液压阀系列行标修订验证工作总结会议在京召开- 中国电动阀门网- 博客大巴
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    2010年4月“液压阀系列行标修订验证工作阶段总结会议”在北京召开。 会议由北京华德液压集团公司主办,全国液标委秘书处及特邀专家、上海立新液压有限公司、榆次液压有限公司、榆次油研液压有限公司等20余位代表参加会议。 全国液标委秘书处秘书长刘新德充分肯定了修订工作组的工作,要求按照行业标准制修订计划,着手开始标准草案的编写;对试验验证中出现的问题按照专家的建议重新验证;同时加强工作组成员之间的交流沟通,一定要保质、按期完成行标修订工作。

    “ Revised standard hydraulic valve line verification of the meeting held in Beijing ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 、 、 、 、 、等。

    April 2010 "line of standard hydraulic valve revised validation phase wrap-up session," held in Beijing. Hydraulic Group meeting organized by the Beijing China and Germany, the National Standard Committee of the Secretariat and invited liquid experts, Shanghai Lixin Hydraulic Ltd., Yuci hydraulic Co., Ltd. Yuci hydraulic oil research for more than 20 delegates attended the meeting. National Standard Committee of the Secretariat of the Secretary-General Liu Xinde liquid fully endorsed the revised working group, requiring the industry-standard scheme for the preparation of draft standards getting started; on the experimental verification of the problems re-certification in accordance with the recommendations of experts; while strengthening work communication between group members must be shelf-life, and fulfill the Industry Standard revision.


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