街头滑板Skater Nation v1.0.7 for WebOS - WebOS 游戏下载- Palm ...

技术贡献奖   原创作者奖   终身成就奖  
积分 39121
帖子 28831
金币 138
阅读权限 255
注册 2006-2-23
设备型号  treo650
来自 中国
状态 离线

街头滑板 Skater Nation v1.0.7 for WebOS

Rule your board in Skater Nation and experience skateboarding in a way no other Palm Pre game can offer! A WORLD OF POSSIBILITES Ride freely through an enormous 3D city and just have fun in the 10 different environments including beaches, residential areas and a skate park! BE YOUR OWN SKATER Pick from 8 different skaters, each with their own unique animations and style. Then make the board your own at the Skate Shop where you can purchase a selection of 10 different decks, trucks and wheels. ALL THE RIGHT MOVES Every location is jam packed with ramps, pipes and posts for you to perform your arsenal of tricks on. Show off your ollies, 360 flips, nose grabs and more! More than 30 tricks are available! SHOW OFF YOUR GREATNESS Ever perform the most amazing trick and wish somebody was there to see? Save your replay and upload it to YouTube and discuss them on skaternationgame.com, then dare your friends to do better. Connect to Gameloft LIVE! and chat with your friends or show off your unlocked trophies. LIVE BY THE BOARD Enter the Career mode to discover challenges waiting for you throughout the city. Become part of a story that puts you in the middle of the skateboarding world.


Skater Nation是Gameloft{zx1}推出的街头风格运动作品,以滑板为主题,之前Gameloft曾在其Podcast视频中展示过此游戏,本作采用了色彩丰富、精美的全3D画面

[ 本帖{zh1}由 bill 于 2010-5-5 02:39 编辑 ]

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