人性化的产品设计理念;将新材料不断应用到蒸汽疏水阀产品上来;将信息技术、人工智能技术融入蒸汽疏水阀实现机电一体化,是技术创新的新途径。   随着装置的大型化,势必对蒸汽管路的工作压力、公称尺寸、排量、工作温度等的要求相应提高,为了满足装置的要求,应开发高压自由浮球式、高压圆盘式、高压双金属片式的蒸汽疏水阀,其工作压力为15.0MPa、20.0MPa,工作温度为570℃~600℃。壳体材料为WC6、WC9及特种合金钢的蒸汽疏水阀。除此之外,还应开发低压、大口径、大排量的蒸汽疏水阀,其公称尺寸为DN150mm、DN200mm;开发高压大口径的调节疏水阀,其工作压力为PN16.0MPa,公称尺寸为DN150mm、200mm。   材料科学被认为是新世纪{zj1}发展前景的学科之一,近年来出现了许多新型高性能材料,如纳米材料、超导材料、记忆合金等,把记忆合金应用到蒸汽疏水阀中,让记忆合金作为蒸汽疏水阀的启、闭件,记忆凝结水的温度和压力。当蒸汽疏水阀内是蒸汽时,记忆合金关闭件会自动关闭,当凝结水来到记忆合金启闭件后,启闭件记忆凝结水的温度和压力会自动开启排水,排水完毕后,蒸汽到来,这时温度会升高,记忆合金关闭件会自动关闭蒸汽疏水阀。   当前信息技术飞速发展,蒸汽疏水阀作为蒸汽管路排除凝结水的执行机构,如果能够将现代的计算机技术、传感技术、网络及遥控技术以及智能技术植入蒸汽疏水阀产品中去,用以控制蒸汽疏水阀的启闭,按照这种思路设计的新型蒸汽疏水阀,在国外已有报道。   蒸汽疏水阀品种繁多,又有很大差别,市场需求又在不断变化,蒸汽疏水阀制造厂家的生产规模和技术水平参差不齐,但蒸汽疏水阀总的发展趋势和开发的技术途径却有着许多共同之处,只要蒸汽疏水阀制造厂家能够结合自身条件,走科学发展之路,设计和开发新产品,定能促进我国蒸汽疏水阀行业健康发展。

“ Steam Traps: market potential and urgent need of technological innovation ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国疏水阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

Industrial boilers are an essential heat power equipment, our country has 793,000 industrial boilers, industrial boilers production and use superpower. According to market forecasts, "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, normal annual demand for industrial boilers in China will remain around the 120,000 tons of steam, industrial boiler industry to maintain production capacity of 15 million to more than 200,000 tons of steam, especially in large capacity, high parameters faster growth of industrial boilers, and as the device in one of the important generic components, the development of the steam trap is extremely broad market space. Steam traps by opening and closing parts of the drive can be divided into mechanical-type steam traps, thermostatic type steam traps, thermodynamic steam trap type three categories. According to the National Development and Reform Commission Energy Bureau of Investigation Division of the heating system energy efficiency report, each of tons of industrial steam boiler steam traps installed 4.57, expected "during" new industrial boilers on the steam trap requirements for the 36.56 10 000 (steam trap 8000 to 12,000 hours life), together with the necessary transformation of the old steam boiler valve. From this, "during" industrial boiler steam trap door on the increasing demand, about 4 million or so. Slowdown abroad 80 years abroad in the 20th century the production of steam trap door and technology developed rapidly, especially in high-parameter and the rapid development of high quality products. The mid-90s production pressure is 20.0MPa steam traps, its normal service life of 12,000 hours, the shell material chromium, molybdenum, vanadium steel, hot power structure type type, heat and mechanical type of static, on behalf of manufacturers and the United States of YARWAY Armstrong Co., Japan's TLV companies and Miyawaki, Germany GES Juan TRA, UK's SPIRAX-SARCO Inc., Canada's VELAN companies. The 21st century, the steam valve slowed down the pace of development, especially in the last 10 years, no new products come out. Such as Germany's GESTRA product mix, varieties are not developed, only to meet the needs of the market, the original BKIS of the flange 4 bolt to the two bolts to reduce the size, weight, other manufacturers also make only small article. In addition, the past 20 years, no change in the standard steam trap is still in use in the 20th century set the standard 80, test method does not improve, or replace with low parameters of high parameters, which parameters of the steam traps for high-test is unscientific. Urgent need to improve the domestic situation China steam traps, compared with foreign advanced countries rather late, in the domestic production, the low pressure steam trap main parameters of the low, poor performance, short life, poor testing methods, manufacturers only have the pressure of the following individual products performance test equipment, steam traps and even some manufacturers do not test on the factory, causing serious steam trap leakage. 90 years in the 20th century, China steam trap types and specification and production level and international advanced level has narrowed the gap, but the slow development of the past 10 years, have damaged the original test device, such as valve Factory in Beijing Full Performance Test medium-voltage devices have been removed, 20.0MPa high-pressure testing apparatus was built not in use to remove due to relocation; in communications company located in Yanshan of the pressure the whole performance test device is also disabled a few years; Yangzhou valve door plants in the pressure 4.0MPa also disable all performance test equipment a few years; Dalian High Pressure Valve Factory built power plant in the pressure testing device is also disabled, the country only a Beijing Research Institute of steam trap valve Door Institute also exists in name only, these are all steam traps great impact on research and development. All these factors, the current production level of our steam trap 80 over the previous century, decreased product quality and life began to fall. It is understood that only Valve Factory Co., Ltd., Beijing, Gansu Pingliang 九二 ○ Factory, Chengdu aircraft instrument company trap plants, Yongjia County, Valve Factory, Long into a trap plant, the second valve plant in Shenyang, Dalian High Pressure Valve Co., Ltd., Yangzhou valve factory is still producing steam trap, but most manufacturers do not test apparatus, the Chengdu aircraft instrument companies only trap plants have PN6.5MPa, 600kg and total evaporation of the boiler performance test devices, Pingliang 九二 ○ Factory, Yangzhou valve factory has performance test equipment, Beijing Valve General Factory Co., Ltd. and so on with a factory test equipment, but the test pressure is very low, and no test equipment is almost the same. Industry experts see the development of domestic steam valve that was very anxious, they are eager to enterprises to attach importance to the development of steam traps. From the steam trap production and demand point of view, domestic and foreign gaps are very large, only the Japanese, for example, similar to Japan and China's energy consumption (nearly 1 billion tons of standard coal in China, Japan, .. 500 million tons of standard coal), Japan's annual output of 3.1 million steam traps, each life for more than a year, leakage rate of 3% steam, the steam pipe, thermal efficiency above 50%; and our annual production of 2.2 million steam traps about average less than a year only, the general rate of leakage of gas around 6%, the steam pipe cooling efficiency about 30%. Now, China's output and the steam trap in terms of both quality and product variety can not meet the needs of the domestic market, while products with high parameters is also a great variety series on the gap. Judging from the steam trap product standards, China and the rest of the world now are the late 20th century set of 80, although some amendments in 2005, but the test method, the high-parameter steam traps have the same failure to parameters to test the performance of the high-pressure steam traps (movement, displacement, leakage of steam) can not directly test out and use the requirements from the actual product is quite a distance. Development of technical ideas Based on steam traps, industrial status, industry experts put forward their ideas of new technology development, that is humane, the application of new materials to achieve mechanical and electrical integration. "Energy efficient, green environmental protection" is the "Eleventh Five-Year" as well as the future direction of China's major national economic development, with the power (electrical connection, thermal power, hydropower, wind power), petrochemicals, metallurgical equipment, large-scale, on the steam trap requirements also will improve the working pressure steam traps required to 15.0MPa or higher, up to DN150mm nominal size or larger. Therefore, the development of new products when steam traps, to consider people-oriented, establishing humanized design concept; Jiang Buduanyingyong new material up to the steam Shu Shuifa products; to information technology, artificial intelligence technology to achieve electromechanical integration into the steam trap technology, new ways of technology innovation. With the installation of large-scale, is bound to work pressure steam pipe, nominal size, displacement, temperature and other requirements of a corresponding increase, in order to meet the device requirements, should be developed free float-type high-pressure, high voltage disc-type, high pressure Two-metal-style steam traps, pressure of their work 15.0MPa, 20.0MPa, work temperature of 570 ℃ ~ 600 ℃. Shell material WC6, WC9 and special alloy steel steam traps. In addition, should also develop low pressure, large diameter, large displacement of the steam trap, its nominal size DN150mm, DN200mm; development of the regulation of large-diameter high-pressure steam traps, the working pressure PN16.0MPa, nominal size DN150mm , 200mm. Materials science are considered in the new century one of the most promising subjects, in recent years, many new high-performance materials such as nano materials, superconducting materials, memory alloy, the shape memory alloy applied to the steam trap and let the memories Kai alloy as steam traps, closed cases, memory condensate temperature and pressure. When the steam within the steam trap, the memory alloy parts will shut down automatically shut down when the condensed water to memory alloy hoist parts, the opening and closing parts memory condensate temperature and pressure will automatically open drainage, the drainage is completed, the steam coming , then the temperature will rise, shape memory alloy parts will automatically turn off turn off steam traps. The current rapid development of information technology, steam trap condensate as the steam pipeline exclude the implementing agencies, if the modern computer technology, sensor technology, networking and remote control technology and intelligent technology to embedded products, steam traps, which control the opening and closing steam trap, designed according to this idea of new steam traps, have been reported in foreign countries. A wide variety of steam traps, there are very different demand of the market is changing, steam trap manufacturer's production scale and skill levels, but the general trend of steam traps and the development of technical means but there are many common, as long as the steam trap manufacturers to combine their own conditions, take the road of scientific development, design and development of new products, thus promoting the healthy development of China's steam trap industry.

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