如何识别干海参« Live in China 混在中国



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How to Identify dried sea cucumber

Duocheng dried sea cucumber dried hard like, just from the appearance of identification, see how to identify the body of a sand, did not remove internal organs, salt, whether made open to the required number?


. [dried sea cucumber identification with the fa]

sea cucumber is a high nutritional value of marine echinoderms, rich in high-protein and various trace elements, cholesterol free, low - fat, is listed as sea Bazhen one. Are many kinds of sea cucumber, Stichopus japonicus produced in the North s most famous and expensive, there is the king of sea cucumber in the world.
will be processed into dried sea cucumber, not only to facilitate storage, transport, and after the consumption of fresh water, fat and delicious, taste good. Generally dried sea cucumber processing processes roughly as follows: fresh sea cucumber as raw material, through the removal of offal, boiled, salted, drying process is made. According to the provisions of aquatic industry standards, dried sea cucumber of the quality indicators, including sensory, salt, water, net content, etc.. According to recent years, Yantai, Quality and Technical Supervision of the market test results, excessive salt the main cause of product failure. National standards require that an amount of goods, dried sea cucumber salt ≤ 40%, qualified product of ≤ 50%, but some failed in the dry sea cucumber salinity as high as 80%. This is because the dry sea cucumber market, expensive, causing some processors to reap colossal profits, not hesitate to resort to deception, to all kinds of despicable means to absorb more of the salt sea cucumber or filled with salt and other body substances, seq charge excellent, making low-grade sea cucumber sold at exorbitant prices, to deceive consumers.
when consumers choose to buy dried sea cucumber shape integrity, straight thorns, with a knife to open the dried sea cucumber cross-sectional view, meat fat, the body clean; water in the organization after the close, elastic, sea cucumber shape intact. The poor-quality dried sea cucumber to open cross-sectional view, thin meat, salt thickness in the meat layer, decaying almost did not see a succulent sea cucumbers. There are more than can be seen in vivo intestine, sand, salt and other impurities by blisters or Shaozhu later, there is no flexibility or even erosion.
in daily life, consumption of dried sea cucumber hair system is the key. Fa a direct impact on its effectiveness. In the north, the average family generally used with hot water treatment. The specific method is: Use clean, oil-free containers with fresh water will be dried sea cucumber soaked in 24 hours or so, and then cut from the openings, remove the Sha Tau, impurities, washed Simmer 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of sea cucumber may be), to be a natural cool water after the removal of sea cucumber body ribs, and back to the net blisters 2-3 days, during which need to change the water once a day, water temperature is best 5-10 ℃. Fa good, you can rely on their individual tastes to produce a variety of delicious dishes. Northerners in particular the elderly and the infirm who have to eat one a day during the winter dry sea cucumber as a good-emptive tonic Jiapin habits. For the convenience of eating can be a good hair system, dried sea cucumber wrapped with plastic wrap, place the frozen refrigerator, food can be when the water thawed.

industrial and commercial law enforcement officers to remind consumers:
buy dried sea cucumber should pay attention to one view, two touch, three smell.
first to see the appearance of sea cucumbers are complete, whether the damage to the signs of skin;
followed by light touch to hand-sea cucumber, dried sea cucumber body feel whether there is foreign matter and barbed head, is it easy to fall off;
Last News about whether there are bubbles in the water Huo Jian s pungent taste.

224 dry sea cucumber-emptive
Identification and high nutritional value sea cucumber is a marine echinoderms, rich in high-protein and various trace elements, cholesterol free, low-fat, are classified as sea Bazhen one. Are many kinds of sea cucumber, Stichopus japonicus produced in the North s most famous and expensive, there is the king of sea cucumber in the world.
will be processed into dried sea cucumber, not only to facilitate storage, transport, and after the consumption of fresh water, fat and delicious, taste good. Generally dried sea cucumber processing processes roughly as follows: fresh sea cucumber as raw material, through the removal of offal, boiled, salted, drying process is made. According to the provisions of aquatic industry standards, dried sea cucumber of the quality indicators, including sensory, salt, water, net content, etc.. According to recent years, Yantai, Quality and Technical Supervision of the market test results, excessive salt the main cause of product failure. National standards require that an amount of goods, dried sea cucumber salt ≤ 40%, qualified product of ≤ 50%, but some failed in the dry sea cucumber salinity as high as 80%. This is because the dry sea cucumber market, expensive, causing some processors to reap colossal profits, not hesitate to resort to deception, to all kinds of despicable means to absorb more of the salt sea cucumber or filled with salt and other body substances, seq charge excellent, making low-grade sea cucumber sold at exorbitant prices, to deceive consumers.
when consumers choose to buy dried sea cucumber shape integrity, straight thorns, with a knife to open the dried sea cucumber cross-sectional view, meat fat, the body clean; water in the organization after the close, elastic, sea cucumber shape intact. The poor-quality dried sea cucumber to open cross-sectional view, thin meat, salt thickness in the meat layer, decaying almost did not see a succulent sea cucumbers. There are more than can be seen in vivo intestine, sand, salt and other impurities by blisters or Shaozhu later, there is no flexibility or even erosion.
in daily life, consumption of dried sea cucumber hair system is the key. Fa a direct impact on its effectiveness. In the north, the average family generally used with hot water treatment. The specific method is: Use clean, oil-free containers with fresh water will be dried sea cucumber soaked in 24 hours or so, and then cut from the openings, remove the Sha Tau, impurities, washed Simmer 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of sea cucumber may be), to be a natural cool water after the removal of sea cucumber body ribs, and back to the net blisters 2-3 days, during which need to change the water once a day, water temperature is best 5-10 ℃. Fa good, you can rely on their individual tastes to produce a variety of delicious dishes. Northerners in particular the elderly and the infirm who have to eat one a day during the winter dry sea cucumber as a good-emptive tonic Jiapin habits. For the convenience of eating can be a good hair system, dried sea cucumber wrapped with plastic wrap, place the frozen refrigerator, food can be when the water thawed.
236 How to Identify the quality of sea cucumber sea cucumber
high content of protein and easily digested, lipid-rich, multi-unsaturated fatty acids, nutrient balance is extremely beneficial to the human body. Thus, the sea cucumber has become highly respected high-end food products to consumers. However, the current sea cucumbers on the market of varying quality, if not master the relevant knowledge, taken in the time of purchase is very easy to lose. You may wish to introduce you to listen to our method of selection of sea cucumbers.
1. physique full upright. This is very important because it illustrates the extent and quality of fresh sea cucumber quality. The sea cucumber is often incomplete and traders will be left after the partial removal of corruption, and the other, distorting the shriveled body shape is illustrated in this sea cucumber fishing has been a long time, such a sea cucumber-prone diseases, susceptible to deterioration caused by microbial contamination.
2. enough to do, that is, less than 15% moisture content. As the sea cucumber is expensive, so the lower the moisture content of the more cost-effective, and some businesses in order to reap high profits, often mixed with sea cucumbers in the water too much, not only enable consumers to lose out on price, but also conducive to high moisture content microbial growth and reproduction, is not conducive to the preservation and shelf life sea cucumbers.
3. pale mouth, strong and shiny. Is strong, is there shiny, indicating the nutritional richness of sea cucumbers. In the food rich waters of the sea cucumber growth and survival of mature, nutrient content was high, the value of the natural was also high.
4. the size of uniform, the belly-free sand. Some of whom are to reap huge profits, using illegal means, to the belly of fill sand sea cucumber in order to increase the weight.
In addition to these four points away from, please note: to buy sea cucumber to go to ensure the credibility of state-owned shopping centers and businesses to avoid being deceived, causing unnecessary losses.

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