影响调节阀安全运行的因素及对策- 中国安全阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-04-19 16:59:05 阅读7 评论0 字号:

在自动化程度较高的化工控制系统,调节阀作为自动调节系统的终端执行装置,接受控制信号实现对化工流程的调节。它的动作灵敏度直接关系着调节系统的质量。据现场实际统计有70%左右的故障出自调节阀。因此在日常维护中总结分析影响调节阀安全运行的因素及其对策。   1.引言   在自动化程度较高的化工控制系统,调节阀作为自动调节系统的终端执行装置,接受控制信号实现对化工流程的调节。它的动作灵敏度直接关系着调节系统的质量。据现场实际统计有70%左右的故障出自调节阀。因此在日常维护中总结分析影响调节阀安全运行的因素及其对策。   2.卡堵   调节阀经常出现的问题是卡堵,常出现在新投运系统和大修投运初期,由于管道内焊渣、铁锈等在节流口、导向部位造成堵塞使介质流通不畅,或调节阀检修中填料过紧,造成摩擦力增大,导致小信号不动作大信号动作过头的现象。   故障处理:可迅速开、关副线或调节阀,让脏物从副线或调节阀处被介质冲跑。另一办法用管钳夹紧阀杆,在外加信号压力情况下,正反用力旋动阀杆,让阀芯闪过卡处。若不能则增加气源压力增加驱动功率反复上下移动几次,即可解决问题。如若仍不动作,则需解体处理。   3.泄漏   3.1阀内漏,阀杆长短不适。气开阀,阀杆太长阀杆向上的(或向下)的距离不够,造成阀芯和阀座之间有空隙,不能充分接触,导致关不严而内漏。同样气关阀阀杆太短,导致阀芯和阀座之间有空隙,不能充分接触,导致关不严而内漏。   解决办法:应缩短(或延长)调节阀阀杆使调节阀长度合适,使其不再内漏。   3.2填料泄漏填料装入填料函以后,经压盖对其施加轴向压力。由于填料的塑性,使其产生径向力,并与阀杆紧密接触,但这种接触是并不是非常均匀的。有些部位接触的松,有些部位接触的紧,甚至有些部位没有接触上。调节阀在使用过程中,阀杆同填料之间存在着相对运动,这个运动叫轴向运动。在使用过程中,随着高温、高压和渗透性强的流体介质的影响,调节阀填料函也是发生泄漏现象较多的部位。造成填料泄漏的主要原因是界面泄漏,对于纺织填料还会出现渗漏(压力介质沿着填料纤维之间的微小缝隙向外泄漏)。阀杆与填料间的界面泄漏是由于填料接触压力的逐渐衰减,填料自身老化等原因引起的,这时压力介质就会沿着填料与阀杆之间的接触间隙向外泄漏。   解决对策:为使填料装入方便,在填料函顶端倒角,在填料函底部放置耐冲蚀的间隙较小的金属保护环(与填料的接触面不能为斜面),以防止填料被介质压力推出。填料函各部与填料接触部分的金属表面要精加工,以提高表面光洁度,减少填料磨损。填料选用柔性石墨,因其具有气密性好,摩擦力小,长期使用后变化小,磨损的烧损小,维修容易,压盖螺栓重新拧紧后摩擦力不发生变化,耐压性和耐热性良好,不受内部介质的侵蚀,与阀杆和填料函内部接触的金属不发生点蚀或腐蚀。这样,有效地保护了阀杆填料函的密封,保证了填料的密封的可靠性和长期性。   3.3阀芯、阀座变形泄漏阀芯、阀座泄漏的主要原因是由于调节阀生产过程中的铸造或锻造缺陷可导致腐蚀的加强。而腐蚀介质的通过,流体介质的冲刷也可造成调节阀的泄漏。腐蚀主要以侵蚀或气蚀的形式存在。当腐蚀性介质在通过调节阀时,便会产生对阀芯、阀座材料的侵蚀和冲击使阀芯、阀座成椭圆形或其他形状,随着时间的推移,导致阀芯、阀座不配套,存在间隙,关不严发生泄漏。   解决方法:关键把好阀芯、阀座的材质的选型关、质量关。选择耐腐蚀材料,对麻点、沙眼等缺陷的产品坚决剔除。若阀芯、阀座变形不太严重,可经过细砂纸研磨,xx痕迹,提高密封光洁度,以提高密封性能。若损坏严重,则应重新更换新阀。   4.振荡   调节阀的弹簧刚度不足,调节阀输出信号不稳定而急剧变动易引起调节阀振荡。还有说选阀的频率与系统频率相同或管道、基座剧烈振动,使调节阀随之振动。选型不当,调节阀工作在小开度存在着急剧的流阻、流速、压力的变化,当超过阀刚度,稳定性变差,严重时产生振荡。   解决对策:由于产生振荡的原因是多方面的,因此具体问题具体分析。对振动轻微的振动,可增加刚度来xx。如选用大刚度弹簧,改用活塞执行结构。管道、基座剧烈震动通过增加支撑xx振动干扰;选阀的频率与系统频率相同,则更换不同结构的阀;工作在小开度造成的振荡,则是选型不当流通能力C值选大,必须重新选型流通能力C值较小的或采用分程控制或子母阀以克服调节阀工作在小开度。   5.阀门定位器故障   5.1普通定位器采用机械式力平衡原理工作,即喷嘴挡板技术,主要存在以下故障类型:   1)因采用机械式力平衡原理工作,其可动部件较多,容易受温度,振动的影响,造成调节阀的波动;   2)采用喷嘴挡板技术,由于喷嘴孔很小,易被灰尘或不干净的气源堵住,是定位器不能正常工作;   3)采用力的平衡原理,弹簧的弹性系数在恶劣现场下发生改变,造成调节阀非线性导致控制质量下降。   5.2智能定位器由微处理器(cpu)、A/D,D/A转换器及等部件组成,其工作原理与普通定位器截然不同。给定值和实际值的比较纯是电动信号,不再是力平衡。因此能够克服常规定位器的力平衡的缺点。但在用于紧急停车场合时,如紧急切断阀、紧急放空阀等。这些阀门要求静止在某一位置,只有紧急情况出现时,才需要可靠地动作。长时间停留在某一位置容易使电气转换器失控造成小信号不动作的危险情况。此外用于阀门的位置传感电位器由于工作在现场,电阻值易发生变化造成小信号不动作,大信号全开的危险情况。因此为了确保智能定位器的可靠性和可利用性,必须对它们进行频繁的测试。   6.结束语   通过对调节阀故障原因分析,采取适当的处理、改进办法,将大大提高调节阀的利用率,降低仪表故障率,对流程工艺的生产效率和经济效益的提高以及能源消耗的降低都有着重要作用,可有效提高调节系统的质量,从而确保生产装置长周期运行。

“ Affect the safe operation of control valve and Countermeasures ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Higher degree of automation of chemical control system, control valve, as the implementation of automatic regulation system terminal device to receive control signals to achieve the regulation of chemical processes. Sensitivity of its action directly related to the quality of the conditioning. According to site statistics, 70% of the actual fault from control valve. So to sum up in the daily maintenance of the security impact of valve operation and its Countermeasures. 1. Introduction Higher degree of automation of chemical control system, control valve, as the implementation of automatic control system of the terminal device to receive control signals to achieve the regulation of chemical processes. Directly related to the sensitivity of its action in regulating the quality of the system. According to site statistics, 70% of the actual fault from control valve. So to sum up the routine maintenance of the security impact of valve operation and its Countermeasures. 2. Card blocking The problem valve is often blocked cards, often put into operation in the new system and put into operation in early repair, as pipe welding slag, rust, etc. in the throttle, steering parts to medium circulation by causing blockage or valve repair the packing too tight, resulting in increased friction, leading to large-signal small-signal does not move too far in the phenomenon of movement. Troubleshooting: You can quickly open and close auxiliary line or valve, so that dirt from the Vice-line or adjust the valve is washed medium run. Another way to stem tube clamp tight, the pressure in the applied signal case, the positive and negative force rotating the stem, so that spool flash card office. If it can not increase supply pressure to increase drive power up and down several times repeated, can solve the problem. Should the motion not, you need to deal with the disintegration. 3. Leak 3.1 valve leakage, valve stem length does not apply. Open gas valve, valve stem long stem upward (or downward) the distance is not enough, resulting in gaps between the valve core and valve seat, not full contact, leading to a strict and endoleak. Similarly, air to close valve stem is too short, resulting in gaps between the valve core and valve seat, not full contact, leading to a strict and endoleak. Solution: should be shortened (or extended) control valve control valve stem to the right length so that it no longer endoleak. 3.2 packing into stuffing box packing leaks after the axial pressure applied by the gland of its. Because the plastic filler to produce a radial force, and close contact with the stem, but this contact is not very uniform. Loose contact with some parts, some parts of tight contact, or even no contact at some sites. Regulating valve in the course of the stem with the relative motion exists between filler, this movement is called axial movement. During use, with the high temperature, high pressure and permeability of the strong impact of the fluid, valve packing leak letter is part of the phenomenon more. Mainly due to leakage caused by packing interface leakage, but also for textile packing leakage (pressure medium filler along the small gap between the outward leak). The stem and the packing interface between the contact pressure leakage is due to the gradual decay filling, packing their own causes aging, then the pressure medium will be along the filler and the contact gap between the valve stem leak out. Solution: In order to fill into convenient, top fillet stuffing, put in the stuffing box at the bottom of the smaller gap erosion-resistant metal protection ring (the contact with the filler can not inclined) to prevent the fill material was medium pressure introduced. Stuffing box packing ministries with access to some of the metal surface to be finished, in order to improve the surface finish, reduced packing wear. Filling, flexible graphite, because of their good gas tightness, the friction is small, small changes after long-term use, wear and tear of burning a small, easy maintenance, re-tighten the gland bolts did not change after the friction, pressure and resistance heat well, not the erosion of the internal medium, with the stuffing inside the stem and the metal contact or non-occurrence of pitting corrosion. Thus, the effective protection of the valve stem stuffing seal, ensure the reliability of sealing and filling a long-term. 3.3 spool valve seat deformation leakage and seat leakage is mainly caused by valves in the production process casting or forging defects could lead to enhanced corrosion. The corrosion medium through the fluid medium can also result in erosion control valve leakage. Erosion or corrosion mainly exists in the form of cavitation. When the corrosive medium through the valve, it will produce on the spool, the valve seat materials, erosion and impact to the spool, the valve seat into an oval or other shape, over time, resulting in valve, valve seat is not supporting the existence of space, Guan Yan Fasheng not leak. Solution: the key to a good valve, valve seat material selection of relevant, quality. Select corrosion resistant materials, Ma, trachoma and other defective products and resolutely removed. If the valve core, valve seat deformation is not serious, may pass through fine abrasive paper to remove traces of improving seal finish to enhance the sealing performance. If badly damaged, it should be re-valve replacement. 4. Oscillations Lack of control valve spring stiffness, control valve output signal instability caused by rapid changes in trade valve oscillation. Select Valve also said that the frequency of the system the same frequency or channel, pedestal severe vibration, so that subsequent vibration control valve. Selection of improper valve opening work in the small there is a violent flow resistance, velocity, pressure changes, when more than valve stiffness, stability deteriorated, severe oscillation. Solution: As the oscillation are many reasons, so the specific issues and problems. Slight vibration vibration, increased rigidity to eliminate. If you choose a large spring stiffness, use piston implementation structures. Channel by increasing the support base to eliminate vibration severe vibration interference; selection valve frequency and system frequency are the same, different structures of valve replacement; work in the small opening caused by the oscillation, it is improper selection of the value of selected large flow capacity C, Selection of capacity C must be re-circulation of small value, or use of, or cluster bomb sub-process control valves to overcome the valves work in a small opening. 5. Valve Positioner faults 5.1 General locator using mechanical force balance principle, which the nozzle baffle technology, mainly in the following fault types: 1) the use of mechanical force balance theory work, its moving parts are more susceptible to temperature, vibration, resulting in valve fluctuations; 2) The nozzle shield technology, as the nozzle hole is small, susceptible to dust or clean gas source block is the locator does not work; 3) using force balance principle, the elasticity of the spring under the change in bad field, resulting in nonlinear control valve leading to decline in the quality control. Intelligent Positioner 5.2 by the microprocessor (cpu), A / D, D / A converters and other components, and its working principle and common Locator different. Given value and actual value comparison of purely electric signal, is no longer a force balance. Therefore, to overcome the conventional force balance locator shortcomings. However, for emergency parking timely, such as emergency shut-off valve, emergency emptying valve. These valves are required in a stationary position, only the event of an emergency, it needs reliable action. Long stay in a location easy to electrical converter small-signal does not move result in loss of control of hazards. In addition, the position sensor for valve potentiometer for work in the field, the resistance value would cause a small signal change does not move, the risk of large-signal fully open condition. Therefore, to ensure the reliability and intelligent locator availability, they must be frequently tested. 6. Conclusion By regulating valve failure cause analysis, appropriate treatment, improved methods, will greatly enhance the utilization of control valve to reduce instrument failure rate, the productivity of the process technology and economic efficiency and reduce energy consumption all have an important role in can effectively improve the quality of conditioning systems to ensure long-term operation of production equipment.

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