A Shaanxinese guy on life_山姆译社——— Sam Translation 专业翻译 ...



Here I am standing,

There I am staring,

Where am I thinking?

Of yesterday?

How gloomy is it today!

Less shiny than yesterday.

How will it be tomorrow?

What about the day after tomorrow?

Is it destined last year?

How cool it is,

To be young!


Troublesome as well,

Numb as I am,

Confronted with a mixture of love,

Nothing but killing time.

Grasses there are pell-mell,

Complaining about the awesome wind,

Squatting in the dirt,

Each and every day,

It seems so bothering.

Sometime else,

Life is not too bad.

Not only is it,

Full of flaunt and vogue.

What we are short of,

Is to grow by twisting

As banana does.

Life feels like comfortable,

Which calls for swiftness.

Thus do not stay idle,

But chatting……

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