一大早起来,茶叶合适? « City life wiki 城市百科





















Early in the morning up and suitable for tea?

I was a student, feeling very tired to study. Sleep at night, no later than the morning up quite early. Is the feeling of lack of perception. Do not know whether you can drink up some of the early morning tea?
hope Zhijiao

not suitable for fasting tea
right stomach hurt
recommended half an hour after eating breakfast, drinking tea

early morning drink a glass of pale Senior green tea, Xingnao pure heart.
how to drink tea and green tea because of the healthiest
contain large quantities of vitamin C, vitamin A, β-carotene, and catechins, which are the essence of anti-cancer ingredients, so an appropriate drink green tea, there are many benefits to the body!

pay particular attention to is that when brewing green tea contains a number of the Shang Wei (such as caffeine, theophylline, diuretics, etc.) inside of the ingredients in the stomach are bad people who do not drink too much, easy to get to sleep till after tea people, and try not to drink before going to bed.

In addition, the excessive heat brewing green tea also destroy healthy ingredients, so how effectively the health component of green tea intake and the removal of bodily substances that the choice of green tea as a nutritional supplement should be noted that the local Oh! How to choose a good green tea, green tea

easily absorbed due to moisture in the air, as well as taste all around them, so the longer the time exposed to air, smell the more weak, vitamin C will be a substantial reduction in the health benefit will be great discount.

can choose a good green tea Green tea is taken to two leaves as one of the best, smell the aroma is very rich, color-green and shiny, feeling take up a lot of weight and dry. Of course, one should not buy too much weight, Kaifeng, they had better airtight tank dress. Out of this brew green tea, will taste particularly sweet taste. Green tea brewing right way

brewing green tea, the water temperature is best controlled at about 80 ℃ to 90 ℃. If brewing green tea powder, the weight is 2 grams of green tea powder with 450cc of drinking water, and to about 40 ℃ to 60 ℃ temperature and water you can brew. The first bubble tea brewing do not drink, and washed with hot water, after shaking what can be drained. Good bubble tea is best consumed within half an hour, or the nutritional content of tea wrapped fatally stability. Green tea powder can not get too thick foam, otherwise it will affect the secretion of gastric juice, gastrointestinal bad person or fasting is best not to drink.

tea can also be based on individual preferences, combined with milk, honey or lemon and so on, as there are health effects, more tea to add some romantic style!

of course lots of other good cup of tea, but If you want to drink tea and health, it should be noted that the amount of drinking, knowing an appropriate concentration and drinking to reduce the amount of tea to drink a healthy and beautiful!

I think we can drink, green tea is better, I hope you can take action earlier is better.

early morning drink a cup of faint high-level green tea, Xingnao pure heart.

fasting tea is very Shang Wei.

fasting are not the best time to drink tea, milk, coffee, or take medicine, it will stimulate gastric acid secretion, excessive stomach acid on the gastric bad!

leaf also has a lot of health care, medical care and, accordingly, adhere to the regular tea, beneficial to health. However, tea also must also pay attention to methods, to understand science and tea. Specific methods are as follows:

First, according to a different physique, age and the nature of work and living environment and other conditions, choose the different types of tea, using different ways to drink. From the physical side, healthy adults, drinking red, green tea may be; elderly Ze Yi is appropriate to drink tea, drink a cup of green tea could be an indirect or tea, but not too strong tea. For the women, children, generally pale green tea is appropriate, children can also promote early morning tea gargle. Adolescent girls before and after menstruation, temperament irritability, drinking tea can be Shugan Jieyu, Qi and regulating menstruation; menopausal women, also advisable to drink tea. Suitable for drinking green tea during pregnancy is good, because green tea contains more of the trace element zinc; a woman in labor before, and are advised to drink black tea, such as to increase brown sugar better. Patients suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer is better to drink black tea, green tea should not drink concentrated. There habitual constipation should drink tea light. Sleep bad people, usually should drink weak tea, and attention can not drink tea before going to bed. For bradycardia or sinoatrial block of coronary heart disease who may drink spots of red, green tea, in order to facilitate increased heart rate. People suffering from prostatic hypertrophy, and are advised to drink tea. Post-operative patients are advised to drink green tea high in order to facilitate wound healing. From the nature of work, laborers, military, geological prospectors, frequent contact with staff of radiation and toxic substances should be concentrated drink green tea; mental should also be high-level drink green tea, to help mental state.

Secondly, we must attach importance to tea water. Spring Ganlie, quality and delicious clear, therefore, in order to spring for the tea water. Spring tea the best, river water, then why does not the United States. Great poet, poetry appreciation of the river had tea, poem reads: “Sichuan tea sent to, but scared and new to Shijue Jane Wei-decoction.” But the river water, near towns and industrial and mining areas vulnerable to pollution, it is best to stay away from municipal and industrial and mining areas of the local draw water. In addition, well water can also make tea, and some wells the water is also very good. But the well water flows in the strata, more dissolved substances, hardness greater generally tends to be hard water; and well water is not wasted, and less exposed to the air, water, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases are also small, tea is not enough Xianshuang, therefore, tea sage Lu Yu said the well water for the next. Pond water, less water than flows, pollution, difficulty in self-purification, water quality is often worse than bad, the worst tea with it.

Also, to choose a good tea. Commonly used in tea varied, with different features, but the best is of Jiangsu Yixing Yixing teapots Jingdezhen porcelain or ceramic cup. In a different tea, even if placed in the same quality of tea and water, brewed tea, color, smell and taste are also varied.

again, we must pay attention to the scientific method of brewing. Best to brew tea with teapot and then poured into the cup of tea, so not only conducive to the preservation of tea, but also to save tea. Directly with the tea cup, easy to make tea lost, tea is the first concentrated bitter weak, affecting the effectiveness of tea. Drinking in general red, green tea, 3 grams of tea per cup with about 200 ml boiling water for brewing 35 minutes, you can drink. However, some bubble tea there are specific laws, such as Fujian oolong tea, head to a bubble with the bubble with the drink, brew a second time for a little longer, a minute or so later as the number of extended brewing some, but not too long .

While tea is extremely beneficial to the human body, but not a “beneficial rather than harm”, if too much or inappropriately tea often bring many negative consequences. If the theophylline in tea, tannic acid on the gastrointestinal tract have a stimulating, multi-drink tea, especially tea empty stomach can cause stomach discomfort, stomach pain, stomach or duodenal ulcer induced and aggravated. The tannic acid in tea have convergence effect, it was found that many young people with severe constipation and excessive drinking tea related. In addition, too much tea can cause anemia, in Israel, the tea is the baby’s normal drinks, where the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in infants is as high as 26% ~ 68%. This is because the tannic acid in tea and iron within the intestine forming insoluble iron salts of tannic acid and can not be absorbed by the body to use. Be affected due to the absorption of iron, so that the storage of iron reduction over time appeared anemia. Some people like to use tea medication, which is wrong. Tea can not be baking soda, sleeping pills, quinine, iron and other drugs while drinking, because it contains a lot of tannic acid in tea can be a protein with drugs, alkaloids and salts and other chemical effects resulting from precipitation, affecting drug efficacy, and even failure. Like to point out that in before going to sleep, not taking a large number of strong tea, this will cause insomnia, even to serve a further sedative drugs, will not help.


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