

2010-04-29 16:53:28 阅读7 评论0 字号:

供水的管网将把水厂送出的自来水输配至千家万户,因此供水管网分布于 城市的每个角落,供水管网的管道长度少至数百公里,多至数千公里。 水的不可替代性和人们生存的必需性,决定了供水管网安全运行的重要性。但是由于主客观多方面的原因,管道往往要出现一些故障,管网总是要不断更新改造,用水户经常要有增减因此局部管段的停水现象就是难以避免。为了缩小停水范围,在管网内适当地安装控制阀门乃是十分必要。因此在一座城市的供水管网中,阀门数量成千上万,且无规则地分布于城市街道的下面。 阀门是一种“养兵千日,用于一时”的控制设备,平时要求阀门开启要到位,减少管段的水损失。一旦需要,阀门应能关闭迅速,切流可靠。 阀门的完好率,关系到阀门的选型、阀门的制造、管路的设计、阀门的组装、阀门的启闭作业及阀门的管理,当然最主要的原因还是阀门的质量。

“ Valve in the water supply pipe network role ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 等。

Water supply pipe network will send the water transmission and distribution to millions of households, so the water supply pipeline network located in every corner of the city, water supply network pipeline length as little as several hundred kilometers up to several thousand kilometers. Water is irreplaceable and the people the necessity of survival, the decision of the water supply network the importance of safe operation. However, due to various objective and subjective reasons, often have some trouble pipeline, pipeline network, must constantly update the transformation of water users often have changes in the local pipe so the phenomenon is difficult to avoid disruption of water supply. In order to narrow the scope without water in the pipe properly installed within the control valve but very necessary. So in a city water supply network, the number of tens of thousands of the valve, and no rules distributed in the city streets below. Valve is a kind of "the idea that Japan, for the moment," the control device, usually required to open the valve to be in place to reduce loss of water pipe. If necessary, the valve should be closed quickly, all current and reliable. Good rate of valve related to the valve selection, valve manufacturing, pipeline design, the valve assembly, valve opening and closing valve operation and management, of course, the main reason is the valve quality.

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