
Acid Number(AN) Milligrams Of KOH requirdd in tests tO neutralize all the acidic constituents present in a lg sample Of a petroleum product??Also formally called the Neutralization Number??this property is often used tO indicate the extent of con-tamination or oxidation Of used oils.
???(AN) ????к??????к?1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ù?????????????????????
Additive Any material that is incorporated into a product at relatively low concentration tO impart new properties Or enhanceexisting properties??
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Aniline point the minimum temperature for complete miscibility Of equal volumes Of aniline and the sample under test??Products containing aromatics or naphthenes have lower anilinc points than products containing paraffins??
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Antiwear(AW) Agent Additive that is active in preventing damage caused by occurrence Of solid phase welding between sliding surfaces without local surface melting??
???(AW)???? ????????????????????????????????????????????Ч?????????????????????????????????????????
APl Service Classification —A system Of letter designations agreed On by APl??SAE and AStM tO define broad classes Of engine service??Also a system Of service classifications for automotive gear lubricants??
APl???ü?????? ??API??SAE??ASTM????????????????????????????????????????????????ü????????????????????????ü???
Aromatic A hydrocarbon derived from??or characterized by the presence of the benzene ring
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Bactericide Chemical compotmd which has the property of killing bacteria
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Base Number(BN) Quantity of hydrochloric(ASTM D974)or percldoric(ASTM D2896)acid expressed in mil ligrmns of KOH equivalent that is required to neutralize all the basic constituents of a l g sample of a petroleum product??
This property is uscd to indicate the capacity of an oil to counter the corrosive effects of acidic products of combustion??
???(BN) ?к??????l??????????????????????????????(ASTM D974)???????(ASTM D2896)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Bright Stock Refined??high viscosity lubricating oil usually made from residual stocks by suitable treatment??such asa combination of acid treatment or solvent extraction with dewaxing or clay finishing.
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Carbon Residue Standardized test which measures the amount of carbon left behind after pyrolysis under standard conditions.
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Cleveland Open Cup(Oc)Tester Apparatus used to detemine the flash and fire points of most petroleum productswith flash pemks above 79?档
?????????????(COC)???? ????????????79?????????????????????á?
Cloud point Temperature at which a moticea ble cloud of crystals or other solid material appears when a sample is cooled ender prescribed conditions.
??? ??涨?????£??????????????????????????????(??????????????о????γ?????????????????)
Complex Grease A lubdcating grease thickened by a complex soap consisting Of a normal soap and a comPlexmg agent??
The use Of soap complexes gives products which have higher dropping points than similar lubricants made from normal soaps??
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Defoamants(Foam lnhibitor) Additiveused used in lubricating oilst to assist the collapse Of surthce layers Of foam caused by agitation Of the release of entrained Or entrapped air??
????????(????????) ????????С?????????????????????????????(?????????????γɡ?????????衢?????????????д?????????????????????)
Demulsibility Property of a lubricant tO separate from water.
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Density The mass Of liquid per unit Of volume Of substance at 15?森
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Detergency Property Of a lubricating oil to reduce or prevent deposits formed under high temperature conditions Or as a re-suit Of the action on the oil of acidic c

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郑重声明:资讯 【机械油,润滑脂型号和用途阿里巴巴fengansen123456的博客BLOG】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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