猪肉怎么办? « City life wiki 城市百科


锅在火上。加热。加油一点。让洋葱。生姜。胡椒。辣椒炒了一段时间。 Rouchao扑灭油加酱油

Meirou 1斤,虾3 2,1茶匙生姜,蒜茸1汤匙,1生菜,洋葱,大蒜每一个。
1,腐烂的猪肉剁成茸干洗,盐1 / 4茶匙,酱油,糖,生粉,酒,水2大勺,胡椒粉茶匙,油1汤匙捕鱼平腌20分钟。
另一干净锅,倒入油数量,加葱,姜,炒,特别提醒,把大蒜,小片,去皮,不要打断,整个放置至少1体重,以及炒的香味,然后是非常重要的-不要忘记,糖!冰糖{zh0},白糖也行,至少2汤匙,烧糖色,然后将酱油,一点点,移动快,或糖酱。,粘贴将是惨痛的。昂首阔步汁,倒入炸好的肉,炒炒约到干净的水({zh0}是骨头汤) 。
约56分钟后,水就开了,继续煮56分钟,但水的滚动表面肉块,将浮动的暗红色的杂质,这些杂质煮熟的血腥楼,上海,称为层为“珐琅。”这是上海方言特有的一个字,没有人知道怎么写,只知道应该念做“切割”。除去这些杂质,在上海话也有一个具体的词,叫做搪瓷“规定”,是使用一汤匙陷阱杂质的意思。 “提供的珐”并不容易,那些谁将粘在勺子上的杂质。您需要提前准备了一小碗冷水,约每陷阱,一个勺子放在冷水中洗浸。 “珐琅”到“恢复”多次,对胶粘剂Guobian,而且要xx干净。与防火卷帘半小时左右煮


锅在火上。加热。加油一点。让洋葱。生姜。辣椒。辣椒炒了一段时间。 Rouchao扑灭油加酱油

Pork how to do?

I want to eat Pork mother, she 75 years old, and I want her happy, but I do not do, who can tell me how to eat well?

my signature dish.
one would you say that 1.5 pounds pork skin. onions. ginger. salt. pepper. pepper. white. soy sauce. sugar.
meat cut into Mahjong block so much. ginger shoot open. onions cut into sections.
pot on the fire. Heat. refueling a little. let onions. ginger. pepper. pepper fry for a while. Rouchao to put out the oil plus soy sauce
white water. Water should be cover meat and three centimeters. Large Simmer 10 minutes. Gaixiao fire for 30 minutes. salt and then boil for 10 minutes. can. according to taste pepper can be at home. allspice. sugar can put some more. while stew seasoned side.

12 “Pork burn pill
Meirou a jin, shrimp 3 2, 1 teaspoon ginger, chopped garlic 1 tablespoon, 1 lettuce, onion, garlic each one.
1, rotten pork chop dry wash into Velvet, salt 1 / 4 tsp, soy sauce, sugar, raw powder and a teaspoon of wine, 2 tablespoons water, pepper and oil 1 tablespoon fishing leveling marinate for 20 minutes.
2, shrimp, wash and crush it to the intestine into the Velvet, with ginger, spring onion with Velvet Velvet join the meat in order to effect hand-tarts gum, rub into balls and put powder on the roll of Health.
3, lettuce washed,
4, half the oil pan and boil, put down meat balls deep fry golden brown. Pulled across to the oil.
5, casserole put 2 tablespoons of oil, fried onion, garlic, put down meat balls fried pocket moment, Zambia wine and white wine 1 teaspoon water, 2 tsp oyster sauce, soy sauce 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon, half teaspoon sesame oil, pepper a little, amount of boiling water, 8 to 10 minutes, to water will be dry, put lettuce, 1 tablespoon fuel mix, the original pot came to power.
1 “Pork
Pig Pork 2.5 kg
mature oil 50 grams, 120 grams sugar, salt, 15 grams, 100 grams of cooking wine (can use red wine), Ginger 25 grams, scallion 50 grams.
(1) pork skin Guajing hair, dirt and roasted color with warm water after brushing into a clean, cut into 3 cm square Cuts. Onions, ginger shoot loose.
(2) to boil hot mature oil brush with the spoon, add 50 grams of sugar into the sugar sand color, light red fry until the sugar from the small bubble at the time of onions, ginger and Meat Loaf into the pot along with, fry 6 mature, and then cooked into the cooking wine, Zaichao 5 minutes after being flooded over Meat Loaf, then add sugar and salt, meat Dunlan straight low heat, skim the oil slick can be.
ruddy color, sweet and salty, fresh and not greasy
2 “angular Pork (2) (figure)
raw materials:
Pork 200 grams, 50 grams of meat, edges and corners, ginger 10 grams, 10 grams of garlic, shallot 10 grams.
peanut oil 50 grams, 10 grams of salt, MSG, 12 grams, 5 grams sugar, soy sauce, Wang 8 grams, wet starch amount, soup 100 grams.
the production process:
1, go to the net hair cuts pork, ginger slices, garlic child cut out two, spring onions cut into sections.
2, burning oil in pan, add pork, low heat fry flavor.
3, adding broth, salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce Wang, edges and corners of meat, low heat till the gravy when cooked, and then the wet powder to fight qian, shovel into the disc inside.
wax bamboo shoots Pork (3) (figure)
Hangzhou dishes, there are a famous dish called “Dongpo Meat”, is said to be Su create a. Su Pork experiences in teaching are concise and clear: “slow fire, less the water, the furnace when it is self-sufficient America.” Ran, time has changed things different, now pigs, ate out do not know how Daogu artificial feed, meat also Xingsao enough, so Mr. Su Lao’s words, used in cooking Pork years, has been far from enough. With its own kitchen, I spent two weeks out how to specifically Pork burn, and finally a small to pick up slightly Road to.
First of all, the pork cut into small pieces 45 is divided into square, the next to go Xue Mo Zhuo boiling water and then cold water repeatedly washed. After rinse, add cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, starch, monosodium glutamate marinated 10 minutes, Decanter go juice.
second step, burning the pan-wang, the Garlic 2, Ginger one, red pepper 23, following the oil with speeding Paisui incense, and then pour off Meat Loaf quickly cured just duplicating, to meat flavor overflow.
The third step is to pour two spoonfuls of soy sauce pot, 45 rock sugar, a can of beer, covered with lid, stew till the close juice.
fourth step, the December cut bamboo shoots after immersion to the astringency of washed into the pot with the meat sauce with income. At this time according to individual taste with salt (generally speaking, you can not, because there is soy sauce.)
Fifth step, the Pork and bamboo shoots served in big bowl wax, on the cage with large steam for 10 minutes in order to further ensure that the meat Sulan tasty. To five minutes in the steam can be additional cuts into the meat, boiled eggs, steamed in the same. After a good steaming, sprinkle chopped green onion enriched by taking advantage of the steam aroma.
points: Zhuo water, fried, add to the smell of beer is getting good results; must use rock sugar Do not use sugar; the whole process should not add water, so be careful not to pour soy sauce, when reversing more.
3 “simple to the extreme Pork practice:
Shanghao pork, boiling water Cheuk to dirt, cut mahjong block size, such as cold water pot, bearing in mind the water be not too Meat Loaf, fire boil, skim foam, into the cooking wine, cook until 8 mature, into the soy sauce, and then, after rolling and put it into white sugar (in fact, brown sugar, rock sugar Jie Ke, a matter of personal convenience materials), Gaixiao fire slowly brewed at this time should pay attention to flip to prevent the stick pan, to the soup can be thick, bringing the Pork extremely simple and has been completed.
Pork’s firing:
1, the pot will boil water, boil for a short cut pork into the look, a minute or two can be, and then rinse with cold water fishing for meat (wash away the floating foam, remove the blame flavor);
2, will be washed clean and drain the meat into the pot, add cooking wine (even 8 turn on the water, direct release wine, so the amount should be a little more), soy sauce (also eight salt, it can also be a little more soy sauce , it is recommended to use soy sauce, soy sauce, or 8 with a small amount of soy sauce, soy sauce, start with eight put too much, lest later too salty, even if it was coupled with, there is also a color of all eight will be the beginning to the final will be a deep deep ), ginger, garlic, aniseed, sugar
3, the fire was converted into low heat slowly boiling stew ~ ~ ~ (with a small fire can be music, big easy to paste), intermediate Kaiguo stirring several times, so as not to stick pan. This step takes a longer time, half an hour is a minimum, there is a tx takes two hours ~~~~~~
4, such as soup bad quickly closed more than 8 dry-lok, adding MSG , pan, transfer to a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onion.
12 “Pork
skin 500 grams of pork, onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, aniseed (anise), cinnamon, sugar, salt, soy sauce (old pumping), monosodium glutamate (or chicken) of the 20 grams
STEP 1: Wash and cut the meat Fried
long box, pour the oil directly to get an appropriate pot, oil heat, put pepper \ aniseed and Cuts wok, deep-fried! Fried This process is indispensable to, first, inside the fat lard Chao Chu, eat up and not greasy; Second, increase the smell of meat (not too much, be careful changing diesel), the appearance of some of the meat fried to a golden, cease-fire, meat, fish out, oil poured out.
STEP 2: burn
another clean wok and pour the oil amount, add onions, ginger and stir-fry, in particular, to remind, to put garlic, a little film, peeled, do not cut, the whole placed, the weight of at least one, along with stir-fried to a fragrance, and then is very important - do not forget that sugar! The best rock sugar, sugar is also line, at least 2 tablespoons, and burning sugar color. Then into the soy sauce, a little, move faster, or Sugar paste, the paste will be made of the bitter. Proudly juice, pour a good fried meat, stir fry about, into the clean water (preferably bone soup).
STEP 3: stew
the lid cover stew cook 40 minutes (the pot of water with a little meat you have not seen is appropriate), salt, aniseed, cinnamon .40 minutes later, received juice, after Zhinong, Canada MSG that the cease-fire pan
8 “Soviet-style Pork Pork
at least a hundred years of history, but also at least hundreds of burning law, hard, soft, not hard not soft; sweet, salty , the light, and even spicy all. Far the most delicious and the most attractive and the most far the most nourishing but not fat, I am afraid that the Soviet-style Pork.
Soviet-style Pork, of course, from Suzhou; Suzhou cook, “do people” seasoning, coloring is not severe, but the “thick oil red sauce,” words that we should be used to describe the Soviet-style Pork’s . Fat but not greasy, flaky but not broken, sweet and sticky, thick and not salty, which is Soviet-style Pork characteristics.
meat must be washed, cut into tiles the size of a square block, the meat will not cut too small, too easy to shrink the fragile, there is no phase of the sale. Cut finished, use cold water immersion, the water put half a cup of wine. Placed in the water immersion, you can dip to the capillaries in the bloody water; water to raise the wine meat fibers easily absorbed, remove the meat and fishy. Meat is not appropriate to dip, dip the flavor lost more than the general dip of about 15 minutes can be.
Pork a food, water, the most stress. Water must first put away, do not Shaogan, and add some water, some book that a small bowl of a small bowl add, I tried, the effect is absolutely no good to my firing. Even if really want to add water, remember to add water, remember, remember. We are looking for a big pot, wash it again after the meat into the water to immersion of meat, and more than two inches high from.
I have to say that Road Pork, is of pure and alcohol, and some of the procedures should not be limited to any one, nor more than put anything that would give rise to “Pork Ambiguity,” the seasoning.
pot add the water, on the ignition, the fire should be opened to the maximum, the water came alive again in wine, and put half spoon vinegar. Vinegar can put meat leavening and easier to burn crisp; my good po drained hawthorn, better and more full flavor, but not easy to get.
about 56 minutes later, the water was opened, which continue to cook on 56 minutes, with the Meat Loaf of the rolling surface of the water will float a layer of dark red impurities, which impurities are cooked the bloody floor, Shanghai, called the as “enamel.” This is where Shanghai dialect peculiar to a word, no one knows how to write, only know that should be pronounced “cutting.” Remove these impurities, Shanghai dialect where there is also a specific word, called the “provision of enamel,” is to use a spoon to trap impurities to the mean. “Provision of enamel ware,” is not easy, those who will be glued to the spoon on the impurities. You need to be prepared in advance a small bowl of cold water, every trap about, put about a spoon dipped in cold water wash. “Enamel” to “restoration” on several occasions, Guobian on the adhesive, but also to remove clean.
with fire rolling boil for half an hour or so, you can change low heat, fire with water did not boil the size of the subject, called “Wu.” Wu does, to Wu at least one hour, Wu was the longer, the more delicious. Pork, should not stir acute burn, it is necessary, that is, the slow effort. You want to take a look from time to time carefully dry soup burnt, of course, soup Shaogan not necessarily a bad thing. Taicang city before the South Street, a man named NI De-cook, it is because no master You’ve got to make soups Pork burn dry, Feishou separation, only to accidentally invented Taicang Meat Floss.
meat must be burned with the chopsticks and poke light can pass, and then change to the iron wok, the lid open burning. At this time, to put soy sauce, and soy sauce placed too early, they burned the meat touches the salt does not cake, put too late, only the outer layer of the meat was infected with color, can not be tasty. Fire it than just “Wu” and at a time when a little, but do not open too great, because the meat has been ruined, the fire turned on too much, will cook the meat pieces.
In this way, cook for half an hour, the pot of water is almost at this time, we have to put sugar. Sugar, to dare to put, must be willing to release. The amount of sugar, about a pound of meat and one or two of sugar, sugar is best to use rock sugar, rock sugar sweet and juicy taste of pure, high transparency, Naishi burning dish is the key. Large blocks of rock sugar to advance crack.
sugar, when to open fire should be big and put it into sugar, the soup will be thick up slowly, you can gently flip Meat Loaf, not do if the level of fear of their fear turned into Meat Loaf’s bad break, you can use a spoon subsidence since the soup, and then poured down. Add sugar, the soup can be closed quickly dry, so do not leave, if the smell is really attractive, you can dip a little soup before Jiejie Chan. Wait until the soup becomes more dense

side of the pork side of the coated paint

pan on the fire. Heat. Refueling a little. Let onions. Ginger. Pepper. Pepper fry for a while. Rouchao to put out the oil plus soy sauce
white water. the water should cover the meat and three centimeters. Large Simmer 10 minutes. Gaixiao fire for 30 minutes. salt and then boil for 10 minutes. can be05-12-14

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