为什么没有更多的淘大米长的泡沫? « City life wiki 城市百科



—————————— -厦门———————————————— -

时,通常做米饭或熬粥必须先淘金米,xx沉积物米,稗草,谷壳和其他杂质。应当指出桃米好,否则可能造成重大损失的营养。因为它载有大米蛋白质,碳水化合物,无机盐和维生素B1,维生素B2,烟酸等营养成分大多溶于或不溶于水,通过厦门,摩擦和浸泡,容易导致大量的损失,以及厦门和烹饪数字越高,越长,浸泡时间,桃米水闻较高的营养损失更多。它是衡量淘洗的米(2?3倍,维生素B1)失去29%?60%,维生素B2和烟酸损失23%?25 70无机盐,蛋白质损失16%%的损失%,43%,脂肪损失,碳水化合物损失2%。



时,通常做米饭或熬粥必须先淘金米,xx沉积物米,稗草,稻壳和其他杂质。应当指出桃米好,否则可能造成重大损失的营养。因为它载有大米蛋白质,碳水化合物,无机盐和维生素B1,维生素B2,烟酸等营养成分大多溶于或不溶于水,通过厦门,摩擦和浸泡,容易导致大量的损失,以及厦门和烹饪数字越高,越长,浸泡时间,桃米水闻较高的营养损失更多。它是衡量淘洗的米(2?3倍,维生素B1)失去29%?60%,维生素B2和烟酸损失23%?25 70无机盐,蛋白质损失16%%的损失%,43%,脂肪损失,碳水化合物损失2%。


Why are not more Amoy m long bubble?

m why it is not appropriate Amoy long bubble?


m Why are not more than a long bubble
——————————- Amoy ————————————————-
Source: Updated: 2005 10 Yue 10 Ri 13:45

generally done when the rice or Aozhou must first panning meters, to remove meters of sediment, barnyard grass, chaff and other impurities. It should be noted Taomi well, otherwise likely to cause significant loss of nutrients. Because it contained rice protein, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and other nutrients are mostly soluble or insoluble in water, through Amoy, rubbing and soaking, easily lead to a large number of loss; and Amoy, and cooking The higher the number, the longer the soaking time, Taomi Shui Wen higher losses of nutrients more. It is measured by the panning of the m (2 ~ 3 times) of vitamin B1 to lose 29% ~ 60%, vitamin B2 and niacin to lose 23% ~ 25% loss of about 70% of inorganic salts, protein loss of 16%, fat loss of 43%, carbohydrates lost 2%.

generally panning 2 ~ 3 times is appropriate, do not use hot water Amoy, but should not be soaked in water for a long time.
Thus, Taomi also pay attention to science, does not take many Amoy long bubble.

(Editor: ashley)

generally done when the rice or Aozhou must first panning meters, to remove meters of sediment, barnyard grass, rice husk and other impurities. It should be noted Taomi well, otherwise likely to cause significant loss of nutrients. Because it contained rice protein, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and other nutrients are mostly soluble or insoluble in water, through Amoy, rubbing and soaking, easily lead to a large number of loss; and Amoy, and cooking The higher the number, the longer the soaking time, Taomi Shui Wen higher losses of nutrients more. It is measured by the panning of the m (2 ~ 3 times) of vitamin B1 to lose 29% ~ 60%, vitamin B2 and niacin to lose 23% ~ 25% loss of about 70% of inorganic salts, protein loss of 16%, fat loss of 43%, carbohydrates lost 2%.

generally panning 2 ~ 3 times is appropriate, do not use hot water Amoy, but should not be soaked in water for a long time.
Thus, Taomi also pay attention to science, does not take many Amoy long bubble.


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