悦爱丞琳» Blog Archive » 【10/05/04】杨丞琳拍摄新歌MV 水晶吊灯装再上阵






新浪娱乐讯 刚征服小巨蛋完成首场个人演唱会的杨丞琳,不但演唱会好评不断,连同时发行的《异想天开新歌+精选辑》也登上了本周“五大排行榜”销售{gj}。演唱会结束后杨丞琳除了马不停蹄的为精选集进行宣传,还拍摄了“白兰氏美妍纤枣饮”的{zx1}广告成为“白兰氏”{zx1}代言人,也特地进棚拍摄新歌《黑色月亮》MV。为了让无缘到现场观看演唱会的观众感受一下精心打造的演唱会服装,杨丞琳再度穿上了演唱会上让观众叹为观止的“法国水晶吊灯装”!




Just accomplishing her concert in Taipei Arena, Rainie Yang not only receives compliments after compliments about her first concrt, her latest release of <Think out of the box New Songs + Best Hits> has also topped the five music charts in Taiwan. After the concert, Rainie has been on the schedule of packed promotions activities, she also filmed an advertisment for her latest Brands endorsement. This time, she specially moves into the studio to film an MV for <Black Moon>. To allow fans who were not able to attend the concert to have a feel of her concert outfit, Rainie wears on the “French Crystal Lightings Dress” again!

Weighing about 30kg, this dress is the outfit for Rainie during the concert for three songs, which made her backache right after these three songs. Just thinking that she has to wear this dress for another 12hours for the filming process of the MV, Rainie starts whinning. As this dress requires about half-an-hour just to put it on, for the 12hours MV filming Rainie had to continuously wear it which hinders her from using the toilet, she couldn’t even sit down to rest, so once there is a break, her manager and crew immediately rushes forward to help her share the load of the dress. Even her manager started shivering while helping to share the load, its hard to imagine what stress Rainie is withstanding. Rainie jokes, “I hope that it doesn’t affect fertility!”

All along Rainie had to take on the pity roles in her MV, this time she gets the chance of tearing table cloths and breaking utensils, and the chance of smashing balloons with black ink onto the walls. After the torture of the 30kg load on her is remove, Rainie takes this as a form of venting her anger, and throws the balloons onto the wall with all her might, using so much strength that the ink almost spill on herself. To present the feel of <Black Moon>, the director specially stick some white paper on the smeared wall to allow Rainie to start tearing the paper, to bring out the feeling of “Pure White” love turning into “Anger Black”!

The other pretty outfit of her concert takes stage again, only using two chiffon the cloth brings out a translucent feel of Rainie’s legs. Under the spotlight, Rainie reveals her legs for the first time, making her a litte shy. Sexy Rainie made the mongolian MV male lead a little shy, which resulted in Rainie needing to bring him into the feel. But little did Rainie expect to accidently kiss the male lead during the hugging scenes which instantly made the male lead go numb. <Black Moon> not only brings a different feel in MV it also brings Rainie’s acting to another level, allowing the audiences to see Rainie from a different light, increasing the anticipation of people to see “out of the box” performances from Rainie.

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