Cangzhou do a Korean restaurant? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

just arrived in Cangzhou, there is no good to ask the next South Korean restaurant, how to go, thank you!

some , Quzuo 8-way commercial vehicle to the North and get off, then go straight 500 meters, there’s wedding dreams come true shadow hug, and then move forward there is a “Korea delicious”, and taste good, the price can be.

Palace: Ring Road No. 2 Lake View Hotel

Deoksugung Korean cuisine: Stadium Road, No. 336 Xiang

Busan: Industry University next

Begonia Korean cuisine: flat sea 76 Film Building, 10th Floor,

Gyeongbokgung Korean cuisine: Huanglong Sports Center, 1st Floor, Heng Lai Hotel

Korea梦缘casual restaurant: West Plaza II on the second floor

Koguryo Korean cuisine: Man all the way Tsui Market 2 District 4 District, Jimei 8

Appetizer: vegetable production has also seen its standard of Gaoxia

This is a feature of Korean food, in the fasting sent Jidie dishes, although is an additional gift, but the vegetable production can also be found in their standard The Gaoxia. In general, the relative Li Palace was the most exquisite dishes, as well as the best kind, and almost always go beyond basic kimchi and seaweed than silk, the other dishes are updated, and each sent eight discs, in South Korea food is relatively more in store. Then there is the taste and Pusan Deoksugung incense, and then followed by Begonia (Begonia flower and vegetable taste good, but very little had improved, and South Korea unleavened a lot). As for the Gyeongbokgung Palace I really feel it is rather strange, the main consumer group should be students, but the price is relatively high, compared prices, do some dishes are bad.

BBQ: Pork is a certain points

in any South Korean restaurant, I suggest that pork is a certain points. For the pork a knife is concerned, the best performance is the Palace and the Begonia flower, but also clear-cut a “streaky.” Must not underestimate this knife, it relates to barbecue when the maturity and the full extent of the entrance. Serve pork, when is the ugliest form of this called my mother cooking in Busan incense, often only see the incomplete “three flowers flesh” appears.

barbecue Another key is its sauce. In terms of a single sauce to the sauce Deoksugung the most authentic, followed by the Palace, this point and they claim to be the authentic Korean food without much access. Busan fragrant sauce pretty tasty.

donated by South Korean barbecue in the lettuce leaves and garlic green pepper rings, which a number of restaurants are similar, but the Palace of cucumber and carrot is cut too large, and good entrance. It is worth mentioning that the Begonia flower food, he actually sent two lettuce and vegetable salad. Their sauce tastes excellent, but unfortunately, in the sauce added a lot more inside the southern milk, in order to taste done a much improved, a little pity.

In addition, when there is a suggestion to eat pork, it is best not to wipe store that sent the oil dish, or will overshadow their own meat because of leaking hot scent. In fact, Korean cuisine is sometimes also used instead of mulberry leaf lettuce packages barbecue or grilled seafood, the smell is very sweet, but restaurants do not provide all of Cangzhou mulberry leaves may be costing, as well as the reasons for Cangzhou tastes.

Dolsot Bibimbap: Ishinabe

must be authentic hot stone pot bibimbap, including the content of a casserole, a number of South Korean chili sauce, eggs, one or two, fried steak medium well (the above is almost, or liquid egg yolk); carrots, bracken, bean sprouts, clams child with Youchao good; good fried beef strips (also useful for pork). Ishinabe must be boiling hot, walls wiped vegetable oil, Garmisch rice, then add the rice and vegetables, it is necessary, level by level. The last place to store eggs. This is a basic process. Well, we now look at which of several to achieve this standard. The result is that people actually pleasantly surprised, in addition to Deoksugung other, each with a relatively up to standard. Taste the best are Gyeongbokgung Palace and Begonia flowers, Gyeongbokgung Palace, raw and cooked grain of rice degree of choice and the best incense in Busan is also good, Paragon is not very adapt to the taste of individuals, possibly because of failure of the container of choice, as well as Ishinabe too cool, resulting in more foam tastes.

South Korean miso soup and kimchi soup: miso soup is the basis for many South Korean soups

so-called other kinds of complex colorful soup, the essence of the feeding bowl of miso soup. Do not know miso soup is not derived from the Japanese miso soup, taste closer to, but because the South Korean miso soup to add a unique taste to come about rather thick. In which to add tofu, kimchi, or squid, add different types of price differences on the Bianshen a taste similar to a soup. Gyeongbokgung Palace, and are more kinds of soup, and tastes closer to original. Busan incense and flowers followed by Begonia, Deoksugung While many kinds of soup, but it gives people a feeling of excess kimchi.

Hot Pot: Deoksugung Palace and the Palace are more suitable for human taste Cangzhou

South Korea pot is actually a very simple soup, materials are not rich, is nothing more than some cheap vegetables and meat. And once cooked boiled too will be viscous, and a kind of chaotic feeling. Is not recommended stores typically offer kimchi hot pot, the taste is very Guadan. Cangzhou part of the South Korean restaurant also offers seafood hot pot. Seafood soup in Korea is considered a meal in the mean, although the South Korean practice of spices will mask the true nature of seafood, but it is very full-bodied mouth to eat, and even a little bit closer to Southeast Asia, seafood hot pot feel. In addition to Paragon, other than the taste of a few heavy pot. Deoksugung of the pot is relatively doing the most authentic, Begonia flower kimchi taste slightly more weight than the other two more moderate. But in my personal view, or Deoksugung Palace and Palace soup tastes better suited to Changzhou.

Cold Noodles: Begonia spent doing the most authentic and delicious

noodles are also a major feature of Korean cuisine, sour sweet, cool refreshing, add the sweet potato flour noodles thin and resilient, if such a drink in the summer, a bowl, then it is all due amused. Malus cold-faced flower is doing the most authentic and delicious, and Deoksugung Secondly, Gyeongbokgung Palace, followed Paragon worst. I went to Busan, a number of incense, one had no choice but cold-faced, not on the ballot. Then add, Lai Palace noodles while doing some bad, but the taste of fried noodles is absolutely overjoyed people are feeling personally recommend.

Dim Sum: Busan, the most fragrant sweet

seafood snack cakes, as well as snacks like potato pie, is South Korea is usually called koreanpizza or koreanpancake a pizza, Korean read chon. It is a bit like the north green onion pancake, but the eggs, flour, Riga, cakes outside of the above are in addition onion chives, advanced a little further with shrimp, squid and other seafood. Busan sweet fragrance of the most delicious dim sum, a kind of very rough but very warm feeling, and perhaps South Korea, in which his mother advertised results. Paragon can also taste a few cakes, but the price is too high, a little worth. Gyeongbokgung Palace and other snacks Begonia moderation, it is worth mentioning that Deoksugung, his original South Korean style, snacks advertised is really a very “Korean” — only for South Koreans to eat. There are other friends will also be fluent in Korean food

proposals on how to taste fried Korean rice cake, but I generally do not eat.

Wine and Tea: Real Lo and barley tea

Jinro against the water very much like shochu, it is difficult to drink dead, and your death will be drinking friends do not choose. Barley tea tea is provided, to maintain a consistent taste of surprise.

cutlery and the Environment: Palace

ranked first in terms of environmental and tableware, Lai Temple ranked first, second in Deoksugung (his tableware No, rough), Gyeongbokgung Palace and Begonia flower sub - of; Pusan Heung more narrow, especially if you want to on the trip in Busan and Hong toilet, you have to open the back door, and then after a period of abandoned buildings, in order to direct fairly clean toilets.

services and prices: To compliment the services of Begonia

Begonia flower may be due to poor location, business light of reason, and their enthusiastic and thoughtful services, in particular, where there is a beautiful during busy. Palace because business is good, so service is always busy to Mangqu in general. Deoksugung Gyeongbokgung Palace and the service seems to always be easy to take God, not to take the initiative and for pouring plates. Busan fragrant store is small, the work of service will garnish their stores to get a little dirty spots.

in terms of price, we can cite a few basic dishes, do a corresponding contrast. Gyeongbokgung Palace is just a matter of fact cost-effective package price comparisons, in addition to Zhejiang University student student cards can carry a discount price gap between before and after the relatively large, I do not include detailed entry comments. Begonia flowers are likely to be maintained for a long period of 8.8 per cent off, so the comparison was still in the original price.

for the price of pork, Lai Palace and Deoksugung are 40 yuan and 35 yuan, 25 yuan in the other two are from top to bottom; while pot is still Korea Palace and Deoksugung to 100 yuan and 98 yuan price of distant the lead, several other probably remain at about 40 yuan; Dolsotbap the price of the Palace is 45 yuan, 35 yuan Deoksugung Palace, the other two of the 25 yuan, but the personal humble opinion, these prices are slightly too high point; miso soup 4 the prices are 25-35 per hour, according to the different raw materials by adding plus or minus; noodles and dim sum palace is a 25 yuan among Korea, the other a few are 20.


类别: 餐饮食品




































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