MicroBoards Premium DVD Tower Copier Pro DVD PRM PRO-716 – Disk ...

MicroBoards Premium DVD Tower Copier Pro DVD PRM PRO-716 – Disk duplicator – DVD?RW (+R DL) x 7 – external Don’t buy… – Chicago Digital Post –
Bought a brand new DVD PRM PRO-716 and from day one had problems. To date, 4 months later, have had 5 of the 7 drives swapped out and had to send it in for controller relacement. Now having to have another 2 drives replaced… Had a 7 burner tower I built from scratch for 0 and NEVER had any problems with it in over 2 years and 10,000+ discs… and worse part is that even after 33 days, they would not take it back… so the problems continue… much better to spend your money elsewhere!
Microboards: DVD PRM PRO-716 Microboards’ affordable professional-level CD/DVD copying system is easy-to-use and fully contained, operating without being connected to a computer. Users of the Pro Series gain access to advanced features, including the ability to store disc images, change recording speeds, keep job counts, and perform audio track extraction. A two-line LCD display and simple two-button interface make accessing those features easy for even novice users. The Premium Series of DVD Towers feature industrial-quality Plextor recording drives.

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