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can remove toxins from the body what are the food?

14 kinds of aloe Paiduyangyan Jiapin

… … “” refreshing side dish: tomato pieces to lose weight, said mixing Aloe Aloe Aloe Aloe gravy stew Imperial Bird

a very bitter taste, sexual Dahan, functional diarrhea, pesticides, heat. Indications typhoid constipation, five rickets, insect product, M. scrofulaceum, scabies, Xionggefanre so. The clinical dosage of 1-3 grams only did pills, powder taking does not enter the decoction. Yan Mo deposited during external transfer, or vinegar, wine foam coating.

Aloe Vera can be an excellent way to remove intestinal tract, liver toxins and clean up blood vessels. Aloe contains a variety of plant active ingredients and a variety of amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and mineral composition, in which Huo aloin and aloe vera can be an excellent stimulus to the end of the small bowel movement, the intestinal toxins are discharged. Aloe result, aloe cellulose, organic acids can be an excellent way to soften blood vessel, expand capillaries, clean blood vessels endotoxin. Meanwhile, aloe vera in the other nutrients the body can quickly add defect needs. Therefore, the Americans said: early morning cup of aloe vera, such as precious as gold. That aloe detox can both have a distinctive personality tonic, aloe vera, this personality is very good. 

Jiang … … “” therapeutic: The Magical

Jiang Weixin, sex slightly, with spleen and stomach, relieve table, cold-dispelling, detoxification, hair follicle holes open and conducive to the discharge of sebum secretion, etc. efficacy. Ginger also contains a variety of fragrant volatile oil, with a strong heart, spleen and stomach, promoting blood circulation effect. After oral administration of ginger, the body slowly absorbed, skin sweating, out fat from the body, natural detoxification, more than artificially expand, squeezing pores method is better able to reduce the normal skin tissue damage. In addition, Jiang is economical, and convenient. Therefore, the proposed long friends who try acne. Specific methods are: daily oral administration of ginger, 10 to 20 grams, or Shuijianbi, to stomach warm and comfortable, the number of doses to be due to person to person. In the oral ginger initial period of time, may aggravate acne, please do not give up, should continue to eat, persist in a month or two, you will find acne gradually subsided, and the skin become delicate and smooth in.

cholesterol gallstones are mainly of “poison” in cholestasis and formed a “stone.” Ginger Ginger contains phenol can inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, not only can reduce the formation of cholesterol, but also facilitate their excretion and to effectively prevent the formation of cholesterol stones too. In addition, the toxins include a variety of pathogenic micro-organisms, and modern medical certificate contained in spicy ginger ginger oil and ginger-enone, to typhoid, salmonella and other bacteria have a strong killing effect.

mung bean … … “” Qinghuo Jiapin: curry bean soup bean soup bean Adlay make you healthy and beautiful

Sweet, cool, there is heat, detoxification, Qu effect of fire is China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine commonly used to extract a variety of food or medicine poisoning in blindly. Mung bean is rich in vitamin B family, glucose, protein, amylase, oxidase, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients, Changyin mung bean soup can help excrete toxins from the body, promote the body’s normal metabolism. Many people eat greasy, fried, hot sex, after food, it is prone to pruritus, acne, prickly heat and other symptoms, which is due to poisoning caused by damp on the skin caused by overflow. Mung bean is a powerful detoxifying effect, you can lift a variety of toxins. Modern medical studies have shown that green beans can lower cholesterol, have hepatoprotective and anti-allergic effects. Summer and fall seasons, mung bean soup is a Jiapin Paiduyangyan.

bitter gourd … … “” bitter gourd bitter gourd diet detox beautiful one step

Sweet, flat. Chinese medicine believes that bitter melon has detoxification detoxification, skincare effect. “Compendium of Materia Medica” that bitter, “Chuxie hot solution Laofa, pure heart tomorrow.” Bitter gourd is rich in protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, carotene, calcium, iron and other ingredients. Modern medical study found that there is a bitter melon in a clear anti-cancer activity of the protein, this protein can stimulate the body’s defensive immune system function, increase the activity of immune cells to clear the body of harmful substances. Although the slightly bitter taste bitter, but the flavor sweet, in recent years gradually swept the table.

Tea … … “” tea as a point of feeling inner Zen efficacy

of flowers and tea, cold, taste joys, there is heat Chufan, digestion-based product, Kiyotoshi lose weight, the role of Tom Lee urine. China is the homeland of tea, tea very seriously. Ancient records: “Shen Nong tasted a hundred herbs, on the 1st case of 72 drugs, get the solution of the tea.” Shows that tea will have a good detoxification. Tea is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, nicotinic acid, amino acids and a variety of enzymes, their Xingnao refreshing, Kiyotoshi chief, Relieves summer heat and thirst-quenching effect is particularly significant. Modern medical studies have shown that tea is rich in a kind of active substances - tea polyphenols, with detoxification. Tea polyphenols as a natural anti-oxidants, can remove oxygen free radicals, you can keep fit and anti-aging health.

carrot … … “” sweet temptation of nutrition in early summer fruit and vegetable juice

French carrot soup Sweet, cool, there are nourishing and detoxification, the effectiveness of spleen and stomach, known as “Little Ginseng” in said. Carrots are rich in carbohydrates, fat, volatile oil, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, anthocyanins, carotene, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Modern medicine has proven to be effective detoxification food carrots, it is not only rich in carotene, and contains a lot of vitamin A and pectin, and the body of mercury ions together, they can effectively lower blood concentrations of mercury ions to accelerate the body the discharge of mercury ions.

fungus … …>>DIY: Braised Fungus sandwich shrimp

Sweet, ping, detoxification detoxification, Qingwei Di intestine, and blood to stop bleeding and other effects. Ancient records, edible fungus, “Qi is not hungry, Qingshenjianfei strong annals.” Fungus is rich in carbohydrates, glial, brain phospholipids, cellulose, glucose, xylose, lecithin, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, has been well the “prime in the dirty.” Fungus contained in a plant gum, there is a strong absorption edge, the human digestive system can be left in the dust concentration of adsorbed impurities, and then eliminated from the body, which play a role in detoxification Qingwei.

kelp … … “” solution “secret” recipe: soya bean fragrant seaweed

taste salty brine, cold, with Phlegm and asthma, detoxification laxative effect. Kelp is rich in algin acid, mannitol, protein, fat, carbohydrates, crude fiber, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, Niacin, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other ingredients. In particular, is rich in iodine, on the human body is very beneficial to treat goiter and iodine deficiency caused by illness. It contains proteins, including 8 kinds of amino acids. Kelp iodide absorbed by the body, can accelerate disease and inflammatory exudation of the exclusion, there are lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, promote the role of excretion of harmful substances. At the same time, kelp also contains a substance called sulfated polysaccharide capable of absorbing the blood vessels of cholesterol, which they removed from the body, so that to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels. In addition, the kelp on the surface layer of slightly sweet taste with a white powder, is a very medicinal value of mannitol, with a good diuretic effects, one can treat drug poisoning, swelling embolism, therefore, kelp is an ideal Paiduyangyan食物.

mushrooms … …>>DIY: chicken stew mushrooms gourmet DIY: mushrooms Tendon cup

Sweet, cool, there is Qi and spleen, such as the effectiveness of detoxification Runzao. Mushrooms contain 18 kinds of amino acids glutamic acid, etc., in the body of the 8 kinds of essential amino acids, containing seven kinds of mushrooms on the same time, it contains more than 30 kinds of enzymes, as well as glucose, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, Niacin, Iron, phosphorus, and calcium components. Modern medical studies suggest that mushrooms contain many carbohydrates can increase the body’s immunity and detoxification capacity, inhibit cancer cell growth, enhance the body’s cancer-fighting ability. In addition, the mushrooms can reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent arteriosclerosis, yes, cardiac liver protection, Ning Ding-zhi God, promote metabolism and enhance the role of the body of waste excretion, etc. It is the best edible body detoxification Zhuang.

honey … … “” [diet] to see Sweet Honey 72 changes

nature, has always been nourishing to keep fit, the Jiapin Paiduyangyan. “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” record: “Jiufu Chi Qingshenjianfei strong, not old sickness.” Honey, rich in vitamin B2, C, as well as fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, high-quality protein, potassium, sodium, iron, natural spices, lactic acid , malic acid, amylase, oxidative enzymes and a variety of ingredients, right lungs cough, relax bowel, Paiduyangyan a significant effect. Modern medical studies have shown the major components in honey glucose and fructose, can be easily absorbed by the body to use. Eat honey to achieve emission of toxins, cosmetic beauty of the effect of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and neurasthenia is also very good.

cucumber … … “” freckle killer cucumber porridge hot body shape of fresh cucumber juice health drink

wonderful sweet natured, also known as cucumber, cucumber, melons and other thorns, originating in India, has obvious Qingrejiedu, Shengjinzhike effect. Modern medicine believes that cucumber is rich in protein, carbohydrate, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, while cucumber also contains alcohol acid, cucurbitacin, soft Fine fiber and other components, is a rare Paiduyangyan food. Cucumber cucumber contained acid, can promote the body’s metabolism, releasing toxins. Vitamin C content of 5-fold higher than the watermelon, can whitening your skin, maintain skin elasticity, inhibit melanin formation. Cucumber can inhibit carbohydrate into fat, lung, stomach, heart, liver and excretory system are very useful. Summertime easy irritability, thirst, sore throat or sputum, eating cucumber help alleviate inflammation.

Lychee … … “” the creation of “sex” life food

sweet, sour, warm in nature, there is Spleen Yigan, Shengjinzhike, detoxification effects such as diarrhea. Li’s in the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” said: “eat it regularly lychees, Bunao fitness … …” “carry-home food spectrum,” it reads: “lychee sweet warm and fragrant, truly inspired puzzle, fill refined liquid-filled, the provision of smell pain, Zi Xin Camp, Yanggan blood, fruit-US products, fresh enthusiast preferred. “modern medicine, litchi vitamin A, B1, C, also contain pectin, free amino acids, protein and iron, phosphorus, calcium and a variety of elements. Modern medical studies have shown that, lychees have kidney and liver function improved to accelerate the toxin exclusion, promote cell generation, so delicate and so the role of the skin, is an ideal fruit Paiduyangyan.

spinach … … “” Pine Mushroom Spinach Spinach salad mix

“Materia Medica truth” in mind: “Spinach, HE Shu-Jie Yan can benefit digestion. Gein slip while Tongqiao, spinach quality slip and profits, ordinary people a long time Disease stool unreasonable, and the anal fistula plug off of the people, suitable for all ages use it. also made to antipyretic drugs, alcohol poisoning, Gein then cold therapy heat, the smell of spinach only cold, that where a carbuncle swollen poison, and as a result of alcohol wet drug users should be suitably this in order to convince. and the drug and heat, not without first be the beginning of the stomach and intestines, and therefore willing to enter more from the medicine, spinach both slippery and cold, but also willing to taste, so they could be taking the Qing Xie , but make it hot from the stomach to do with the poison out of carry on. “

eat spinach a lot of people over the spring and summer season in order to make mustard spinach powder majority, at present a small restaurant to do this there are many of the Tao dish. Its approach is: Use boiled water, or mustard powder poured cold water will be open, and so out after spicy, and then hydrolysis of dilute, wash the spinach water, and then hot water boil for a short click to go to the surface of the pesticide or impurities, and then use spinach cold water poured off the boil for a short look, remove and cut into small pieces, placed in porcelain, by adding dilute solution of the mustard, vinegar, salt, sesame and other spices stand-by. Fans will be fine-cut two-inch-long segment, with boiled or broiled look and placed in a mustard sauce Stir in spinach, you can transfer to a plate food. This dish should not put soy sauce, to put the thin salt may be slightly put a little MSG, sesame oil was not to put more.

that weight loss, diet control would have to emphasize. However, you can not have such doubts? Why do I eat little or lost weight, but not down? May be because you accidentally intake of excess calories, so you accidentally eat every night as a habit thing, is your body’s deadly killer.

Celery … … “” health Porridge: celery congee to create beautiful legs of the 14 kinds of food

Celery contains a wealth of fibers can be the same as the purification unit, filtering the body of wastes. Regular consumption can stimulate the body detox, to deal with because of the accumulated body toxins caused by diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and so on. In addition, water celery can also adjust the balance of the body and improve sleep.


类别: 餐饮食品



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