玉溪电动车在等待飞行员培训观望提前« oursolo.net


玉溪师范学院张明磊本来想购买电动车可以是自“通知”的解决,买车的想法是停滞不前的- “购买此类车辆许可证必须学习,太麻烦了。”在同样的问题也困扰着骑了一年,刘套,电动车,在“通知”,他将前往电机提出了车管车牌照的汽车,并须学习驾驶,否则,明年,他的汽车在道路上不应该。目前,他是在等待和观望。 “有{yt}是{yt}能拖就死亡的卡点一遍。”

在玉溪,商人和消费者,同时经历了不同的难题时,由于交警部门发出一份“通知”,但在“通知”背后的交警部门也面临着许多问题,“如何管理该电动车突变,如何协调运动路稀缺资源,如何减少意外发生… …“

玉溪市”国家汽车消费的第二个潜在的“人均”私人汽车拥有量全省{dy}家。“10月15日,玉溪市发布”关于清洁汽油的训练集中自行车,电动自行车,电瓶车和无证驾驶行为的通知“,明确规定:{zg}车速大于二十零公里每小时或更高超过40公斤或汽车质量电机功率大于240W的电动自行车,到许可证管理,销售商不得再购买“的汽车三种类型。” 2007年11月1号,销售将被禁止,2008年1月1日,对不登记“三车”注册的,由公安交通管理部门将在检取,天花板和强制执行处罚的收集解体。虽然对这些车辆牌照驾驶,驾驶员必须有驾驶执照。

一份“通知”,影响到神经,更多的人选择观望… …


11月22日下午3时,20多个品牌的电动车经销商中卫玺在餐厅聚集社区,明亮的阳光扫去显然没有他们的脸上阴霾。根据从11月1日通知,他们未必畅销电动车,做的后果是,在不久的20多天的时间,经销商谁卖给少数电动车。上海电动车经销商立即告诉记者,一个月前销售超过100辆一个月,台湾至今没有售出3。新大洲本田,德资雅迪,城市猎人… …在实地玉溪这些电动车骂一次惊讶风云幸免电动汽车的品牌。现在,他们能做的就是走到一起考虑未来的出路。

“我很困惑,现在剩下继续这样做,或离开玉溪去别的地方。”立即电动车经销商对记者说。经过近一年的冷,每月租金销售,员工的工资是一个问题,只有依靠售后服务的收入已经很难维持一个店的正常运行,当电动车解除“有关部门” ,让进入紧张等待他观望中和无奈。




计划购买电动汽车已经撤退,花了两三千元,消费者购买的电动汽车将做什么工作? 21日上午,玉溪市公安局交警支队车辆管理与高仓方便点挤满前来登记结算电动自行车质量。据了解,为用户电动自行车得到解决,在带齐证件,如购买xx,使用规范,认证等,领取“机动车登记申请表”填写准确,完整的车辆尺寸测量例如扩大的程序,将能够安装盘。


-花57元,每天设置越来越多的电动车了用户的许可费。但是,不可否认的是,玉溪市有超过30,000家电动车(粗略估计),无牌车辆,列举了许多人仍然在等待和观望的态度。 “拖,耗着,避免”在接受记者采访时,调查,这是许多“车主”,常用词,“也许,{yt}的规定改变呢?”





Yuxi electric vehicle pilot training in the wait-and-see in advance

Electric cars still deserted store. Korea lazily turning owner of newspapers, from time to time outside瞅瞅or not a customer, put in the shop more than 30 units of electric vehicles has been laid on a lot of dust. Yuxi City since October 15 release “about clean-up training to concentrate Gasoline Bicycle, electric bicycles, battery cars and driving behavior undocumented circular” (hereinafter referred to as “circular”) since the Monopoly sitkin shop licensing of electric vehicles since the opening encounter most of the “cold.” Now, this “cold” has been attacked in Yuxi city, almost all of the electric car stores.

Yuxi Teachers College张明磊originally wanted to buy an electric car can be met since the “notice”, the idea of buying a car is stalled on - “buy a license of such vehicles must learn, too in trouble. “The same problems also plagued that riding for a year, Liu Tao, electric vehicles, under the” notice “, he will go to the car put up Che Kwun by motor vehicle license and was required to study driving, otherwise, next year, and his car on the road should not. Currently, he is in wait-and-see. “One day is one day able to drag it again on the point of death card.”

In Yuxi, businessmen and the consumers at the same time experiencing a different puzzles, because the traffic police department issued a “circular”, but in the ” circular “behind the traffic police department is also faced with many problems,” how to manage the mutation of the electric motor car, how to coordinate motor Road scarce resources, how to reduce the accident rate … … “

Yuxi City” national car consumption the second potential, “” per capita private car ownership is the first home province. ” October 15, Yuxi City releases “about clean-up training to concentrate Gasoline Bicycle, electric bicycles, battery cars and driving behavior undocumented notice”, which clearly stipulates: the maximum speed is greater than 20km / h or greater than 40kg or the quality of vehicle electrical power greater than 240W Electric Bicycle, to the license management; the sales are not permitted to re-purchase “the three types of cars.” November 1, 2007, the sales will be prohibited; January 1, 2008, the register for failure to register the “three cars”, the public security traffic management departments will be the implementation of the seizure, the ceiling and the collection of mandatory penalties disintegration. While driving on the licensing of these vehicles, the driver must have a driver’s license.

a “circular” and affects all nerves, more people choose to wait and see … …

business迷局: withdraw or remain

11月22日下午3 when more than 20 brands of electric vehicles yuxi dealers zhongwei community gathered in a restaurant, the bright sunlight sweep apparently did not go their faces haze. According to a circular from the November 1, they may not be sold over the electric car, so the consequences are, in the near more than 20 days time, the dealer who sold the few electric cars. Shanghai electric car dealer immediately told reporters that a month ago to sell Taiwan more than 100 cars a month now have not sold 3. Sundiro Honda, HARTING, City Hunter … … these electric cars in the field yuxi scold once astonished Fengyun spared the electric car brand. Now they can do is to get together to consider the future way out.

“I am really confused now, are left to continue to do, or leave yuxi to go somewhere else.” immediately distributor of electric vehicles, told reporters. After nearly a month of sales of cold, rent, staff wages are a problem, only to rely on after-sales service revenues have been difficult to maintain the normal operation of a shop, and when the relevant departments of the electric car “lifted”, and let him into a nervous wait-and-see Medium and helpless.

“I really wanted to vote with their feet, to other places again. But this way, it further damages the interests of consumers, I am gone, who for their warranty?” Say who did not want out the names of the dealers told reporters that “We are not just car also consider its own interests, you said that if the electric motor on board the card, went to the vehicle along, it was not the more dangerous it? We are not opposed to to electric cars listed, but not linked to the licensing of motor vehicles. “introduction in accordance with the relevant persons, the so-called standard of electric cars, a speed code table and thus fail to show the 45km / h, the highest can reach 38km / h, Once the vehicle onto the Road, a relatively slow speed electric vehicles to reduce not only the way of speed, but also susceptible to accidents.

in a fruitless discussion, many distributors have chosen to continue to stay in Yuxi market, but there are 4 dealers quietly left the Yuxi.

consumers迷局: buy or not buy

investigation at a press interview, have a considerable number of consumers, has given up the intention to buy electric cars. Zhongwei Mr. Feng, who lives in the community told reporters that as a result of their educational level is not high, no driver’s license through the theory exams, get driver’s license, buying a car also can not open. Yuxi Teachers College in the very fact that workers are told reporters that while the current insurance costs have made no mention of the prosecution fares, road maintenance and other issues, but one he thinks about his future will be “standard” electric cars into the ranks of motor vehicles, was on慌慌of.

plans to buy electric cars have to retreat and spent the next two to three thousand dollars to buy the electric cars to consumers will be done about them? 21 morning, Yuxi City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment Takakura management vehicles packed with convenience points to come to the Electric Bicycle Registration settled mass. It is understood that the electric bicycle for the user to be settled in带齐purchase documents, such as invoices, use the specification, certification and so on, collect the “motor vehicle registration application form” filled out accurately, the complete vehicle size measurement, such as expanding its procedures, will be able to installation plate.

“before I bought a electric car, less than a month on a theft, a case has been reported not find. now Well, to settle down after a new car stolen is not afraid, even if by stolen, the police also set up in accordance with the information to help me to find stolen vehicles. and test driver’s license, you can study the traffic rules and driving skills, regardless of their own, or on the road will benefit both the elderly and children. “to set up their own new car the郑兰英told reporters.

, according to the management of police vehicles introduction, since the beginning of November 1st for “three car” settled Registration procedures, the daily average of about 300 Bicycle, Electric Bicycle Registration to set up, together with the way the industry used cars Service points convenience market, as at 23, about 4,000 vehicles to complete set up.

toward the sound development of what appears to be - to spend 57 yuan per day license fee for set up of electric cars more and more users. However, it is undeniable that, in Yuxi city has more than 30,000 unlicensed vehicles electric vehicle (rough estimate), many people listed are still in wait-and-see attitude. “Dragging,耗着, avoided” in a press interview, investigate, which are many “car owners,” commonly used words, “perhaps, day provisions are changed then?”

Traffic police department: We

efforts have been made through various channels, Yuxi City Journalist and the traffic police detachment were contacted. Prior to the media for questioning the “three types of vehicle whether by motor vehicle to count, can take the vehicle” and so on, the traffic police department yuxi is also actively explore and practice. Because time is short, there is not a temporary stage results. However, some clues have been exposed, Yuxi City Che Kwun responsible for “three cars” listed on the police told reporters that the “three types of cars,” designated as motor management, in a short time trial in Yuxi, has yet to see the accident rate decline.

from several point of view, indeed have a positive purpose. On the license after stolen cars are not afraid, because the information base, it is easy to find. In addition, certain professional driving skills, study, help electric vehicles become more skilled users to operate, but also a better understanding of traffic rules to avoid potential risks. The police also told reporters that Yuxi City is trying to motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles in between, to electric cars to find a middle ground.

Now, to the licensing of electric vehicles such as motor vehicles are not required to pay the purchase tax as costs, but there are no mandatory requirements of insurance. Linked to motor vehicles only have a license, driver’s license study are unavoidable. Study time perhaps in a month or so, costs around 420, the relative low cost, it should be in the driver’s affordable.

electric cars in the Yuxi City caused by storm with the traffic police department for further work and calm down. However, in the “National Automobile consumption potential second”, “per capita private car ownership is the province’s home first” in Yuxi City, the beginning of the growing urban road congestion, as well as the rapid growth of the private car, and then joined the more than 20,000 vehicles electric cars will inevitably new pressures and topic. (07-11-26)

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