How the glutinous rice cake made? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

how to glutinous rice cake made? I had at home when the side of the farm are sold on the market that a small rectangular section of the cake, soft , and for home-cut, and can be soup can be cooked too long, thinking about how to eat can taste is also a good special. can be no fresh rice cakes to buy the north, supermarkets that do not taste good, does anyone know how to work the craft pudding? If you use glutinous rice powder directly to do, how to do? How molding? out how to do it again in order to eat glutinous, can you stick teeth? Thank you!

Ciba, in some places, also known as rice cakes, DCB Ci. Use made of glutinous rice is popular in some parts of southern China food, many areas in the south, people are used to produce before the Spring Festival, Chinese New Year, during and after the Chinese New Year food.

1. Ciba sources on the legend of

Legend Spring and Autumn Period, the courtiers Chu Wu Zixu defected to the Wu Fu Chou for the newspaper, trying to crusade Chu Wu Set to Kill. He came to help the king lu Wu firmly secured a Jiangshan became meritorious of Wu-chen. Soon after, he achieved his ambition, led by Wu Bing break the Kyoto Chu Ying Du, Chu tomb Bianshi to dig revenge. Since then, Wu Zixu a glimpse of Shen way. The rate of one king to his people built the famous “lu cities,” to prevent aggression. The city is completed, the king exultation. Only Wu Zixu depressed. He knew his many grudges, fear of the future was difficult to allow him. Return to their barracks after they have their own confidant said, “Big Wang and sorrow will not have a good end. I’m dead, such as the country was in trouble, people affected by hunger, in the phase gate (Suzhou, one of the eight gates), a city under the dig three feet, you will find boxes of food also. “lu’s son Fu-cha to the throne, after repeatedly rejected the advice of Wu Zixu, actually listen to slanderous talk, so that Zi Wen Wu Zixu died. Wu Zixu not expected, shortly after his death, took the opportunity to give Bing Fa Yue Gou Wu Wu capital would be surrounded. At that time, New Year, cold, fresh off the city the population was hungry, die of hunger everywhere, the state and the people were indeed a crisis. In this hour of crisis, people think of the Wu Zixu asked during his lifetime, he secretly dismantling the wall dig, it is surprising to find that the base is the city with cooked glutinous rice pressed into the masonry. It turned out that this is Wu Zixu under construction in the city will be a large number of glutinous rice steamed pressed into bricks let cool later, as the cornerstone of the walls down prepare against natural disasters grain reserves. People can not help but sigh Road, Wu Zixu really prescient! We will be sticky rice clumsy masonry, the crack, re-cooking, divide-and-eat. Later, in Chutian area, it is the end of every harvest, we use made of glutinous rice as the year “bricks” like Ciba as a way to pay homage to Wu Zixu. So far, Ciba is still the South before the Spring Festival every year people around the food must be done. Ciba some areas likely to be made into round, some small, some a symbol of harvest, celebration and reunion. In some areas, also known as rice cakes, this name is also the moral of luck and, often said: “rice cakes, rice cakes, years Toyohisa high.” Cakes of Suzhou Guanqian of Daoxiang cake as the best product. Here is a red lard rice cakes and nuts, sugar cakes. Make glutinous rice flour used in cakes thin and sweet, color BAI Liang, made of steamed rice cakes can be fried, tastes fragrant and sweet. Lard cakes have roses, sweet-scented osmanthus, Zaoni four varieties, the common feature is color, bright, fat-run Fragrant Glutinous Rice, a long time to eat tire. Our people to eat cake with southern-style, Northern-style of the points, Suzhou cake is a Southern-style cakes are very popular in the name of special products. Chinese New Year

People used to eating rice cakes. To the end of the year, maybe some families prefer to play it-yourself cake. Some of the unique nature of the cake can be very long, but also hardens. Why?

people are the Chinese New Year custom to eat rice cakes made with glutinous rice flour. Why is rice cakes can be very long? Why fight when the cake is very soft, after a period of time and harden it?

pudding lies in the nature of room-like structure
Many people believe that playing the cake hardens over time because of dry. Japan’s Musashi Hill Junior College, Professor of Nagashima Shenhao said it is not dry, is a rice cake contains changes in the structure of the starch hardens.
starch can be roughly divided into branch-like “amylopectin” and the chain of “amylose” two kinds of structures. Glutinous rice starch contains only amylopectin, rice starch in the two structures are. Amylopectin branch chain into between the dendritic structure, with the image of the metaphor a little can be said to constitute a branch and the branch between a “room.” Health and glutinous rice amylopectin in the “room” is a closed-exist.
the water steaming hot rice, the “room” door opened, water enters the “room”, so eat up a very soft texture. After cold “room” the door closed again, and eat up the hardware. If we steamed or baked pudding, even if the heating is not sufficient you can open the “door” and re-softened you eat. This tree structure of amylopectin is the cake can lengthen the real reason. Playing cake in the process of amylopectin into between the structure of intertwined with each other, just as in the tensile elongation of the chain when you can. In addition, if contains amylose can not stretch, it is easy to biting. Water Mill is a rice cake is made of powder as raw material, so there are straight-chain starch characteristics.


类别: 餐饮食品

怎么把糯米做成年糕?我以前在家的时候,那边的农贸市场上有卖那种小长方条的年糕,软软的,回家自己切了,可汤可炒,想怎么吃都可以,口感也特好.可北方没有新鲜的年糕买,超市里那种口感也不好,请问有谁知道做年糕的工艺? 如果用糯米粉直接做,怎么做? 如何成型?怎样做出来才能吃着又糯,可又不粘牙?谢谢!






将糯米加水蒸热时, “房间”的门就打开,水分就进入“房间”中,所以吃起来口感很软。凉了以后“房间”门又关上了,吃起来就硬。如果再蒸或烤年糕,即使加热不充分也可以打开 “房门”,重新变软可以食用。这种支链淀粉的树状结构正是年糕能拉长的真正原因。在打年糕的过程中,支链淀粉之间变成互相缠绕在一起的结构,就好像在拉伸链条时能够伸长。另外,如果含有直链淀粉就不能伸长,很容易咬断。水磨年糕则是以粳米粉为原料制成,所以有直链淀粉的特征。

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